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"Hey Richard." Lily said as I brought him into the flat for the first time.

"Hey you alright lil?" He hugged her as they hadn't seen each other in a lot longer than us and they were friends too.

"Not bad." She smiled. "Matts just finishing up in class but he'll be back in a bit. For now have a look around our new place and its good to have you back." Lily grinned.

"Thanks lil." I smiled. "So this is the kitchen/living room.

"This place is nice." He said looking around the place it was nice. There was a large kitchen with a living room attached and then large windows letting in a lot of light.

"Come see my room." I smiled pulling him out of the kitchen and to my bedroom.

"Oh wow see I knew you were a good interior designer." Richard laughed as he saw my room.

It was decorated pretty good, I am very passionate about having a nice and tidy room because it's where I do most of my work.

"This flat... it's just me, lily and Matt so my plan was... and I've checked with them to continue living here once I've had the baby." I explained.

"Oh uh of course sure." He nodded.

"That means you as well rich. You can live here with me just like Matt and lily share." I smiled.

"Yeah it's just I don't know where I'll be in January I haven't had a chance to process the news you know... cause well I'm meant to head back to New York in a few weeks but that was before I knew..." Richard sat down on the edge of the bed a little perplexed.

"Oh of course. I've known this for ages and you're still processing it all..." I nodded sitting down next to him.

"Don't get me wrong jen I'm so happy I cannot have asked for anything better than this... but I just haven't thought about work yet and so I don't know where I'll be living..." he sighed and I could see how he was getting more stressed but trying not to show it.

"Hey no stress. Forget about work for now let's just chill out and enjoy being with one another." I smiled across at him holding his hand gently.

"Yes I like the sound of that." He looked into my eyes and smiled wide as we kissed gently.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I pouted.

"I know I've been gone and you were upset about that... I was too but I've never seen you so happy and comfortable in life Jen." Richard said still holding my hand.

"I am happy. I've been working through some stuff and for a while I was really upset about being pregnant you know? I brought back bad memories but now I just keep thinking... well I'm going to have a kid soon." I grinned. "Nothing makes me happier."

"Nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy." He said which was odd for Richard because he was usually very sappy and cutesy.

- - - - -

"Are you going to find out the gender?" Lily asked as we had dinner that evening.

"I don't know..." I shrugged looking across at Richard as we ate at the table.

"Did you know Maisie was a girl?" Matt asked suddenly.

"Oh uh yeah I think we did." Richard nodded. "Well you knew before I did." He laughed glancing at me.

"I told you like a week after I knew." I rolled my eyes.

"Because you were in that bus crash and had to tell me! Otherwise I think you'd have kept it a secret until she was born." Richard joked around.

"I'm not that mean." I laughed. "I do think I'd like to know because I'd like to be able to narrow names down you know?" I laughed.

"Of course yeah." Lily grinned.

She was always one for wanting to name a baby. She tried for ages to convince me that Lily was the perfect name for any child of mine.

"I actually wanted to surprise you but I guess I'll just say it, I have an ultrasound booked for tomorrow..." I smiled looking over at Richard sat beside me.

"We can find out tomorrow?" He grinned.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Amazing we will have to go out for dinner to celebrate tomorrow then." Lily smiled.

"You just want to be the first to know what the gender is... I'll call you lily don't worry." I laughed at her.

Lily had actually been a great help these last 3 months since I found out I was pregnant and I decided to not tell Richard. The 1st trimester is tricky cause you just feel sick and all the worse symptoms and Lily was there for all of it.

- - - - -

3 months ago

"Uh Lily I'm pregnant." I said coming out of the bathroom in Lily's house and going into her bedroom.

"You are? Wait what?" She jumped up from the bed and leapt over to me as I was stood frozen holding one of those cheap pregnancy tests.

I often took the tests because while Richard and I weren't trying to get pregnant we never used any kind of contraceptive and we assumed when the time was right my body would tell me when I was ready to have a kid again.

So I carried these tests around with me all the time and I was staying at Lily's for a week during the summer just after I got back from New York. I told her I hadn't taken one in over a month so she said for 'fun' I should just do it.

Little did I know it would be the day I found out I was pregnant.

"Yeah I uh was not expecting that..." I said as lily took the test from my hand and I went and sat on her bed nervously.

"God I thought it was a joke... asking you to go take one. Uh you did mention to me that you thought you'd gained weight last month." Lily smiled.

"I guess I thought I was just putting weight on now I was eating properly again." I shrugged still a little shocked.

"Jen do not be scared by this yeah? This is good news! You've wanted this since Maisie... you even told me so." Lily said sitting down next to me on the bed.

"I know I just didn't think it'd happen so soon. I thought my body was rejecting it after the miscarriage..." I hummed.

"You said you'd let your body decide and it has..." Lily grinned she was so happy for me. I was happy too I was just also pretty nervous.

"Yep." I didn't say much.

"Jenna listen to me, how about you go do the fancier test and we will have an idea how far along it is..." Lily said to me.

I had only done one of those cheap tests that showed the line but I still had one that was digital and even told you how many weeks.

"+3 weeks..." I said handing lily the digital test now.

"Oh wow." She said. That meant something to the both of us. I had seen Richard just over a week ago which means it didn't happen then. The last time I saw him before that was 5 weeks before that.

So the minimum weeks pregnant I was, was 6. And even then just before he left we didn't exactly have sex every night. So possibly more than that.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now