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"Alright Lilliana I thought we'd have dinner, watch some tv here in my room and then go to bed." I smiled at her.

"Okay Jenna." This little girl smiled.

"You remind me a lot of my little sister. Her name's violet." I told her.

"That's a pretty name." Lilliana nodded.

"Yes like your name." I smiled. "Um I'm sorry about this but you can't really leave my room. So I'll have to go and get your dinner and bring it up here if that's ok?"

"Sure, I don't mind." She smiled.

"Of course you don't." I nodded realising that she didn't care where she ate she just wanted to eat.

So I went downstairs got us some dinner and brought it up for her and me to eat. She finished her food in seconds you could tell how hungry she was.

"Do you want any snacks while we watch tv?" I asked her.


"You can say yes."

"Yes please." Lily nodded.

"Alright then, I'll be right back." And then as I stood up I felt my stomach kind of twinge a little. It reminded me what I had to do on Friday, that operation.

It was later that night Lilliana was in my bed watching TV and chilling out just fine and I went to the toilet and found that I had bled through to my jeans. Well that was just great, I didn't even think to begin with I just did what anyone else would do, grab a sanitary towel and get on with it.

But as I was washing my hands that I realised what was happening. I was meant to have the operation to removed everything, the placenta and everything in two days. But I realised I was miscarrying naturally.

I initially started freaking out. I didn't know what to do or expect.

I picked up the phone to Richard feeling stupid because this night was important for tom and I was now ruining it.

"Hey?" Richard picked up the phone. "Everything ok?"

"Not really, I'm bleeding really heavily." I mumbled because I didn't want Lilliana or Lily hearing me with my room and Lily's room either side of this bathroom.

"Right, you think..."

"I think I'm miscarrying like now." I breathed really fast and was like having a mini panic attack.

"Alright calm down. Are you in any pain?"

"A little, like period pains really." I explained.

"Do you think you can hold on till we get home? In about an hour?" Richard wondered.

"I don't know.."

"If you're not sure, then we are just going to come home now. Tom's spoken to my dad, everything has gone well. We can leave now anyway. If you're really worried then go to Lily." Richard reassured me.

"I can't go to Lily, I've got Lilliana here." I moaned.

"Well, explain everything quickly? I don't know. I need to go, I'll grab Tom we'll be home in 20 mins max." He sounded rushed.

"Alright, and thank you Richard." I sniffed feeling all of a sudden quite upset about all this.

- - - - -

Lilliana was actually asleep now in my bed so I took the opportunity before my pains started to get worse, to go and speak to Lily. I needed someone to speak to.

"Hi." I appeared at Lily's door. I bloody forget she has a boyfriend sometimes, Matt was laid on her bed while she was doing something at her desk.

"You ok?" She asked. We hadn't hardly spoken since I found out about the miscarriage.

"Uh yeah, would I be able to speak to you for a sec... alone." I smiled at Lily who then looked across at Matt.

"Your room?" Lily asked.

"Uh no." I snapped.

"Alright, I will be downstairs." Matt nodded as he got up and left looking at me oddly as he walked past me.

"You look sick or worried... all hot and sweaty... what's up?" Lily asked.

"Okay uh the day of the accident, Richard and I lied to protect some people but when we were in that house we were visiting this homeless man, Tom he's only like 5 years older than us and his daughter." I explained briefly.

"I told you I don't care what happened as long as you were safe Jen, why the sudden truth?" She wondered.

"Long story short, Richards taken this man Tom to meet his father at some party..." I don't know why but I started to cry as I said this. "I've got his daughter Lilliana in my room... I'm looking after her."

"Woah woah don't worry. Don't cry honey." Lily frowned wrapping her arms around me slightly. "So? You've got this little girl in there.... she ok?" 

"She's fine, asleep..." I sniffed.

"Then what's with the tears Jen hey?" She asked.

"Richards on his way back but I just needed to talk to you..." I breathed still sobbing.

"Jenna honey you need to give me some more information as to why you're actually crying right now..." Lily smiled sympathetically rubbing my back as we sat on the edge of her bed.

"I started bleeding, really heavy." I got out finally.

"Oh jen, it's happening naturally? I thought you were getting an operation on Friday?" Lily breathed.

"Yeah me too, clearly not." I sighed.

"Okay... the kids asleep. Richard is on his way back. You want to lay down here in my bed and then I'll check on the kid every now and then until Richard and the dad gets back." Lily rubbed my back.

"Alright." I nodded.

I laid down and just felt like shit for the first ten minutes, I stopped crying and was just angry at myself.

- - - - -

"Hey." Lily smiled as she met Richard outside her room.

"She ok?" Richard asked.

"Kinda, just in a bit of pain and bleeding... a lot... i mean it we've already had to change the sheets once and it's been less than half an hour." Lily sighed.

"I'll go speak to her get her out of your room." He laughed, "Thanks lil."

"She's my best friend, nothing to be thanked for." Lily nodded giving him a small smile.

- - - - -

"Hey," Richard kissed my forehead and woke me up from the kind of dazed sleep I was in.

"Lilliana and Tom ok?" I asked straight away.

"I sent them to our tiny apartment we rent out, luckily nobody's in it at the moment. Dad said I could." Richard smiled. "Gave them £50 as well if they needed food or anything."

"Thank goodness." I smiled. "Sorry for cutting your party short."

"Need to make sure you're ok." Richard hummed kissing my forehead again. "You wanna go back to your own bed."

"Yes please. I've already made Lily change the sheets once, I feel bad." I frowned.

"I spoke to her, she doesn't mind." Richard laughed taking my hand as we went into my room.

"You ok?" Lily asked me as I was getting into my own bed feeling really shitty.

"Fine yeah." I nodded.

"Keep me posted." She called going to her own room.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now