Holiday fun

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We went to the beach all day the next day. After sleeping most of the day away we had lunch and headed down to the sun loungers on the sand. Everyone went and we laid there for hours with breaks of ice cream or cocktails every few hours.

"You don't have to wear this," Richard told me as we got ice cream, holding onto this kind of dress I was wearing over my bikini

"I do Richard, please don't make a fuss." I sighed.

"Everyone knows here, the scars are faded you look beautiful." He assured me. The scars on my stomach were taking the longest to heal. My arms were pretty much better but my stomach looked weird still. It has been over a year and so I expected everything to have dissolved by now.

When I sunbathed I took the dress off to tan but I covered up everywhere else I went.

"I told you I don't a want a fuss." I snapped.

"Alright alright." He said holding his hands up and walking away from me.

Lily and Grace stood there looking amazing in their bikinis and they decided they were going to go in the sea. I didn't want to go, I wanted to just sit there and do nothing and read my book.

"The tan covers it now," Richard told me still banging on about the scars as we went back to The villa and into our own room.

"Richard enough, I don't want to discuss this anymore." I moaned.

"Fine, do you know where we are going tonight?" Richard asked.

"Lily and I found a strip of clubs and bars. We can head there and see." I told him.

"Okay cool." He nodded.

- - - - -

"Hey, you haven't spoken to me for the whole of pre-drinks." Richard moaned wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me and talking in my ear. "Are you still mad at me for earlier?" |He asked as I was pouring another drink.

"No, I just wish we didn't have to bring it up all the time." I smiled up at him as I took a sip from my drink.

"Okay, I completely understand." He smiled kissing my cheek and then went to join the group who were in the drinking games.

"It's not that I was ignoring you, you know? I just had nothing to say." I said to Richard as we sat on the floor in a circle with the others.

"It's okay, I believe you, Jen." He smiled across at me as Lily was explaining the rules to 'ride the bus.'

Then that night went pretty well. We drank a lot before we went out, a tactic I discovered after going to University, the more you drank before the less you had to pay for at the club. 

We played a lot of drinking games and before we knew it everyone was drunk, some more than others. The first night I didn't get as smashed as others, Lily was extremely bad but she always peaks too early and then sobers up when we get into the club. 

Though she fell over a LOT at the house. Holly and Grace were pretty drunk too but all the boys were more like me, just a little tipsy. Especially Matt because he's always so concerned about looking after Lily. 

She has hit her head too many time to count at pres before. 

"On a scale of 1 to 10 Lily," I laughed as we were walking to the club. 

"Ugh 8?" She laughed. 

"That's pretty good." I smiled at her. 

"How about you?" She asked,

"Pretty sober, about a 4," I told her. 

"I will buy you some shots when we get into the club and we can change that," Lily told me in a drunken slur. 

"Sure, ok." I laughed at her as Matt was having to hold on to her to keep her standing upright and so she would be able to get into the club.

- - - - - 

As I said that night wasn't the best, I enjoyed myself but I was not drunk enough to be at the club. I was with Richard as well which meant he was next to me and when other guys tried to dance with me he would get all territorial. 

It was a little annoying because I was super conscious that I was with my boyfriend so felt the need to stick with him.

Richard was drunker than I because he drank in the club but he was just funny. Nothing serious. 

I was surprised how good the clubs were here actually. We had many to try out this week.

But we left at 1:30, I know, early. But Lily was sobering up and everyone was getting a little bored and tired after a day of traveling around a bit and getting used to this place. It was hard to have that stamina.

- - - - -

"How are you feeling?" I asked Lily as she emerged from her room the next morning as I was sat at the breakfast bar having some cereal. 

"Not that bad actually. Don't think I hit my head so I'm doing great." Lily smiled getting some juice out. 

"That's because Matt was holding you up everyone was worried you would hit your head like usual." Richard laughed.

"I did great though, first night out since everything and I'm proud I survived." Lily laughed. 

"I'm proud too." I smiled as she sat down next to me. 

"Still feel like going out tonight?" Lily asked. 

"Yes! I am going to get very drunk tonight I couldn't bear being sober." I laughed. 

"I don't think I'll be going." Richard frowned from the sofa. 

"Two nights in a row?" Alex asked as he was watching Tv with Richard and Tom. 

"Guess it's just the girls then?" I smiled at Lily. 

"I guess so..." She smiled, "I'll text Grace and Holly."

"Oh look..." I whispered to Lily. "Grace puts she's coming out and then Max says he's coming too."

"What did I say? They definitely got together." Lily whispered back to me.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now