Good news

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"Jenna and I are going to the market if you want to join?" Lily said to everyone sat at the kitchen table playing cards after lunch. I was unbearably hot so no one wanted to go outside.

"I'll come." Holly smiled standing up but everyone else said no and removed any item of clothing they could because they were so hot. We did have a pool so I assumed everyone would jump in that later.

"I'm just gunna grab my purse." I smiled running upstairs to grab it and then appearing downstairs to meet the girls and head out.

"Is everything ok with Richard now?" Holly asked. "You know with this new girl being about?"

"Oh yeah, we've spoken everything's all sorted now. Molly is a lovely girl you know." I told them both because Lily was never convinced about her. Always thought she was out to get in my way or something.

"Well all I'm saying is I'm glad we won't have to see her again after this holiday." Lily sighed.

"yes and that, things will be much simpler." I agreed.

"Well, aren't I glad you all think that huh." Molly's voice echoed through us from behind. We froze and stopped in our tracks. Fuck she had heard us bitching.

"Molly..." I turned around suddenly.

"No, I get it. You hate me, I expect it from my ex's current girlfriend and all her friends. I just didn't expect it from someone like you Jenna." Molly sighed.

"Oh, we weren't being bitchy..." I tried to get out before she walked back to the house and away from us.

"I was," Lily mumbled but she didn't hear.

"Honestly molly, just stop a second. I am really sorry I just meant with you around Richard isn't the same guy so... things would be simpler but I'm not saying that in a bad way against you..." I rambled on trying to cover my tracks.

"I'm not going to lie, Jenna, I don't have a lot of friends. After Ashford, uni hasn't been great. You go from being the most popular girl to being a nobody amongst other people. I did think however that there were some nice people left in the world..." Molly laughed.

Lily and Holly stayed back at this point and talked to each other whilst I was having this conversation with Molly.

"And you know Honestly, I thought it was weird but I thought we were kind of, sort of... friendly or friend-like? I don't know." Molly sighed.

That was quite shocking to hear someone as gorgeous as her go on about wanting to be friends with us. She clearly hadn't made any friends at uni.

"I didn't mean I didn't like you. In fact, I wish you hadn't dated Richard because you seem like a really nice person. It just makes him awkward all the time and if he's awkward we argue and..."

"I get it, you don't have to make excuses." She nodded going to walk away.

"No molly Honestly, come on come to the market with us. I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it." I begged.

"You're sure?"

"100%" I smiled at her nicely.

- - - - -

I felt awful after what Molly overheard earlier and when we got back from the market with a few souvenirs I made the effort to apologise to her again. I actually was pretty stupid and told her we should meet for lunch sometime when we get back home.

I hated people thinking I hated them. I didn't hate anyone.

"Why are you doing this?" Lily asked me as we sat in the kitchen.

"She's not a bad person," I told her.

"Is she suddenly going to be in our group of friends now?" Lily sighed.

"No, she can just be my friend if you like. Don't worry she won't have to socialise with the group." I moaned because Lily was still in the frame of high school.

This was the part when she would always pull me aside at Ashford and tell me we are too popular to hang around with this person or that we didn't socialise with those types of people. It pissed me off, to be honest.

- - - - -

"Home, how depressing." I laughed as Richard and I walked back into my house at about 7 am on a Friday morning.

"Hey, we had a good time. Now just back to reality." Richard sighed.

"Indeed, speaking of Violet must be awake now. They all get up freakishly early these days." I laughed. I was really excited to see how violet was and if she was all ok after the operation and recovery. 

"Hey anyone up?" I said walking into the kitchen to see everyone awake sat around the kitchen table having breakfast. Even Grace was in a highchair being fed by Rachel. 

Violet practically jumped up out of her chair and ran at me. I gave her a huge hug and picked her up kissing her cheek. I had to lift her so carefully because she was so fragile since the surgery, one side of her had been cut open and the wounds were still healing.

"Jenna." She smiled clinging to me. 

"Hey, good to see you." I smiled back at her still holding her on my hip. She was really light anyway but chemo made her even lighter and tinier than she already was. 

"Violet do you want to tell Jenna the good news?" Dad said standing up clearing the plates. 

"Good news?" I asked.

"The doctor said the surgery went so well that he is confident all the cancer is gone." Violet smiled. "We have to wait until next week though to get the official result."

"Wow, that's so good." I smiled placing her on the floor carefully where she looked very tired so she went and sat down straight away. They said it could take months for her to completely gain her strength and stamina back.

"There is bad news as well isn't there though violet?" Dad said.

"Whats that?" Richard asked. 

"Well, we didn't tell you before you left because we didn't want you to worry but before, we said she was just going to have the cancer removed, it turned out they couldn't do it without removing part of the lung as well. So she's got a good chance, but she is missing a bit of lung on one side!" Rachel explained for them.

"Oh that's awful, but as long as it has done the job then I think we're ok yeah?" I smiled holding Richards hand a little. 

"Just means it'll take a little longer to recover and little more time off school." Dad ruffled violets hair.

"It's not fair." Violet moaned. "All my friends will have forgotten about me." 

"Well can't she go to school just a couple of days a week or something?" I asked. 

"Too much risk of infection or injury. Plus Jenna it's school you can't just decide when you want to turn up." Dad moaned. 

"Well she can't sit around and do nothing--" I butted in. 

"A conversation maybe not needed in front of her." Richard snapped suddenly seeing violet look really grumpy. "Vi, will you show me your lego again?" He bent down next to her. 

"Sure." She took his hand and they went into the living room. 

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now