Moving on.

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Victoria was really nice about it. I was so glad I knew a Doctor because I couldn't imagine receiving the news from anyone else. I had miscarried.

From there I had to book an operation to have the baby and everything else removed, but the earliest I could do it that lined up with their appointment times was a week away and I was warned then that after that long I might miscarry naturally.

I was horrified of the idea. I had no idea what that would entail and I wasn't even thinking about it at that moment.

Victoria left the room and I just cried for about 5 minutes, wrapped in Richards arms.

He was speechless. Just mumbled stuff in to my ear as I practically sat on his lap in just my underwear and a robe.

I could tell for him, it was like maisie all over again, never even getting to know the kid before they die.

"Hey I'm sorry for all the fighting, I'm here alright?" He kisses my forehead slowly while I cried some more just thinking about it all over again. "I love you so much."

- - - - -

I managed to collect myself and we went home. I had to act normal in front of everyone we lived with.

I knew who most of them were by now, except not being able to remember a few memories and old times they might bring up.

"Hey." I smiled walked into our living room.

Lily, Holly, Grace and Alex were there watching tv, some of them cooking at that back in the kitchen.

"Hey how was your day?" Lily asked trying to single me out and ask it in front of everyone. "I know you had some meeting..."

"Uh, everything's went ok. Not as nice as I'd hoped but we're moving on." I locked hands with Richard.

"Alright," Lily winked at me. She knew what had happened. "If you need anything..."

"I'll come straight to you." I laughed going and grabbing some water for Richard and I and then going upstairs to my room.

- - - - -

"Hey I know you're upset but everything happens for a reason... clearly the universe just wanted to test you." Richard smiled as we sat on my bed watching tv.

"I know. I'm just upset because... I don't get why I have to be tested so much." I shrugged resting my head on his shoulder.

"It sucks I know that but once we get over what happens in the next week we need to move on, get on with our lives. I want it to be like it used to. When we just liked hanging out together and doing things together." He smiled.

"I miss that too." I breathed, "we'll see, but right now, I am totally ok and just waiting for the operation on Friday. I want to start the normality and distract myself from all this."

"Well, if your saying that... you remember my friends, Harry and Alicia?" He asked.

"Yeah, I really like them." I nodded.

"Well they're hosting a kind of party, all of my dad's business men are going to be there including my dad and I thought well... We could go and bring Tom. To introduce." Richard explained.

"Oh cool. A party? I don't know though."

"You don't have to come, Im just putting the idea out there." He nodded.

"Well, I'd like to go. But maybe I should stay here and look after Liliana while you take Tom." I explained.

"If that's what you want." Richard smiled.

"Yeah, I want Tom to go." I smiled back, "but I won't be able to cope when people ask me how I'm doing. I can't lie and say I'm fine."

"Alright, no problem. Have you had any contact with Tom?"

"He rung me from a pay phone and said he's staying in this other place not too far from the last." I nodded.

"Ok, well I do not want you going there you understand?" Richard said quite suddenly.


"I will go and find him, bring him here on the day of the party. I do not want you going to any more hide outs and injuring yourself, it's bad enough with your broken arm and my boot, though that has gone now." He snapped.

"Ok." I smiled. "I won't go there."

- - - - -

It was the day of the party and Richard went to go and get Tom and Lilliana and they came to my house. They were snuck upstairs to my room while no one in the house was home.

Nobody knew about Tom and Lilliana so we were keeping everything very quiet.

"Hey." Tom said, he was in a suit that Richard had bought for him, freshly shaven and looking really nice. He was holding Lily's hand as she walked in behind him.

"Hey." I sat up in bed and then went to go stand up and see them.

"I feel so guilty about what happened..." Tom breathed. "Richard told me all about it."

"He did?" I snapped.

"Yeah about your broken arm and my leg, which is better now anyway. Look Tom don't feel bad it was an accident." Richard smiled placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh of course, yeah my arm. It's nothing really." I laughed. "Seriously."

"Oh good."

"Anyway and how was school today Lilliana?" I bent down to this little girl.

"Ok." She said shyly.

"Alright Lily? Jenna is going to look after you for a little bit. Only a few hours. You know how we spoke about daddy finally getting a job? This is going to help." Tom bent down to Lily while Richard and I walked to the other side of my room for a quick chat.

"Does your dad know about everything?" I asked him.

"He knows nothing about the accident. He knows toms situation and how you've been helping him and he applauds that." Richard smiled kissing my temple.

"Ok great, so Tom can just go in act normal and get that job." I nodded.

"Sure can." Richard agreed.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now