Forgotten you.

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"Hey." Lily said as they were walking to the car park. "Richard, I know it must be upsetting to not be able to see her but I did and I know she's fine and I hugged her for you." Lily tried to make him feel better.

"I bet she never even mentioned me." Richard sighed slamming his crutches down into the ground harder.

"No, but she will remember you hun I promise." Lily smiled. "Hey how about you come back to our house, we chill out as a group have dinner and you can even stay in Jenna's room. Then we can go and see her tomorrow morning together."

"Alright." Richard nodded. You could just tell how sad he was about this all though. He just looked so deflated.

"Also I know you're lying." Lily whispered as they got to the car.


"About how this accident happened. It doesn't make sense you weren't just fooling around. You didn't call the ambulance. I know what you said is a lie." Lily whispered more before everyone got into their cars and they drove home.

- - - - -

"Dad, I know Mum has been gone for a while now so... you've moved on haven't you? I feel like you have." I said as Dad still sat with me.

"Yeah believe it or not honey, I remarried. We have two kids. Vi--"

"Violet." I said suddenly.

"Yes! You got it right." Dad smiled.

"I know Violet. Of course I do. My little sister. Of course mum died I mean how else would Violet exist. I remember that." I said so happy with myself.

"Yeah and Grace? She's almost a year old in December." Dad smiled.

"Uh huh." I smiled. "Grace." I remembered that.

"Good, yeah Grace and Violet are here." Dad confirmed.

"And Rachel?" I asked.

"Yes, she's taken the kids to the hotel because it's bed time for them." Dad smiled at me.

"Wow, yeah I totally remember now. Sorry..."

"Don't be sorry," He said. "I'm just happy you remember our family."

"Yeah." I laughed. "Is there anyone else big in my life? Am I forgetting someone? I feel like someone else should be here?" I said sadly.

Dad turned around and looked at Victoria who had just come in and she shook her head.

"No Jenna. I think that's enough remembering for tonight yeah? We'll see how you are tomorrow and if we can discharge you but it seems like bed time." Victoria encouraged.

"Alright darling." Dad leaned forward and kissed my head.

"Night dad." I smiled as he walked out of the room. I suddenly didn't feel 19, I felt 12 again.

- - - - -

I ended up not really being able to sleep because I had been sleeping all day already. So I found the bag of my possessions and my phone tucked inside.

I was curious about what I would find. My head was pretty fuzzy at the moment and I couldn't remember much but if I looked through my phone, my private messages then surely names would start to ring a bell.

I found Richard. I read through our messages together and just couldn't wait to see him again. I don't know why he hadn't come to see me. I was pretty bummed out about it.

"Everything ok?" A nurse appeared. Victoria had gone home for the night but said she was back tomorrow and would come and see me.

"Perfect yeah." I smiled.

"Good good." She left and I was alone. Again.

- - - - -

"I am excited. Victoria rang me this morning said Jenna is fine and we can come and get her. She'll need a few days off but as her memory returns she'll be absolutely fine." Richard smiled. "Except her broken arm."

"Well your foot is in a boot so you can't collect her yourself." Lily sighed. "I'll come and her Dad will probably want to spend some time with her because he drove all the way up here."

"Her Dad left last night they packed up the kids and went home. They have Violet at school tomorrow and she's already missed so much and introducing Jenna back to them might just hurt her even more. He said he'd ring her a lot though." Richard explained.

"Oh ok. Weird. Shall we go pick her up then?" Lily laughed as she could see how eager he was.

"Yes, let's go." He smiled.

- - - - -

"Hey Jen," Lily said walking in first.

"Hey Lily." I said as I was just putting a jumper on to go home in. It was difficult though with my arm in a cast so it was taking a little while and little help from Lily. "Who'd you bring with you?" I laughed pointing at his guy.

"You don't know who I am?" He said suddenly.

"You're one of our housemates?" I smiled as I finally got my jumper on and started to pack my things in a bag Lily had brought for me.

"No, Jen are messing around?" Lily scoffed. "It's Richard."

"Oh yeah I was just messing around. Of course it's Richard. Hey," I smiled at him gently.

"She's not messing around. She doesn't know who I am." He seemed to panic.

"Alright look, yes I don't completely remember your face but I know we had some good times. I remember somethings." I smirked at him brushing my hand against his face to feel the little bit of beard that was growing in.

"Wait you're serious, you only remember me? That's a huge compliment." Lily smiled glancing at Richard who only looked more and more sad/angry by the minute.

"Let's go home." I suggested.

"Great idea." Richard nodded. As we were leaving the hospital I had one arm in a sling but the other fell next to Richards' and so I decided to hold his hand.

"Hey I was only kidding." I laughed at him before kissing him gently. "How could I forget what you look like huh?" I giggled and I saw his face go angry for a second then relief struck.

"You're serious?" He stopped walking as we got outside.

"Yeah I mean when can I ever mess with you like that again?" I smirked.

"You had me so worried." Richard shook his head angrily. "I love you." He lent forward and kissed me.

"Love you too." I smiled up at him.

"To be honest I can't believe he fell for it." Lily rolled her eyes as she got in the car.

"You knew?" Richard snapped.

"Yeah she planned it. Thought it would be funny." Lily laughed.

"No look I still don't remember a lot of things so I thought whats one prank on you going to do? Oh it made me happier for a second longer before I have to go pretend I know all these people I apparently live with." I explained to him.

"Alright." He sat in the back of the car with me and I kissed him before ending up sleeping on the way back from the hospital.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now