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Just so you know it was January when we last left off and now we're skipping ahead to the summer!

"You do not need this many clothes for one week Jen." Richard complained looking at the scene in my bedroom. All laid out on the beds were two suitcases, one his and one mine and I had over filled mine and started to use the extra space in his case.

"You have no idea." I rolled my eyes.

"You sure it's okay for me to be here still?" Richard asked me. He had been staying at mine for the majority of the summer because he was being forced to work with his dad when he was at home. He's spent about 2 weeks at home out of the 8 weeks we had off.

"Honestly, violets doing okay plus she likes to have you around. After being out of school for the last term she's been bored to death. Having you round is an excitement for her in between hospital appointments." I joked but I shouldn't really joke about it.

"As long as your dad isn't going to turn around and say I need to get out just before we're meant to be flying away on holiday." Richard joked.

"Babe, it's fine. This new house is huge they hardly noticed you were here." I smiled. "Let's just focus on our holiday alright?"

"Sure okay." He laughed.

"So maybe I don't need all of these things... I'll start to narrow down my bikinis now." I laughed.

"Finally making the right choices. Don't think you need 7 days of going out clothes. I know we wanted to go to a few clubs over there but every night?" Richard moaned.

"I fully plan on having a nice outfit for every night." I smiled. "You better not be packing like one shirt."

"I've got enough." He smiled. "How are Lily and Matt getting on?"

"Lily can walk perfectly now but they're still arguing. She thinks she can't handle a holiday but Matt is so desperate to go." I explained to him.

"Well maybe we should intervene? Stop the arguing and just get them on the plane." Richard laughed.

"They'll sort it out. I trust them." I said.

"Hey sorry to interrupt--" Rachel said knocking on my door and walking in slightly.

"No problem, we're just packing." I smiled.

"When violet gets back from the hospital I was wondering if you two could be there to perhaps cheer her up a little bit. Today's been a rough day apparently. Your dad phoned and the chemo is wrecking her, they're on their way back now." Rachel explained, she stayed home because she had to look after the baby.

"Oh sure no problem." Richard smiled.

"We'll grab some books and films, a load of blankets and sit and hang out. We can look after her if you needed to leave the house at all, I know you haven't had much time--" I blurted out.

"Your dad's got to go into work quick for an hour or so, so I thought he could drop me at the supermarket and I'll get some dinner and food for the next few nights." Rachel smiled. "If you don't mind looking after her of course, I'll take Grace with me..."

"Happy to." Richard and I agreed. Now we had to entertain a sick child, good luck to us. I guess it was better than a sick child and a 8 month old baby. Though grace had grown on me and was an adorable little girl.

- - - - -

Dad walked in carrying a very tired violet in her favourite beanie hat. Luckily she wasn't loosing her hair like everyone expected. Though it had got a lot thinner and a lot weaker so she she still had her lovely long blonde hair but it looked damaged and weak and you could see her scalp in places, but honestly it wasn't that bad.

So she wore a hat because she was slightly concerned people might treat her different otherwise. (She was very clear that she shouldn't be pitied by anyone.) I personally love her look, she has a multicoloured hat on with her long blonde hair down her back. But anyway, she looked tired but she did have a smile on her face.

"Look who's happy." I smiled taking her from dad and kissing her cheek gently.

"Someone just had their last chemotherapy session didn't you?" Dad smiled stroking violets arm as I held her.

"No way. I thought it was still two more weeks?" I asked.

"Well actually it's good and bad news to be honest, where's Rachel I need to explain to everyone." He sighed that didn't sound too good.

"She's with the baby, grace hasn't had a nap so she's crying like mad." I explained.

"Ah fair enough, I'll fetch her..." he popped up the stairs.

"Daddy bought me a magazine." Violet said clutching something to her chest.

"Oh yeah? Shall we read it together? Wow a Frozen magazine." I said sitting down on the sofa and positioning her on my lap as we flicked through the pages together.

Eventually Rachel came into the living room and dad gave us the low down. Basically, she's stopping the radiation and chemo now and they're going to operate next week because they think they can remove the cancer now as it's decreased in size enough for them to be able to remove it without removing part of her actual lung.

It meant that we were going on holiday the day after she has the operation.

- - - - -

"Hey violet guess what Richard got for you..." I said kneeling down in front of her as she was laying down on the sofa whilst we watched Harry Potter. We decided a marathon was a good idea, we'd made it to the second film so far.

"What?" She smiled just about lifting her head off the pillow.

"Some dinner, made especially for you." Richard smiled carrying the tray in.

"Jenna I'm not very hungry." Violet mumbled sniffing a little bit as she was upset.

"That's okay, how about just a few bites huh? I promise I'll eat the rest and we'll tell mummy what a good girl you are for eating something." We all knew she wasn't going to eat all the toast and a whole banana but we could try.

I sat up next to her and then I gave her a slice of jam on toast and I took the other slice and I ate it with her.

"Good girl, violet." Richard smiled. "You know if you can eat some of that we've got some cupcakes."

Her eyes lit up. She may have no appetite but she could never refuse a cupcake. Ever.

So she took another bite and then another and another and suddenly she was finished.

"Do you fancy the banana?" I asked. She shook her head. "How about half, I'll eat the other half."

"Okay..." she said and I gave her half and she held it for ages before she actually took a bite. Then she took another bite and put it down. I didn't force her anymore it wasn't worth it.

"Are you all finished?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She smiled laying head back down on the arm of the sofa.

"Wow you did so well V." Richard smiled and then as I got up to take the tray away Richard followed me into the kitchen.

"Not bad." I smiled, "I can't remember the last time she finished a whole piece of toast on chemo day."

"We did good." He kissed my cheek and then went back to sit with violet whilst I cleaned up a little.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now