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"Sorry excuse us molly but can I steal Jenna? I really need to ask her something." Richard smiled.

"Sure, I'll see ya around." Molly smirked.

"Bye molly," I smiled as she walked away. "What do you need?" I asked.

"Come with me." He held my hand tight. Richard suddenly took us to the back doors where it smelt a little of weed and smoke and sweat. The cold air was really flipping cold as we stood outside.

"It's a little cold." I hummed.

"I got you a jumper. I just wanted to show you something." Richard nodded pulling me away from the patio and onto the grass.

"Ok cool." I smiled. "Why is it at the end of the garden? It's dark down here and creepy. Except from that one string of garden lights we have..." I rambled.

"Would you be quiet for a minute." He laughed.

"Sure..." I sighed.

"Jenna this is important. Lily said you had something to show me and I need to see it now." He frowned at me.

"What the hell does she mean by that?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Richard shrugged. "She seemed to think that something important is going on that I don't know about."

"Of course not. You know everything about my life." I smiled at him holding both of his hands. "I love you." I leapt up and hugged him so tightly. "Just don't go anywhere please. Can we just stay here for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't ever want to leave you." He mumbled into my shoulder before I stepped back and we kissed.

He looked oddly at me. He was sweating a little which I don't blame him it was hot in there. But it was too cold to sweat out here. We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds and he just looked so worried.

Like he knew something was up with me but just wasn't saying anything.

"Jenna I've been thinking about us a lot recently and I love you so much." He smiled.

"Me too." I smiled at him just hugging him slightly as I rested my head on his chest.

"Why were you speaking to Molly?" He asked.

"We are friends... I guess." I explained.

"Oh cool..." Richard nodded. "Jenna— you know how much we've been through recently... well since we've know each other basically?"


"That would normally break people apart. But we are still together." He smiled as I looked him in the eyes now.

"Yeah I'm so glad too. I have no idea where I would be without you." I breathed.

"Jenna I can't imagine loving someone else. When I dated Molly or honour all those years ago I never liked them like I like you..." Richard was saying this with all his passion.

"I know me too. All the other people... the cheating I did this summer... I never meant it. Nothing is as good as being with you." I nodded. "So I hope you can understand that when I say—" I decided that this was the time. I was gunna tell him what happened.

We were so happy and I just needed to tell him the whole truth now. So I didn't feel so guilty.

"Jenna you know what I had prepared a speech and was going to do this in front of all our friends later but..."

"Oh my god." My hands came to my mouth as he let go of them to reach in his pocket.

"Jenna I love you more than anything in the world and I don't think I'm going to love anyone the way I love you. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Richard..." Lily suddenly said out of breath, Matt not too far behind her. We were right at the end of the garden and she was just after half way down and she had seen him get down on one knee but she was too late.

I was too late. I hadn't told him anything and now he was proposing and I had no way out of this.

I just stood there. Staring at Richard for what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds. Then I looked at Lily when I didn't have anything to say. I just desperately looked to her for answers.

I either said yes, or no. But I forgot Lily had pre warned me about his and I never thought of what I would say if it really did happen.

I was just staring at this amazing and clearly very expensive ring being held in front of my face and staring at this amazing guy thinking just say yes he's perfect.

But another voice was saying... I just turned 20. And this guy in front of me has no clue that a few days ago I tried to kill myself.

"Jenna—" Lily hummed seeing my face just fill with tears.

Then I started to feel sick, with worry and the fact I hadn't eaten basically anything in a few days. Lily could see all this wash over my face as I went pale.

But I couldn't keep standing there frozen I had to say something.

"Lil give us a minute maybe?" I stared at her. She gave me the eyes that meant if I didn't tell the truth I was in deep shit.

"I can't marry you." I mumbled holding the hand that wasn't clutching the ring still.

"Okay..." he breathed. "Not how I thought that would go... still I'm listening, why not?" He asked

"I didn't want to do this today. It's my birthday I wanted one normal day..." I glanced at Lily who was clearly still listening in just had taken a few steps back.

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Of course I do... Richard this is more that just whether I love you. I can't marry you at the moment." I hummed awkwardly.

"Ok but I would kind of like an explanation?" Richard scoffed stepping back from me clearly disappointed I hadn't said yes.

I found it really hard to get words out all of a sudden.

"Look Jenna if it's something else or someone else... just tell me! Stop being so dramatic, I deserve to know." Richard yelled. I understood though, you propose to the girl you love and I said no. It's gotta hurt a little.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now