Worst day in a while.

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So drama is coming up and I've been writing loads for this fic so be ready for lots of updates!

"Hey." I smiled as I brought violets stuff into the house and Lily was at the door about to go upstairs.

"Oh hey violet." Lily smiled at her. "Want me to take a bag?" She asked me.

"If you don't mind there's another in the car." I said handing her one and she took violet upstairs.

I followed them up after locking my car and settle violet a little. "How old are you now?" Lily asked vi.

"7." She smiled brightly like it was something to be proud of.

"Big kid now eh? My sisters are 6 and almost 7 you would get on with them well." Lily smiled.

"Because You never talk about home I forget you have sisters." I sighed hauling violets stuff into my room.

"Yep twins, they're a nightmare. But violet how about we meet them during this week you're here. They have a huge playroom I'm sure you'd love to see." Lily nodded.

"Cool what toys do they have?" Violet asked.

"Uhh I don't know... I do know the contents of that room is worth more than my laptop though so it better be good toys." Lily smirked. "I'm sure they're great vi."

"Hey weird question but did Richard come by at all why I wasn't here?" I asked Lily as Violet went and jumped on my bed with one of her books.

"Uh no why?" Lily asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I just Uh thought he might come over." I shrugged.

"But he knew you were at home right?" She frowned.

"Oh yeah but I didn't call him when I said I would and I thought he might try and come over and see me." I laughed it off. "It's stupid."

"Are you ok?" Lily asked suddenly.

"Great yeah. We are fine steady as a rock..." I nodded.

"I mean you. Not your relationship. Is Jenna ok?" Lily asked again.

"I'm great." I smiled turning away and going back to violet.

- - - - -

The next day was verging on one of the worst days in a while. I still hadn't spoken to Richard in over three days now and I was grumpy. Violet could tell too. We were taking her to Lily's house today to have a play date with the twins. Emilia and Ruby.

I hardly went to Lily's house. I think I went there when she couldn't walk and was sent home for a bit. Also when her parents were away I stayed with her. But never any other time.

"Lily!" The two identical girls came running at her as she walked through the door.

"Hey." Lily hugged each girl and smiled before she whispered to them to go and say hi to violet.

And they did. Both girls introduced themselves to violet and then as they got comfortable around each other they ran to show violet their playroom.

"You're adorable with kids why would you leave home?" I pouted.

"Why did you leave violet?" She questioned.

"Well I didn't technically leave her. I met her after I went to Ashford." I sighed.

"Whatever. You'd understand if you knew how much my parents favoured them. It wasn't just the usual maybe favouritism this was crazy. I was really ignored and all I wanted to do was dance and they cared about my passion before they were born afterwards they couldn't care less what I do with my life now." Lily ranted.

"I've heard the story Lil." I breathed.

"I'm going to find Mum." Lily said walking away from me and leave me with the kids in the playroom.

- - - - -

"Lily carry me!" Ruby was screeching whilst we were saying goodbye.

"Ruby Shh you know I can't." Lily snapped.

"You're fine now look you're walking! Please carry me Lily!" She begged.

"No. Now stop moaning I'll see you guys later alright?" Lily hugged them both and kissed their cheeks before she said goodbye and violet said goodbye and we went home.

Violet loved the playroom. Loved the twins. And loved being there all together. She had the best time.

Whilst we had stood there and Lily was saying all this stuff about not being able to carry Ruby things started to creep up on me. We all pretended like Lily just went back to normal after that crash but she's so different now.

She's not always stable when she walks and yes she dances but it's a different kind of moveent when she dances.

The main function of her moving about is so much slower than it was. She walks so slowly up the stairs. Stairs are something she had to completely learn how to do.

All these things flooded back to me today and they wouldn't leave my mind either. Especially later.

I was with violet in my room a lot later in the day and I heard a scream from someone. I ignored it for a second then frowned as someone screamed again.

I never stood up so quickly. "Is Everything ok?" I rushed into Lily's room and saw something I wish I never had.

Lily had tripped, fallen and not moving at all. She was laying flat on the floor not moving a muscle.

"I fell..." Lily wept. "I heard something click... if it's my back.. I'm done for I'm supposed to be taking it easy for the first year walking while it mends fully." Lily cried.

I just stood there frozen like how was this happening? We were fine, Lily was walking and even dancing she was fine but now she's back on the floor and crying and not moving.

I bent down beside her and pinched her toe. She didn't respond at all.

"Jenna you're doing that face..." Lily breathed. "What's wrong?"

My eyes were full and I couldn't see anything as I sniffed away tears and took control of the situation.

"Matt!" I screamed suddenly. I did it again until he appeared at the door.

"What's happened?" He looked gutted.

"She fell She... can't feel her legs. Again." I sniffed back some tears again. "You need to call an ambulance. I've got to look after violet." I said standing up.

"Jenna!" Lily cried.

"Sorry lil you know I can't do this."

"Please Jenna I know what you're going to do! Please don't do this to yourself! Come back here please I didn't mean for this..." Lily shouted banging her fists down on the floor crying but mainly angry.

"You've got Matt." I called as I left her on the floor with a panicked Matt by her side.

"Will you go after Jenna for me please?" Lily begged. "You know what she's going to do too..."

"Lil, you're more important right now." Matt was panicked just as much as anyone else maybe even more.

"Please." Lily asked.

Matt got up and went to Jenna's room where he watched her sit with violet and play.

"She fine, she's playing with violet. She's taking herself away from hard situations. She's doing what she's been told." Matt nodded.

"Alright Thank you." Lily calmed a little then.

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