New guest?

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In the end, the boys decided they were going to this really cool restaurant and bar and chill out instead of going out and then all of us girls ended up there too and we got all ready to go out and then never went because we played pool and hung out until we got tired.

The next morning was our 3rd full day here, not including the night we spent here the first day, and it was probably the weirdest day I have ever experienced.

Lily came into my room and was asking me some really weird questions. Like she was trying to distract me from something. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was being smothered by Lily offering to bring my breakfast up to me.

"I'll go down and get it myself," I told her.

"Yeah but you haven't done your hair yet, it's still wet and you haven't even properly got dressed!" She moaned at me.

"Since when do I have to be fully dressed and have my hair done for breakfast?!" I moaned at her.

"Since... I said so." Lily muttered.

"You're being weird..." I sighed at her. "Have you seen Richard? He was gone when I got out of the shower,"

"I have not...seen...him." Lily mumbled slowly.

"You're lying, why are you being weird?!" I groaned at her.

"I'm not being weird just... please do your hair." She moaned.

"You don't want me to go downstairs? Why?" I asked.

"Jen, please."

I ran to the door then as she tried to leap up and get in front of me but luckily she wasn't very fast these days so I beat her there. I ran to the top of the stairs and then stopped. I heard a familiar voice. I slowly stepped down as the stairs curled around the corner into the kitchen.

I watched through a gap in the banister, Richard and... Molly?

I walked back up the stairs slowly and turned to Lily who was stood there at my door.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I whispered suddenly feeling very ill.

- - - - -

We stepped into my room and immediately Lily started asking questions.

"You didn't break up?" Lily questioned.


"You didn't fight? Argue? Any other synonyms for fight?" She laughed.

"No, nothing," I repeated.

"Then why the hell is Molly here?" She shouted.

"I don't know! I asked you! When did she get here? This morning? Is she staying?" I asked many questions to which Lily had no answers.

"I have no idea," Lily said. "I mean they haven't been a thing for almost two years now Jen, nothing has come of it..."

"But that's not true. They've had contact... or I don't know, I saw this letter addressed to her in his bottom draw when I was in his flat, but it was after Christmas and I was too hungover from the night before to notice it or read, I only just remembered it now." I told her.

"Letter?" Lily frowned. "Who sends letters?"

"People who want to say something that can't be found on their phone." I sighed.

"You think..."

"I don't know what I think," I mumbled. "But it must be bad if he was keeping from me. We promised no more secrets."

"Ha!" Lily laughed.

"Something you'd like to share?" I asked.

"Just you keep a lot of secrets from him Jen and keeps LOTS from you."

"Like what?" I moaned.

"Like when you kiss guys when we're out and then don't tell him the next day." Lily sighed.

"That's happened once and I told him a few days later." I moaned. " What did he keep from me?"

"Well...I don't know. He wouldn't tell me." Lily said nervously, though I could tell she had something on her mind.

"Maybe I should go down?" I mumbled.

"Sure, go on," Lily confirmed.

- - - - - -

When I went downstairs I was really quiet and then suddenly didn't see Molly at all. I just saw Richard stood there by the door and then Max and Holly on the sofa in the other room.

"Hey." I smiled at Richard. "Where's the guest gone?"

"Guest?" Richard said surprised.

"Molly? I... heard she was here." I covered for myself.

"Oh right yeah. She's in the bathroom--" Richard said as she appeared from the toilet door and then smiled right at me.

"Hey, Jenna," Molly said happily.

I was pretty sure she hated me. I broke her and Richard up, well I thought that anyway. I kissed Richard and then a few weeks later they aren't a thing anymore. I'm sure Molly held me accountable. She was head over heels for him back then.

"Hi, you alright? What are you doing here..." I blurted out almost very suddenly.

"Oh, so funny story..." Richard began, "well I invited Molly to use our beach house this summer and I totally got the dates wrong."

"That is funny, you were coming here alone?" I asked her.

"Yes," Molly smiled awkwardly. "I was going to meet some friend who was having their holiday here this summer."

"I was just telling Molly that she could stay here because we still have that spare room in the basement." Richard smiled at me.

"Oh sure, yeah." I smiled.

"Don't be silly I'll stay at the hotel my friends are at or I'll find another place. I'm not going to wreck your week away." Molly laughed but we all knew she didn't mean it. Something fishy was going on.

"Molly it's fine. Stay here." I demanded.

"What?" Richard laughed looking down at me.

"Well like you said we have the basement." I laughed.

"Okay, if you insist. This would be way cheaper for a poor student." Molly smiled at us both and then went to get her stuff from the car.

"You're very okay with all of this? Are you feeling alright?" Richard said to me as I sat down to have breakfast with him.

"I have my ex here, why not have your ex here too." I smiled across at him as we ate, of course, I was referring to Matt and we both knew that was totally different but Richard clearly didn't want her here, even though she forced her way in and I wanted to know why.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant