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"What's that?" Violet asked pointing at my hand. I still had a cast on from the accident. It was smaller now but I still needed it.

"Oh its a cast. I broke my wrist." I told violet as we were walking towards the cinema.

"Did it hurt? My friend Sophia broke her leg and she couldn't hardly walk. She missed so much school. Like me." Violet laughed.

"It hurt a little but it's fine now. Richard almost broke his leg so you should ask him." I laughed holding her hand with the had that was not in a cast.

"Did it hurt?" Violet asked.

"I didn't break my leg. I hurt my ankle and foot. It hurt a bit but I had more important things to worry about...more important people to check on..." Richard eyes gazed towards mine.

"You should have seen him. He looked like a pirate with a big black boot on like a stump." I mocked him fantasising with violet.

Violet giggled away and laughed at Richard with me.

"How did you hurt yourselves?" She asked.

"An accident." Richard replied quickly.

"I know that! You wouldn't do it on purpose!" Violet laughed.

"There was an old house and we both slipped, fell down the stairs." I told her. "That's why we're super careful when there's steps around okay?" I smiled down at her.

"Okay." She shrugged as went to go pick what snacks we wanted for the movie.

- - - - -

Whilst violet was in the bathroom and then playing the arcades for a bit after the film I managed to explain to Richard what was going on at home and why I hadn't told my dad about all my problems.

Richard and I hatched a plan of going to visit for a few weekends and completely relieve the stress of the kids. Both grace and violet. Take them out of their way for the entire weekend so Dad and Rachel were less stressed.

Then so when we got back to house I explained all this to Dad but mid-explanation something struck me. "How about violet came to live here for the two weeks of half term she gets?" I offered.

Violet was in the other room with Richard.


"You're clearly stressed with the kids and looking for a new job and the stress of a new house. But really Dad I can help. Take violet off your hands for a few weeks. You get back on track." I smiled.

"You're busy. You have a life jen." Dad argued.

"Yes But So do you and I want to help make it easier." I nodded. "I haven't done anything for you these past few years. Living away from home meant I had no ties or responsibilities to you. Please let me do this for you."

"Alright where would she sleep?" He asked.

"Well we have a spare room. It's tiny but it has a small single bed in it and we use it for storage. Or she can sleep in my bed or on an air mattress. She's a kid she doesn't care where she sleeps." I laughed.

"Ok, violet?" He called. The six year old came running in.

"Yes?" She hummed standing there as clearly she had more important things to be doing in the other room with Richard.

"This half term, do you want to come and stay here? With Jenna? I think it's in two weeks." Dad explained making eye contact with her.

"Yes! Please yes!" She jumped up and down and ran at me giving me a huge hug.

"Told you she'd love it." I smiled rubbing violets back as I hugged her and staring at Dad with a grin on my face.

"Earlier you said you wanted to tell me something..." Dad said as violet detached herself from me and went back into the other room with Richard to watch tv and play.

"Oh it's not important. You have bigger issues." I smiled as I turned in my seat to see Richard stood in the doorway glaring at me for not telling my dad.

"No it is important." Richard smirked. "Go on."

"Okay so as we are both sharing bad news, my appointment at uni today was actually at the hospital. At the EPU." I sighed.

"You're pregnant?" Dad spat suddenly outraged.

"Was pregnant." I mumbled as Richard sat down beside me with his arm around me.

"Oh honey." Dad began but I cut him off.

"It's over now. It was something called a missed miscarriage... I'd never heard of it before. It's basically when everything carries on as normal, the morning sickness, the feeling of pregnancy etc but the baby's already died." I hummed trying my hardest not to look sad as I said any of this.

"Jen if you're going through something now, the last thing you need is violet on your hands for two weeks." Dad sighed.

"I want to. That part of my life is over now. I'm moving on."

"She's a burden Jenna. You don't need more on your plate." He sighed.

"Dad I know what I'm doing. Please." I explained to him.

"As long as you're ok with it." He smiled.

"Yes I promise."

- - - - -

"Are we going to talk about that fact that you totally cheated on Richard and he forgave you? That guys gotten weaker being with you." Lily hummed as she and I were having some girly time one evening.

"I only cheated because I mixed drugs and alcohol and was out of my mind when I did it. He trusts that I love him. That is the only thing that matters." I smiled.

"So if it was the other way round you wouldn't care?" Lily raised her eyebrows.

"Of course I would. To be honest lil we haven't even discussed it because I think he thinks it's too much of a sensitive subject." I nodded.

"Right. Well maybe something you should talk about?" She laughed.

"Maybe we should... but I don't want to." I laughed.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now