News is out.

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"Jenna ok?" Richard asked the minute a doctor came in the room to check up on him.

"She's awake and talking. I believe they tested for any severe head injuries, bleeding etc and that came back clear so she's looking better." A doctor told him.

"Ok, when can I see her?" He asked.

"We'll check what she's up to and then discuss visiting her. Let's sort you out as well. So you're ankle isn't broken, the scan came back to show it's fractured so what we'll do is bandage it up, put it in a boot to make sure you aren't moving it too much when you walk. Then we can see if you'll need crutches as we go..." She told him.

"Alright." Richard nodded.

"Then we'll make sure your bloods are back all ok and we should be able to discharge you. But be warned the police have been called so you'll have to stick around and talk to them too." This doctor explained nicely.

"Ah ok, so I'll be out within a few hours?" He asked.

"Yeah, as soon as we get some clear results and sort out your foot we should be good to go." She smiled.

"And Jenna?"

"Well, she'll be in overnight because of the head injury they don't want to miss anything there. But they'll see tomorrow, I'm not her doctor so..." She mumbled.

"I thought you were." Richard asked.

"I was, but Victoria took over, she's apparently good friends with Jenna." The doctor explained.

"Victoria? Can I speak to her if she's not busy?" He asked.

"I can try." She nodded and then walked out of the room.

- - - - -

"Everything ok?" Matt asked Lily as she sat down next to him and in front of everyone who was sat in the relatives room.

"Uh I don't know. She hasn't got a bleed in her brain which means the only cause for all the weird memory stuff is PTA which can last for a while. Meaning she's super sensitive already and now we have to be even more careful with her. I just feel like somethings not right." Lily sighed.

"You're doing so well. You know? Considering hospital are a sensitive spot for you." Matt held her hand tightly.

"Thanks, we gotta be here for Jenna so..." Lily mumbled.

"What's next?" Matt asked.

"I think everyone should go home." Lily stood up and announced.

"What? No." Everyone from the house especially grace and Holly demanded.

"She can't have many visitors. Her memory it's... fucked—" Everyone winced at that. "So less people the better. And she's in overnight so to be honest there isn't point in being here."

"We're here for her lil, we aren't leaving." Alex said and everyone agreed.

"You're wasting time. She..."

"Hi, we're taking Jenna up to a ward now so she'll be admitted overnight." A nurse burst in.

"Brilliant can we see her?" Matt asked.

"Uh you can ask Victoria but I can't see why not... just wait for her to be transferred to the other ward. Maybe you could get a coffee in the mean time, then head up there. She'll be settled." The nurse explained.

"Okay thank you very much." Everyone said to her as she closed the door.

- - - - -

"So can you tell me what I've been saying that's so wrong?" I asked Victoria as she sat with me on a quick break she had. I had just been admitted to a new ward so I was quite comfortable here.

"Oh okay, well in your head right now where's your mum?" Victoria asked me.

"What do you mean where is she? At home of course." I laughed.

"Ok uh maisie..."

"She died." I admitted.

"Okay perfect so before, you told the paramedics that maisie was at home with Richard. That she was 3 years old and alive." Victoria explained.

"Oh I did say that..." I nodded. "I remember that. But that felt real... hold on I'm super confused."

"Now we know it's not a head injury, I can tell you it will pass and if you find you can't remember certain people or places or things it's ok, you will eventually." She told me.

"Cool, ok so I guess I'm fine otherwise?" I asked.

"Except your arm of course. Someone will come and fix a cast within the next hour, sorry for the delay and then you'll need a sling as well. Also if you are released tomorrow that ankle doesn't look perfect so be careful whilst walking." Victoria explained.

"Thanks Victoria." I smiled.

"It's no problem, but before I go I've been beating around the bush all day and I think I have to come out and say it. I was going to keep quiet because of the PTA but uh, your bloods... they say you're pregnant." She said nervously.

"I knew that... but why can't I remember it. This is so annoying! I did know that though. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I explained.

"It's alright." Victoria nodded. "Does anyone else know?"

"I'm assuming no. I wouldn't have told anyone I don't think and anyone wouldn't have kept it from you whilst I've been in here." I said.

"Right I won't say a word." Victoria smiled standing up.

"Wait, I'm sorry I'm in this situation again..." I mumbled.

"I'm guessing this wasn't planned either?" She asked.


"This is different Jen, you're not sixteen anymore, you're 20 in a month. Having a kid at 20 isn't the worst thing that's happened to people." Victoria explained.

"Of course, yeah I can do it..." I explained.

"If you're worried, I'm here to speak to. I know Kate is still around too. Look what happened to Maisie is pretty rare, not every child dies a few days old... I promise it won't be like that this time." She nodded.

"Thank you, I haven't even thought about it yet. But thanks." I smiled and Victoria left the room.

I was alone and left to think about what to do next. I didn't remember some things and now, well I have to speak to Richard and Lily and everyone.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now