Good advice.

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"Do you remember what we were doing at that house?" I asked Richard when we were alone and sat in my room.

"Yeah do you not?" He asked me.

"Yes, we were helping Tom." I sighed. "No one can know. You didn't tell anyone did you? They'll get in trouble. Tom will lose Lilliana."

"I haven't said anything. In fact I spoke to my dad about a Job yesterday when you were in the hospital." He explained.

"You did?" I jumped up. "Oh my god thank you Richard."

"He wasn't too impressed but they have a job going... some office job at the newspaper. Nothing too hard, you wouldn't need a lot of experience but the pay is decent." Richard smiled.

"Oh my goodness just wait until you see the look on Tom's face he's going to be so happy." I breathed. "Honestly Richard I love you so much, everything you do for me..." I smiled placing the arm that wasn't broken and in a sling around his neck and kissing him.

"I like to see you happy. And this is a good thing you're doing here. I wanted to help and I did." Richard kissed me gently. "Love you."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"So... you really don't know any of those people downstairs?" Richard asked out of curiosity.

"No clue." I pouted. "Want to tell me who they are so I don't look completely idiotic when we go down there?"

"Sure, ok so there's Holly and Grace. They're nice girls you get along with them but you aren't like best friends or anything." He explained. "Then the guys, you have Alex, Max and Tom."

"So I know two Graces and two Toms?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah I guess your sister is Grace too." He smiled.

"Alex isn't your favourite person you had a little incident with him a while back. He apologised but it hasn't been the same since." Richard explained. "You're very friendly with Max, you're good pals and Tom isn't anything special to you. Just a friend..."

"Cool so... Grace, Holly, Alex, Tom and Max. Then there's Lily and Matt and you..." I smirked kissing him again.

"You remember Matt?" He asked.

"We dated?" I questioned.

"Almost two years ago." Richard scoffed. "You like Matt a lot. Even though I don't love it, you two are close friends."

"Yeah, I feel like we are." I smiled. "Let's go meet these people!" I jumped up ready.

- - - - -

"Super long day, I need sleep." I smiled kissing Richard gently.

"Want me to stay? Or I can go back to my place." He smirked across at me.

"Uh, whatever you like. No obligation to stay." I nodded.

"I think I'll head back to my place, with the boot..." he pointed at his foot which was in this black boot. "...and your cast." Richard nodded at my arm. "We'll be a bloody mess in bed."

"Yeah alright." I laughed at him. "See you Later," I sighed after he left.

My usual quite slim stomach was a bit podgy and certainly not flat. It was quite scary that I had to tell him I was pregnant. And soon.

At least I had an excuse for being really tired and feeling sick at the moment. This accident came at a convenient time.

- - - - -

"Hey." Lily said coming into my room and waking me up. "I've had an interesting couple of hours,"

"Sleeping? I know it's really interesting, and fun." I moaned turning over in bed and regretting it because of the nasty cut I still had on the back of my head. It had just been stitched up.

"It's gone midday." She snarled.

"Alright grumpy." I moaned covering my eyes with my cast of an arm.

"You're pregnant." Lily snapped.

"Yes," I breathed just wanting to go back to sleep really badly, not really processing what she said to me.

"Did you tell Victoria? What if something happened in that accident?" Lily moaned throwing the pregnancy test at me.

"She knows, and she said everything's fine from what they can see. It's early days." I sighed pulling up my blanket.

"Why didn't you tell me? We were in this together." Lily frowned.

"Look, right now I'm so tired I want to throw something at you. Can I talk to you about it in like an hour?" I moaned.

"Alright. An hour." She snapped closing the door after she left. I fell asleep right away and didn't have time to process what she had found out before she came back into my room at 1pm.

- - - - -

"Hey." I smiled nervously as I knocked on Lily's open door with my not broken arm and walked in to see her laying on her bed on her phone. I closed the door behind me and walked in.

"Finally awake?" Lily smirked as she sat up in bed and I sat down crossed legged opposite her.

"I'm so sorry." I blurted out.

"It's alright." Lily shrugged. "Anyone else know?"

"Nope except Victoria." I breathed.

"How could you let this happen again?' Lily moaned at me.

"I really want this kid. Ever since maisie I've wanted another kid but it's just not practical. It's still going to wreck my life now but I want to hold my baby again." I smiled.

"I get that but this is life changing. If all goes like it should and not like maisie. You'll have to do your final year at university with a baby." Lily sighed.

"I know which is why I don't want a kid but... ever since I've known I became attached to it. I can't get rid of it." I breathed.

"I'm guessing because you're saying 'it' you don't know the gender?" She asked.

"No. I am 11 weeks but can go in next week for a scan and know the gender maybe because I had the complication with maisie they want to do a 4D ultrasound fairly often." I explained.

"So you've had one already?" Lily asked.

"Oh yeah. They're saying it is measuring quite small at the moment but not to be too worried about it. It could be that the dates I gave were wrong." I explained. "I have to tell Richard..."

"You do. He should go with you to that scan. It when they'll find out if anything is wrong and if it is... which I hope it isn't ...but Richard should be there for you." Lily nodded.

"I can't tell him it isn't his... it'll kill him."

"Don't tell him yet. Just say you're pregnant and you need to go to this scan to sort things out then discuss after the scan. When you know everything is fine." Lily smiled.

"I'm glad I have you for advice.' I breathed.

"I know." Lily laughed.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now