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"You haven't left this room in like 3 days jen.." Lily walked in suddenly.

"I told you I don't feel well." I sighed.

"No you told Richard you don't feel well. I know you're in a rut, depressed and anxious now I know how you're feeling I've been keeping an eye on you." She sighed sitting on the edge of the bed where I was lying down.

"Please please don't tell Richard." I breathed sitting up in bed for a moment.

"I know it's hard but secrets like this cant be kept anymore. He needs to know what's going on with his girlfriend. If you don't feel you can tell him comfortably then you need to end it Jen it's not worth it." Lily shrugged.

"Lily I love him so much..."

"Honey I don't want to be mean but I don't think you do love him. You love the servant he is to you, you love the memory of maisie you share, you love the idea of a boyfriend... not him." She sighed painfully because she had to say it out loud.

"Lil you don't understand just because I can't tell him this one secret does not mean I don't love him. It's just a big thing he got really angry when I told him last time and went into the darkest place ever." I started to cry.

"I didn't want to upset you. I was just saying what I thought was true. If it's not then prove me wrong..." she smiled at me.

"Thanks for the advice but I'm fine." I nodded.

"Well you better be because isn't violet coming tomorrow?" Lily raised her eyebrows.

"Yes oh crap yeah I better call Richard now because I've got to go and pick Violet up so I won't see him tomorrow." I sighed.

"Maybe if you hadn't pretended you were sick Richard would be here." She smirked standing up to leave.

"Okay very nice see you later go to class." I smiled getting out of bed.

"You'll be ok?" Lily asked.

"Fine. I promise." I nodded as I picked up my phone to call Richard and Lily left.

"Hey." I put on my best happy voice I could for him.

"You sound better." Richard said down the phone.

"Yeah good I thought you could come over tonight now I'm feeling better. I won't see you tomorrow because I'm going to pick up violet and I might stay over night at home..." I explained.

"Oh I wish you had said earlier I just agreed to go to the pub with Harry and more people from his work. I would cancel but I really wanna be on good terms with them seeing as I'll be graduating this year and taking over Dad business." Richard said.

"Oh that's ok, I'll just see you the day after, uhh Monday is it?" I asked.

"Nope remember I'm going home for a few days?" He sighed.

"No I don't remember..."

"I told you didn't I? Mum wants help for a few days in half term while the kids nanny is away. I swear I told you..." he explained.

"Well I guess I'll be busy with violet anyway so.. I'll see you what? Wednesday or Thursday or later?" I asked.

"Thursday latest I think." Richard said quickly. "Alright so call me tomorrow I've got to run, I'll be late to class and I've got to go straight to the pub after."

"Ok, I'll call you." I sighed and he hung up straight away.

- - - - -

The next day I was meant to ring Richard but I didn't feel like it after our conversation it felt weird. So I didn't ring and instead I just got in my car early Saturday morning and drove home.

"Hey." I said stepping in the front door. I heard some yelling from upstairs and avoided the stairs and went into the lounge.

Violet was happily playing with her toys and grace wasn't there, must have been with them upstairs.

"Jenna." Violet smiled walking up to me and hugging me.

"Why are mummy and daddy shouting?" I whispered.

"They didn't sleep because grace was up all night sick." Violet explained.

"Oh I see. I'm going to go say hi see if I can stop them shouting too loud." I nodded as I left her to play and went up the stairs where the shouting just got louder and louder.

"Hey! Stop this both of you." I snapped as I reached the top of the stairs and there was Dad and Rachel arguing over something stupid like what clothes grace should be wearing.

"Jen..." Dad sighed.

"Jenna no offence but leave us for a sec." Rachel frowned.

"I will leave if you two stop shouting. You realise you're upsetting Violet who is well aware of the arguing going on and I'm sure Grace picks up on it too even if she isn't even a year old yet." I snapped.

"Sorry jen I told you we're having problems. Are you staying tonight?" Dad asked.

"Yes if I can take you two fighting. I don't want to drive all the way back to uni now." I explained.

"I'm going out now anyway don't worry." Rachel shrugged looking at me as she held grace on her hip and walked down the stairs.

"Taking grace?" Dad called.

"Yes!" She replied.

"Gosh you two really need a break from something. I'm taking violet but can you get a babysitter for Grace for a few nights or one night so you two can work this out? It's none of my business but it's not healthy." I said to Dad.

"I'm sure someone can take grace for a night. Without violet will be enough to calm us down." Dad explained.

- - - - -

"Okay violet have we got everything? Your suitcase, your bag of toys and books. Here's your iPad..." I muttered as I strapped her into the back of my car in her car seat, Well booster seat. "Say goodbye to mummy and daddy."

"Bye violet, we'll see you next week alright?" Rachel leant forward in the car and kissed her forehead.

"Bye Mummy." Violet mumbled a little teary.

"See ya vi," dad smiled at her and winked.

"Bye bye daddy." She said blowing a kiss to him.

"You're going to have such a fun time with your sister you won't even have time to miss us ok?" Rachel smiled at her.

Violet giggled said her final goodbyes and I got in the car smiling at Dad briefly.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now