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"How do you feel about me sleeping on the floor?" Lily asked as she walked into my room later that night.


"I cannot sleep knowing you're in here alone probably unable to sleep." She explained.

"Well you're right. I can't sleep." I mumbled. "I'm tired my whole body aches but I can't sleep."

"I don't want you doing anything stupid." Lily smiled sitting on the bed with me.

"You can't watch my every move all the time you know? You have to trust me..." I shrugged.

"I just worry..." she sighed.

"That why I didn't want anyone to know in the first place I was going to sort this out... stop the cutting and move on with life. I mean Richard has a right to want to propose, he's about to finish university and be the manager of his fathers business." I breathed.

"That doesn't mean you're ready to move on or get married..." Lily sighed.

"I know but I get it." I said.

"Before all this happened and it got complicated and if he actually would of asked you that because we are just guessing that was what his big surprise was... what would you have said?" Lily asked.

"No idea, I guess in the moment I would decide I think or ask for time? Is that normal?" I scoffed.

"Yeah would be a bummer story but yeah you could have time." Lily smiled.

"I don't know to be honest." I breathed.

- - - - -

I think we both slept for a few hours after both pretending to sleep or chatting about absolutely nothingness all night. Eventually it was a decent time to wake up and whilst I wasn't going to any lectures obviously... I knew Lily did have one today.

"You need to get ready I'm guessing." I mumbled fiddling with my nails sat crossed legged on my bed.

"What are you going to do today?" Lily asked.

"I don't know... Uh lay in bed?" I scoffed. "Do some washing." I joked in relation to the blood stained towel and sheet that was in my washing basket at the moment.

"I can stay home. It's not an important class, I should be resting my back anyway." Lily shrugged.

"You don't need to."

"No, but I'm worried that when I leave you're going to go crazy by yourself in this room alone and do something stupid again." Lily explained.

"Well you have to take that chance. I promise I wouldn't put you through that again and I will not do anything stupid." I held my hand up in a joking way.

"Ok well my class is an hour so why don't you get showered and ready and when I get back we will... go for a walk. You need fresh air you've been inside a hospital for the last few days." Lily shrugged.

"Alright..." I hummed.

"I'll re dress that if you don't want to do it." Lily pointed at my arm that was bandaged up. "In fact no I want to do it, so I know you don't do anything stupid while it's off."

"Ok I'll leave it on until you get back." I said fiddling with the bandage that was a bit old and dirty now but we managed to buy more dressing for it.

"And the other one." She nodded. "I think it's best if their both out of sight and out of reach."

"Whatever you say boss." I smiled slightly but still hadn't got that smile down yet.

- - - - -

Richards name popped up on my phone again whilst Lily was out so I answered feeling bad I had ignored a million calls.

"Hey," I breathed trying to put on a normal voice for him.

"Oh Thank god I was thinking there was something wrong for a while then, that or I had done something wrong..." Richard laughed.

"No just lost my phone for a bit sorry." I mumbled.

"That's ok, uh you know I said I would be back from home this week Well I tried to come to yours yesterday to explain but dad's taken off on a business trip and the nannies on holiday so Mum really needs help with the kids. I'll be home until Well... ill make a big effort to come to your party on your birthday." He explained.

"A big effort?" I asked.

"I'm joking, of course I'll be there for your birthday but that will be the next time I see you I think..." he groaned. "I miss you loads."

"Oh that's ok, it's only like three days away or something... I'll see you then." I tried to end the call.

"Well I can chat for a few minutes now. How was your last few days except loosing your phone?" Richard asked.

"Oh you know normal, nothingness day really. Lectures and then hanging out with Lily." I lied.

"Ah ok, well it's been a nightmare at home I've been babysitting all day and while Dad was here he was making me go out with loads of clients and connections for his business." Richard breathed. "It's been a tough few days I tell you that. You won't be envying me."

"Hah, yeah I don't envy you." I said trying to laugh. "Anyway—" I tried to end the conversation again but he just started blabbing on and I zoned out.

- - - - -

"This is good isn't it?" Lily said as we walked through the woods together.

"Well it's fresh air..." I mumbled.

"What's the matter? Well I know but you seem particular stuck on something you need to vent?" Lily asked expecting me to go on about life and how hard it is or something.

"There's a party on Saturday?" I asked.

"How the hell did you know that?" She sighed.

"Richard phone me this morning he's at home until my party on Saturday apparently..." I nodded.

"Well we arranged a party it was going to be a surprise but I was just going to cancel and see what you wanted to do..." Lily said. "After everything I didn't think you'd want a party."

"Maybe a party would be a good distraction?" I hummed.

"But you're not allowed alcohol everyone just comes to get drunk..." she sighed.

"I won't drink. I promise I won't. I just want something where I can get mind off things. Don't cancel I'll be fine. Everyone will think I'm normal and before I go back into hospital I'll have one good memory." I smiled, properly this time.

"Ok, if that is what you want." She smiled back at me as we continued our long walk in the woods.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now