A Little Scare

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"Still unwell I see?" Lily asked stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She sat down on the floor against the wall whilst I sat on the other side throwing the contents of my stomach up into the toilet.

"Yep." I moaned sitting back for a second.

It was Monday morning after we got back from going to see violet and I was still As ill As ever. My ear was hurting like hell but luckily the ear drops seemed to help a lot along with the pain killers.

"Poor thing." She sighed.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to catch this? Why are you sat in here, it's great company but you could get sick." I moaned at Lily.

"I don't think I can catch what you have Jen." She smirked.


"Can I get you anything? Water? A pregnancy test?" She sighed.

"What?!" I jumped at those words. "I am not pregnant." I demanded like it was an insult.

"Jenna," Lily frowned. "You've been sick every morning for the last three days? What does that tell you if not pregnancy?" She moaned.

"Well, I am sick and the Doctor told me I had flu." I sighed.

"Did he check for pregnancy?" Lily asked.

"No because I have the flu!" I snapped suddenly.

"Ok, ok alright." She sighed. "Will you do one for me though? Prove me you haven't messed up again?"

"I've been on the pill for as long as I can remember, that crossed with the protection that we use is impossible to be pregnant, I know because I've been doing it since maisie was born." I sighed.

"Please take a test." She moaned.

"Fine!" I sighed.

- - - - -

What Lily was saying was crazy. I was always on the pill whenever Richard I had sex, if I ever came off of the pill I told Richard we couldn't do anything and even when I was on the pill Richard still used protection so I don't know where Lily is getting this idea from.

"Here." Lily said walking into my room and handing me a pregnancy test she went out to buy.

"Thank you." I smiled picking it up and reading through the instructions before going to the toilet.

"Well now we wait." I told Lily as I stepped out of the toilet holding the stick then placing it on the side. I set a timer and then laid down on my bed where lily joined me.

"I'm sure you're not." Lily said nervously. We both suddenly had doubts, god what if this was real, what do I do now..

The timer cut our thoughts dead and I leant over to the test and held it in front of the piece of paper that came with it.

"Negative," Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. You had me worried for a second there." I threw the test down on the side and took a huge breath of relief.

"I just thought you know... you could be pregnant. Now I know you're not, it's cool." Lily smiled sitting up on the bed looking down at me.

"Well this is great but I'm still sick so I still feel like crap. I'm not going to my lecture this evening." I told her.

"Cool, I have classes." She said. It was difficult with Lily because she was currently doing some degree to do with performance but all she wanted to do was dance.

But since last year she started the year in a wheelchair she can't change it now. So I see her go to these lessons of drama and the arts but she's not enjoying it. All she wants to do is dance again.

"I've chosen a dance module this term..." Lily told me quietly.

"Oh yeah? Have you danced since..." I asked nervously.

"No." She sighed. "I mean not properly. I've had a class but it was when I was still getting back up on my feet last year. I had an excuse for being bad." She explained.

"You won't be bad. You need to explain your situation and then all will be fine. If you're serious about dancing still Lily.. maybe you need to go to a few beginners things and see what you can actually do. I imagine your flexibility isn't great." I sighed.

"Not bad but not great no. I can dance still, but before I was good... I mean really good. Top of my class, I only got into Ashford because it had a good dance project." Lily explained.

"Well then you'll have to practice a lot then." I laughed.

"Yep." She smiled seeing that I was going to fall asleep because I felt so ill, she left me alone and went back to her room.

- - - - -

Because Lily and I shared the top floor we ended up just chilling together in each other's bedrooms all the time. And we'd always brush our teeth together because only us shared our bathroom.

So we were laying on my bed after Lily had come back from her first dance class and I had just finished being sick in the toilet so we were both pretty exhausted.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"Not bad actually. I mean yes... I'm going to have to work really hard to get back to how I was but it's like riding a bike otherwise, I remember everything." She nodded.

She was right, Lily was really smart she could do anything she wanted but she chose dance and don't get me wrong she's amazing but she is smart when it comes to the theory of it.

"That's nice to hear." I smiled across at her.

"Hey!" Richard appeared through the door and I jumped because the pregnancy test was on my bedside table and I didn't want him knowing about it.

"How did you get in?" I moaned as Richard came over and kissed me I slid the test down my sleeve of the huge jumper I was wearing and then he sat beside me.

"Matt was coming in and he opened the door for me." Richard nodded.

"Oh matts home, I should probably be a good girlfriend and go and see him." Lily laughed getting off my bed and giving me a funny look because she was clearly confused why I was hiding a negative pregnancy test.

We both laughed and Lily left us.

"How you feeling?" Richard smiled kissing me again as we laid on my bed.

"Not Great I'm hungry but I throw up everything I eat so I can't eat." I moaned.

"Ah Poor thing I can distract you." Richard laughed as we made out on my bed before we had dinner, and by We I mean I watched everyone eat.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now