6 months on.

25 3 0

6 months later.

"What date is your last exam? And when's your graduation?" I asked Richard over the phone whilst I was packing my bag for the morning.

"Last exam is May 25th so like next week and graduation is in June or July I'll get the exact date for you don't worry." Richard laughed.

"Cool. I finish classes next week but I have to stick around here for my therapy until the end of May and I'll probably stop it." I explained to him. Ever since I was admitted to the hospital and hated it I was determined not to go back there.

So I paid for therapy sessions with a proper woman who I've seen since December time and I've been feeling better. I still have rough days but I'm just so trying to avoid being admitted to hospital.

It wasn't fun, I was bored out of my mind and only had visitors for an hour at time a few times a day. I don't think anything was more dull or annoying.

"That's Cool. You're feeling better then?" He asked.

"Well I thought there was no point in paying for another block of sessions if I'm going home and then travelling with you for a month." I smiled.

"That does make sense." Richard responded.

We were planning after he graduated from university to spend some time together before he has to go into work and I have to go back to my final year at uni. So we planned a tripped to America for a month. Lily and Matt are coming for two weeks and we'll be alone for two weeks.

"Anyway I have to get to my lecture, are we still ok for dinner tonight?" I asked.

"Yes of course." Richard replied.

"Study hard."

"You too." He laughed.

"Love you bye." I smiled putting down the phone.

- - - - -

"Lil, sorry I'm late." I came through the door that afternoon to see lily sat on the couch waiting for me.

We were sorting out accommodation for next year. We wanted to move back into dorms to be closer to the university in our third year and it had to arranged soon.

"It's okay don't worry." She smiled. "We basically have everything done anyway we just need to place deposits on the forms."

"Cool cool. Uh so it's just us and Matt yeah? We'll have some random people in the flat too?" I asked.

"Yes everyone else in this house is doing their own thing next year. Either going on a placement or moving in with different people." Lily smiled.

"Well I'm glad it's all sorted." I smiled.

"Do you wanna grab dinner tonight?" She asked.

"Uh I think Richard is coming over." I explained.

"We can order food?" Lily asked.

"Sounds good." I nodded.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Lily asked.

"Nothing. Richard is studying for his final exams." I told her.

"We should hang out then."

"Lily.. I don't need baby sitting." I laughed.

"Some people would say otherwise..." Lily pouted.

"I know you worry. But I'm fine ok?" I smiled at her. "I wouldn't say it if I wasn't."

"Okay. But it's only for your own good. I don't want anything to happen..."

"Yes Lily. I get it." I nodded.

- - - - -

Richard finished his exams that next week and we all celebrated by going out for drinks which was really nice expect I was always trying to limit how much I drank.

With the medication I'm on, it can really affect your mood when you drink too much so I avoid it really.

"Babe you ok?" Richard smiled at me as he put an arm around me as we stood in this crowded loud bar.

"Yeah yeah fine." I nodded smiling up at him.

He usually looks after me. We could leave whenever we wanted because he understood but today was his day of finishing university so I gave it to him.

I didn't freak out or anything I just drank as much as I liked and so did he.

I was nice to be around all his friends who clearly loved him so much and with lily and Matt too who were also celebrating their anniversary of being together for like forever. I think it's like 7 or 8 years they've been together. On and off.

Richard and I never had a proper anniversary with everything we had going on. We split up and then when we got together it was a secret from everyone so we don't have a real date...

"Jen do you want another drink?" Richard asked me as he was ordering another round. I looked him as if to say, you're going to let me drink more? And he didn't get it so I just told him yes.


"Brilliant. I'm so happy we're celebrating, and you know what else today is?" Richard pulled me away slightly from the crowd of friends.

"Uh..." I thought I had forgot an anniversary we had. But the only anniversary we had was Maisie and that wasn't for over a month so...

"You! Six months since you got outta that hospital and look at you now." Richard grinned. I loved seeing him this happy.

"Oh yeah..." I nodded along with him but I didn't think it was appropriate for a celebration. "Rich I think we should rejoin the group."

"Sure yeah." Richard placed an arm around me and we walked back to his friends who were setting up beer pong on a table in the bar.

- - - - -

Lily and Matt went home to enjoy the rest of their night alone but not without coming to me and asking me to come home with them because they didn't want me out this late surrounded by drunk people.

"I'm not a baby lily I can handle Richard when he's drunk." I smiled.

"I'm sure you can but I think I it would be better if you came home now. Then you know someone would have an eye on you at least." Lily said breathing in deeply.

"You can't have an eye on me all the time lil, sorry, go home enjoy the rest of your night. I'm going to enjoy mine with my boyfriend." I nodded.

"Are you sure jenna?" Matt asked me one last time.

"I love you guys and I'm sure so go home. Please." I smiled gently.

"Jenna I need you on my team you're my lucky charm!" Richard called to me as they were starting beer pong.

"I've got to go." I smiled as lily and Matt left.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now