Oh my god

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Seems like I'm saying this a lot in my books but uh small trigger warning maybe? Just be careful. If you're usually upset by these sorts of things maybe the next few chapters won't be your thing. Sorry the storylines in my books are getting a bit deep but it's only so there can be some drama around it! Ps. SOME but NOT ALL is taken from personal experience so I'm not making light of any situations.

I tried to be normal all day but suddenly I got freaked out so I called Lily's little sisters nanny who looked after them most of the time and asked if she wouldn't mind watching violet. She loved the twins so they could just have another play date in the afternoon too. I dropped her round there and rushed back home calling Richard in the car to which he didn't respond.

I called Richard again as I sat on my bed crying. He didn't answer.

I called him again and eventually he picked up.

"Jen?" Richard asked.

"Where are you?" I sniffed.

"I'm at home remember? I told you I'm here till tomorrow." He replied.

"I need you to come over." I said unable to breath almost.

"Why?" He laughed. "Jenna what's up? I thought we said we'd meet Wednesday or Thursday?"

"Just stop. Can you come over?" I asked.

"No." He said suddenly which sounded insanely rude for him. I was feeling like the bottom of the world and he was being rude. "Jen what's wrong with tomorrow?"

"Nothing I guess it's not important rich see you in a few days." I snapped.

"I'm not being rude. I just have to be at home right now." He said.

"It's nothing rich honestly."

"Jenna is it important? What the matter?" Richard asked.

"It's not important it can wait." I sighed.

"See you tomorrow then maybe." He breathed.

"Yep. See ya."

"Love you." Richard said but I didn't reply I just hung up.

- - - - -

"Hey jen it was nothing to worry about I tried to call you but the doctors just said it was the nerve damage from the accident. When it's triggered it can cause temporary numbness in the affected area. Luckily I am ok." Lily said walking into my room. "I have to take it easy—"

I wasn't really listening I just laid flat under the duvet.

"Jen where's violet?" She asked. And when I didn't reply "Jenna?" She snapped suddenly.

She came over to me and I was half awake half drowsy and sleepy. I had done something stupid. Really idiotic.

"What have you taken?" Lily panicked suddenly looking at me. "Jen?" She sat on the edge of my bed for a second to see if I was just waking up or something but It wasn't like that.

"Leave me alone." I breathed turning onto my side.

"Hey show me your arm." Lily demanded as I was tucked under the duvet and my eyes were all fluttery. She had feared this earlier when she shouted at me. When I wouldn't do it she pulled at my arm until it was out of the duvet. "Oh Jesus." She suddenly stood back all freaked out.

"Go Lily." I mumbled.

She ran off and I thought she had actually listened to me but she came back in after washing my blood off her hands and came in with a towel. She grabbed my hand tightly and then placed the towel firmly on my arm as she breathed really heavily.

"Keep still!" She snapped at me because I was trying to get away from her. "Alright jen this is really important on whether I need to take you to the hospital or not. Have you taken anything? Alcohol? Pills? Both?" Lily desperately tried to make eye contact with me but I wasn't having it.

I nodded slowly. "Don't worry. It'll be over soon."

"Oh my god." Lily freaked out. "Here take your other arm and hold the towel tightly there on your other arm..." she instructed me. She noticed the recent scars on that arm too which was red roar. She immediately rang an ambulance while she searched around for any empty containers or pill boxes or empty bottles. "Aha!" She said picking up two empty containers one from the floor and one behind some things on my desk.

"Lily I'm really cold." I breathed slowly.

"You're hot. You're sweating jen... just hold on ambulance shouldn't be long." Lily said but she did notice I was shivering slightly so she put her hand back on the bloody towel and let me rest.

"Jen before we get separated by paramedics and the doctors and everything... was it me? That caused you to do this? I know I shouldn't be asking and it's not important but I need to know." Lily asked as she couldn't help but stare at blood stained sheets beneath me.

"I don't feel good." I said slowly.

"I know, you're loosing a lot of blood and you've clearly overdosed just please answer me." She demanded.

"Please Lil just let his happen." I mumbled feeling really low.

"No, you're not doing this. This isn't fair. You can't do this if I'm going to be here, I found you so I'm helping you alright? Shit ok the ambulance is here... I've got to show them upstairs..." she said standing up and asking me to hold the towel again.

"It's not your fault." I called out as she left the room. "It's everything piled up." I breathed.

She stopped turned and looked at me for a moment, smiled and then ran downstairs to only appear a few seconds later with two paramedics.

"Right so what do you think she's taken?" The man asked Lily as they approached me on the bed.

"Uh these are the nearby empty pots, I can't be sure she hasn't taken anything else either..." Lily hummed handing him the pill containers.

"Anti depressants, painkillers... and you're guessing these were fairly full?" He asked.

"Last time I checked they were. She stopped taking the antidepressants had loads left over..." Lily explained.

"Hey Jenna, I'm Lucy and that's Ryan and we're paramedics... can you hear me lovely?" The woman paramedic spoke for the first time whilst checking me over.

I nodded slowly.

"She's been talking to me a little... but she started to shiver and say she's cold but she's sweating all over." Lily explained.

"Right that's common for an overdose. We need to get fluids in her for now but for this drug they'll want to use an antidote at the hospital. It'll reverse the effects of the drugs." The male paramedic reassured Lily.

"Do you have any discomfort Jenna?" Lucy asked me.

"I feel sick, and my stomach really hurts... like cramps but worse. And I'm cold..." I tried to shuffle around.

"Let's get her in as soon as possible eh?" Ryan nodded at the other paramedic.

"She's also hurt her arm." Lily sighed removing the towel temporarily.

"Alright Lily keep applying pressure with the towel to her arm while we sort out a dressing for it." Lucy nodded.

Lily nodded back at her before smiling at me quickly and I just couldn't focus on anything that was going on.

"It's alright I'm gunna stay with you." Lily assured me as she held my arm. He eyes were full of tears and she had gone pale in amongst all of this. She couldn't believe what was going on.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now