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"Hey babe." Richard kissed my cheek as he was all dressed up in this very expensive suit for his graduation. He hadn't gone to get his cap and gown yet because it was so hot today and he wasn't leaving it until the last minute to add more layers to the mix.

"Hey you excited?" I smiled up at him.

"I guess so yeah. I'm glad I actually made it here... who woulda thought I actually passed everything." Richard joked.

"You're smart don't pretend you're not." I smirked.

"You look amazing." He smiled holding my hands and locking eyes with me. I was wearing a dress from modelling that was a pale blue and down to the floor and all flowy so it was cool in this weather.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Can I ask why you're stood all the way out here if you look so amazing?" Richard asked as I was waiting for him in the gardens of the university away from the main building.

"Because I'm trying really hard to avoid your parents for as long as possible." I smirked.

"I don't blame you. I wish I could too, but unfortunately it is photos right after I get this gown on and I want you to be in a few pics if you could? My parents will also be there." Richard explained.

"Yeah of course, I don't mind." I nodded. "What time does the graduation start?" I asked.

"In About two hours? I think..." he shrugged.

"Better go then." I held his hand as we walked towards the building to go and collect his gown.

- - - - -

Photos weren't that bad because I was never in a photo with his parents so I stood to the side while the photographer did his thing and then stood with Richard when it was my turn.

We still had over an hour to go before the actual graduation and his parents really wanted him to show off to his friends so I disappeared and went to grab lunch.

When I came back I was greeted by Richard running up to me looking distressed.

"I can't stand them officially." Richard shouted at me as we stood by a tree away from the university.

"Who? Your parents?" I asked.

"They're idiots. I hate them." He was flipping out and going crazy all of a sudden.

"Richard, what's wrong? What did they do now?" I scoffed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow..." he panicked.

"Leaving? Where?" I asked.

"My dad politely informed me that since I'm graduating this year and not doing a year out, I'm moving to New York." Richard looked furious.

"You're kidding?" I frowned.

"Apparently I cant sit around all summer. I've got to start work now and they need me to run the business in New York." Richard hummed.

"What? Are you joking? When do you leave?" I asked.

"Sunday. I have tomorrow to pack and that is it." Richard looked furious I don't think I'd ever seen him this angry. Ever.

"What about our trip... and our summer together before you had to start work." I pouted,

"I don't know," he sighed.

"This sucks, we had the whole summer planned out. I'm ready to be a proper girlfriend and everything but your shitty parents..." I frowned.

"I'm not going. After everything you've been through, we've been through, I can just get up and leave. I don't want to go to New York and work for some newspaper my dad owns. I don't!" Richard snapped.

"I think it'll be good for you but the timing sucks. I don't know what to say." I had no words.

"I promise you Jen I'm not going." Richard sighed angrily.

"I don't see how you have a choice." I sighed.

And in that moment a voice played over the speaker and called all the graduates.

I went to find my seat and Richard disappeared to his separate seat.

- - - - -

After the graduation ceremony I just stood there happy for Richard leant up against a tree as I watched Richard hanging out with his friends and taking some pictures.

I turned around to get the sun out of my eyes and spotted his dad walking back from having a smoke off the premises.

"Hi." I said bluntly walking up to his dad.

"Oh uh hello Jenna." He scoffed a bit shocked to be confronted by me. "Were you at the Uh ceremony?" He asked.


"Must not of seen you."

"Well I was there." I hummed.

"Well I didn't see you." He shuffled his feet awkwardly.

"Why are you doing this?" I snapped suddenly.

"I beg your pardon?" His dad frowned.

"Did you not know that Richard and I had plans this summer?" I scoffed.

"I did not know that." He sighed.

"Oh yeah because why would a guy make plans with his girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

He had no words just awkwardness.

"Why are you making him fly across the world with him? Do you hate me that much?" I sighed.

"I don't hate you." He mumbled lighting another cigarette. "Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm Richards girlfriend..."

"I have no opinion on my sons love life unless involves him having a child. I don't get involved with Richards personal stuff." His dad shook his head.

"Then why send him away? You don't want to get involved in his personal stuff then make him work for you sure! But in this country not a million miles away from all his friends and his girlfriend." I moaned at him.

"I am not sending him away because of you." His father sighed.

"Then why?"

"Richard needs to grow up. He lives on his own terms at school and university, thinking he can do what he likes when he likes. Richard is smart, so so smart and I want him to succeed in life. It's important to me and I only want what is best for him. Now I'm sorry if that gets in the way of your relationship but that's how it is." His dad then took a puff of his cigarette and sauntered away.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now