Lots of New Information

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"Lily!" I jumped as she burst in my room. I mean Richard and I weren't doing anything but we could have been. Luckily we were just watching tv together and chilling out.

"I'm sorry Jenna, secrets like this can't be kept." Lily announced to us both.

"I'm sorry what?" I shot some daggers at her immediately.

"I found this Richard... in matts car. The morning these two were acting really weird." Lily shoved the car parking ticket into Richard eye line. He was just playing on his phone ignoring her.

"What the hell lily? Chill out." Richard leant forward taking the ticket and focusing on the writing.

"Lily this is nothing, stop this. Take the ticket back." I snapped.

"He deserves to know." Lily moaned.

"It's a car park ticket for 3am... so what?" Richard moaned not really caring about this.

"Read the place..."

"The hospital..." he read. "EPU?" He was familiar with the term, when maisie was born after that I had to go back there a lot to check up on myself. "I'm not making the connection." Richard frowned.

Lily walked to the other side of my room. She went to my draws and then pulled out a box. She held the box in one hand and dug the other hand In the bottom of this box, she knew my hiding places too well.

Then she chucked my pregnancy test at Richard and he caught it but paused in shock as he looked at Lily who looked over at me.

"No... you?" Richard asked me.

"Lily can you go please?" I asked her nicely.

"I want to know why you went to the early pregnancy unit at 3am with my boyfriend?" Lily demanded.

"How did you tell Lily and not me?" Richard suddenly said.

"Please Lily, just go. I wanted someone who didn't know I was pregnant and someone who wouldn't tell anyone... Matt fitted that perfectly." I smiled.

"You don't even remember him." Lily snapped quite violently to which Richard started listening again.

"Wait." Richard shouted at Lily. "What happened, Why 3am?" He turned and asked me.

"They think it's something called a missed miscarriage." Everything went silent as I said that. I saw Matt at the door listening in too and his face looked the most devastated.

He drove me there joking about with me while I thought I had lost my kid and he was losing it standing there with guilt.

"No.." Richard breathed.

Lily just froze and her face went from angry to nervous and confused.

"I woke up in the night and I had bled a little so I thought I better go to the hospital but there were no buses and I was pretty worried so I asked Matt. He had no idea so don't blame him."

Everyone was still quiet. Matt had disappeared.

"It's pretty common when your first kid had complications like maisie did." I spoke again trying to break this silence.

"So it's for sure?" Lily asked suddenly.

"Well no... it measured quite small and the dates just don't add up at all so if it measures the same on Friday then it's for sure. Plus they never found a heartbeat, which isn't uncommon this early on but it doesn't help." I breathed.


"Lily could you leave us for a bit I wanna talk to Richard more... you know..." I nodded at her because she knew what I meant.

"Sure of course," Lily hugged Matt and then they went into her room next door.

- - - - -

"So you're probably wondering why I told Lily and not you and you have every right to think that... but there's a bit of an explanation to go with it." I explained to Richard as I held his hand in mine.

"You don't need to explain that. I need to know that you're ok." He leant forward and kissed me gently. To which I kinda repelled and looked away.

"I'm fine, I don't know what's up until Friday. But I need you to know something which might make me really unpopular. And I want you to know I only kept it from you because I was scared I'd lose you." I panicked holding both his hands now.

"What are you talking about?" He frowned.

"Remember Spain?" I asked.

"Yes, our holiday." Richard nodded.

"Well that night you came to pick me up from Sebs house, mansion whatever it was... I didn't just smoke weed that night and drink too much, I slept with seb." I breathed.

"You... you said you didn't remember that night." He frowned.

"I don't really, but apparently I asked Lily the next morning for the morning after pill which I can now tell you isn't 100% effective." I joked but I knew it was wrong. His face changed when he realised what I was telling him.

"You think the kids his?" Richard let go of my hands.

"Look, it might not be. I don't know and I might not ever know now but I want to apologise. I was intoxicated I don't remember sleeping with seb, I didn't want to... it was a mistake." I begged but he was already off the bed and doing up his shoes.

"Mistake..." he breathed sitting up for a second and laughing lightly.

"Don't do this." I sniffed.

"I'm fine. I just need some air... I've heard a lot of things... New information today. It's overwhelming." He said standing up and I was still laying on the bed.

"Can you just give me five minutes to talk to you. I really need to explain..." I said but he was almost.

"You can explain how you cheated on me later on. I need some air." Richard slammed the door and left.

- - - - -

"What was that?" Matt asked breaking the deafening silence that was between Lily and him since they'd gone into her room.

"Richards not happy." Lily breathed. She kind of felt responsible.

They both listened as Jenna's door slammed then the front door slammed and it went silent again. What a day.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now