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"You can't let her skip anymore school, she's smart but they'll still hold her back a year. That's not fun and not having any friends is awful, look trust me I know." I sat down with Rachel and Dad.

"We know this, we're homeschooling her when we can. We have a tutor." Rachel nodded.

"How about private school?" I asked.

"Pay a shed tonne of money to not go to that either?" Dad scoffed.

"No, they accommodate. They won't hold her back a year, she'll be with people her age, if you're paying them they can't say no. Trust me Ashford... they let me go to the classes I could when I was pregnant and it worked out in the end." I explained.

"She can't go to boarding school, Jenna." Rachel scoffed. "She's not like you, she wants to stay with her family."

"I did too until mum left us and Dad was a dick and I had no friends." I moaned. "It's not boarding until you're 12... think about it."

"Violets different Jenna, you only went to Ashford because you got a fully paid scholarship because you're a bright girl. That place it's expensive." Dad explained.

"OK you clearly don't like Ashford but any private school would do. One near here." I nodded.

"We can look into it. But it's not likely Jenna," Rachel said picking up Grace and taking her upstairs.

- - - - -

"How we doing?" I smiled walking in to see Dad and Richard playing lego with Violet in the lounge.

"We built a castle." Violet smiled laying on the sofa watching TV as Dad and Richard were putting on the finishing touches and letting violet rest as she found it hard to stand up for long periods of time.

"Oh cool," I smiled sitting down next to her and kissing her head as she laid on me. "Was it fun?" I asked.

"Yeah." She yawned.

"Ah seems like its nap time huh?" I laughed at her as it was early afternoon and she looked exhausted.

"I'm not Grace. I don't take naps." She grumped then moving away from me.

"No, but you seem tired." Dad interrupted.

"Well I'm not." She said stubbornly jumping off the sofa and going to play with Richard who was still building the Lego for her.

- - - - -

"It's a week babe," Richard laughed as we said our goodbyes. Richard was going back home for a week before University started up again. It was one of his sisters birthdays and she was having a sweet 16th and Richard had to be there.

"I know but we've spent the best part of 4 months together." I moaned.

"Well next week I will help you move in to your new house and then that evening we can break in the new bed." He winked.

"I like your thinking." I kissed him gently.

"Alright I'm going to say goodbye to violet, you will call me later yeah?" Richard asked because Violet was going for her two week check up after the surgery to see if it was successful or not.

"Yes of course." I laughed pushing him up the stairs to say goodbye.

I stood at the door watching Richard say goodbye.

"Why are you leaving? I have my appointment today." Violet moaned with her arms clinging around his neck.

"Well I have to there's a party I have to be at in a couple of hours V." Richard explained holding her and giving her a big hug.

She walked of to play again so Richard just smiled saying "goodbye"

"See you soon!" Violet demanded.

I was going to be coming back these next few weekends to see her while she recovers. So I said Richard could come too and see her.

"I will see you in a few weeks ok, you get better yeah?" He laughed before turning back to me and we went downstairs. He said goodbye to grace, Dad and Rachel then left.

- - - - -

I tried to ring Richard a few times that night but he never answered. I had good news about violet. But he was busy at his sisters party, and there would be millions of people he needed to catch up with.

Also I'm pretty sure his parents aren't very happy with him since he hadn't been home at all this summer.

"Jenna." Violet said as she sat right up close to me on the sofa that night as everyone was falling asleep to the film he had put on.

"Yes violet?" I smiled down at her stroking her arm.

"Will you marry Richard? I want him to be my brother, he's so funny." She laughed to herself.

"I don't know about marrying him v, but he doesn't have to be your brother. He can visit just as much as I do. I have no intent of leaving him behind." I giggled to her.

"Yes and he'll come back at the weekends and for Christmas and Easter and summer and he'll be just like you. My brother who doesn't live at home." Violet explained.

"Oh well he can't be here for every Christmas and summer holiday." I laughed. "Richard has his own family."

"Can we call him tomorrow?" She ignored my last statement.

"Of course." I smiled.

- - - - -

"Hey." I smiled at Richard over facetime who looked very angry and stressed out. "Violet wanted to tell you some good news but—"

"I can't speak to her at the moment sorry Jen, I'm not in the mood." He snapped.

"Ok. That's fine, I'll tell her you aren't feeling well but what is the matter?" I asked.

"Just my parents. They're being well... my parents. They're angry of course because I haven't been here. But there's talk of my graduation this year and working for my dad... I really can't handle it." He said. I'd never seen him look so upset and angry.

"What's happening after your graduation?" I asked.

"I'm being thrown into life of work in London. Taking over from my father basically." Richard sighed.

"What do you want to do hun?" I asked.

"Travel." He said suddenly.

"Sorry what? Travel?" I repeated.

"Me and the boys we want to go and see everywhere before we are confined to a life of taking over our parents businesses. All of us Rich families are in the same boat Jen, we need the escape before the prison."

"So you're going to travel where? For how long?" I asked.

"I don't know, not long. But my father will do anything to stop me." He laughed. "He doesn't realised it only makes me want to do it more."

"Right," I smiled at him.

"Well I've got to go sorry for just spring bad news on you and not getting to talk to Violet. Maybe later tonight when I'm calmer I'll be in the mood to chat." Richard explained.

"Right yeah, speak later." I nodded before we hung up.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now