A&E happenings.

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"I'm sorry but whose idea was this bloody thing around my head because not only does it fucking hurt but I can only see what's directly held in front of me. I am currently staring up as this grey stupid sky and nothing else." I snapped, this wasn't me I was acting irrational for no reason.

"It's a head brace darling and it's only on until we can rule out any neck or head injuries which for your case might be a while." He sighed but you could tell he felt bad.

"Why won't Richard just call my mum? I don't understand why he's freaking out about everything." I spat.

"Alright, you're getting a little agitated I can see that but we will have you in that ambulance and in the hospital in no time. I promise." Joe nodded.

"Fine. If you won't call my mum will you call Lily?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll do it while we're waiting for the ambulance to pull round." Joe said getting his phone out.

- - - - -

Lily, matt, Max and Grace all went in one car to the hospital and Alex, Holly and Tom went in the other. So they arrived at the hospital but they couldn't see Richard yet.

"We've beat Jenna here." Matt said as they sat down in the waiting area.

"Hold on.." Lily frowned as she was getting a call from the woman herself. "Jenna?"

"This is Joe a paramedic. Is this Lily?" He said and I smiled as he got through to her.

"Yes, is Jenna ok?" Lily asked impatiently.

"We'll know more at the hospital she just wanted you to know she's going in." I heard Joe say as I felt sick suddenly and like I was going to faint.

"We're at the hospital, tell her that." Lily said desperately.

"Alright, I will. Jenna-- alright Jenna can you hear me? Sorry Lily we have to go." Joe said down the phone.

"Whats happening? Is she ok?" Lily shouted just as the phone hung up.

"What?" Holly asked.

"They hung up something happened. She's on her way in though by the sounds of it." Lily said.

- - - - -

"Jenna please come on try and stay with me here yeah?" Joe said basically yelling in my face. "Come on darling please stay with me. Just open your eyes."

My eyes were fluttery, I felt sick and tired and I just wanted to sleep but I could hear joe and his desperation so I opened my eyes with force and tried to keep them open.

"Good girl. Now tell me about that little girl you gave birth to. She must be about 3 or 4 by now huh?" Joe said trying to get me to talk but it just hurt so much and then suddenly Maisie was brought up.

"She's 3 and the cutest." I said smiling up at the sky desperate to keep my eyes open.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Maisie. She's just the best kid ever." I told him but I could see in his face the worry.

"Where is Maisie now?" Joe asked leaning over me.

"She's at home with Richard. She's fine I promise." I nodded.

"Ok as long as she's safe." He said slowly and carefully.

"Oh yeah she is. She's perfect." I grumbled as I was finally lifted into the ambulance with joe.

- - - - -

"Tell me more about this confusion." The Doctor asked Joe as they watched Jenna being placed on one of the beds in the room just next door.

"It was small at first, she asked for her Mum. Which is pretty normal when your in danger except Richard tells us she's been dead since she was 12 which is almost 8 years ago." 

"Right..." this woman said intrigued.

"I asked her where she was, what she was doing here, the day of the week, the month... everything and she couldn't answer anything." Joe explained.

"Yep And..."

"And then I was trying to keep her awake on the way here and she was telling me all about her daughter Maisie and how Richard is looking after her now. Even though the baby was premature and died at three days old and she knew Richard was at the scene with her." Joe explained.

"Post traumatic amnesia?" This woman suggested.

"PTA my thoughts exactly." Joe agreed.

"Right ok, thanks joe." She smiled as she walked back in to treat Jenna.

- - - - -

"Hi, can we see Richard or Jenna yet?" Matt said going back up to reception.

"Jenna's going to X-rays but I can check on Richard for you Yeah." The receptionist told him. He picked up the phone and checked to see where Richard was.

"Yeah all ok, I'll get someone to show you to him now." He said pointing at the seat so they sat back down and waited for someone to come and get them.

"You wanted to see Richard?" A nurse appeared.

Just Lily and Matt and a few of the guys stood up because they were mainly here for Jenna they didn't know Richard well.

"Just two visitors at a time please." The nurse explained and Lily and Matt went as they were the closed to him.

"Hey." Lily said walking in to Richard laying down on the bed looking pretty rough and battered.

"Hey." Richard smiled you could tell he was sleepy.

"What happened huh?" Lily said sitting down on a stool while Matt stood next to her.

"Too much to explain right now but long story short we were in this old abandoned house and suddenly Jenna fell back on her head and crashed through the floor and while I tried to catch her I fell down too." He explained.

"Any news on Jenna?" Matt asked.

"Not really, she's just been brought in I know that. But something wasn't right you know? She was asking for her Mum..." Richard sighed.

"She did that at the crash it's no big deal, just confusion." Lily nodded.

"No she couldn't tell Joe, what the day was, where we were, what we doing there. Somethings happened." He spat.

"Alright, chill out. I'm sure she'll be fine." Lily reached forward and stroked his hand to calm him down.

"We need to see her." Matt said. "If she can't remember things then this is serious."

"I agree but she's doing tests now and stuff so we can't." Lily sighed.

"I'll try my hardest to see her but I doubt I'll be able to so can you come back and tell me what's wrong." Richard asked.

"Of course, and in the mean time you know we love you but do you want any of your own friends or family here." Lily asked.

"The only person I'd call to the hospital is Jenna and she's in here with me." He sighed.

"Not even your parents?" Matt asked.

"Definitely not them. You can call my flat mates but they don't have to come, I'll be out soon and I'll be with Jenna it's fine." Richard explained.

"Alright." Lily smiled.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now