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"So why did you hide this?" Lily asked holding the test up.

"Uhh well I don't want him thinking the wrong things... whether that be he thinks I want to be pregnant or thinking that the negative is wrong and then we have to go do tests..." I explained.

"I see." Lily smirked. "Are you going to any of your lectures today?"

"I have no lectures on Tuesdays remember." I laughed as I sat on the edge of the bath as Lily brushed her teeth getting ready for another dance class. She was taking extra to get ahead.

"Oh yeah!" She laughed. "Well, I'll see you in a couple of hours."

"Yeah see ya." I smiled collapsing into my room feeling pretty weak still but the sickness had stopped so I felt better about this negative test and I was sure it was true. That's a relief.

- - - - -

"Hey." Richard smiled giving me a hug as I had ventured out of the house and to his dorms, he did always come to the house so I felt bad.

"Hi." I moaned into his chest and I closed my eyes and breathed him in. "I still feel ill."

"Awww." He rubbed my back and then kissed my forehead. "I was going to moan at you but I can save it until you feel better if you like?" He scoffed.

"Moan at me?" I frowned pulling back.

"You're modelling again." Richard sighed pulling away from me.

"Oh my god." I moaned walking away from him and sitting on his bed.

"I don't like it." He shouted at me.

"Well you don't get to tell me what to do. I like modelling." I sighed.

"It's not right. You're not a model Jenna. You're this amazing writer and really smart and talented girl that doesn't need to pose for a camera to be successful." Richard chanted annoyingly.

"I do it for the money rich nothing else I promise." I explained.

"I don't want you to continue this job." He said stubbornly. "I mean what do you even like about it? It is late nights or all Saturday shows of trying on clothes and pouting."

"When I'm there I feel pretty and the clothes are really nice. Plus the money how many times! Not all of us have a rich mummy and daddy." I shouted.

"If you need money I can help..."

"Oh my god you did not just offer me money. Get off your high horse and try working yourself. I earn my money it isn't just handed to me on a plate. I am going to model for as long as humanely possible ok? If you have a problem with that then maybe we shouldn't be together!" I breathed regretting saying that.

"You don't want to be together?" Richard snapped.

"That's not what I meant." I sighed.

"Then What Jenna? I ask you to do one thing for me and you won't do it! I don't ask anything of you except it's always 'Richard can you pick me up?' 'Richard can you help me?' I don't know what else I can do?" He yelled.

"I don't whine to you for help." I moaned.

"Yes you do. Now just do as I say for once." He snapped.

"I'm not a child to be yelled at or your pet to be told off." I folded my arms sitting down on his bed.

"I just want what's best..." Richard calmed down and so did I taking a deep breath.

"I know but you're wrong this time. Modelling is clearly what I need to do right now and you can either support it or we can pretend like this never happened and you ignore its existence." I explained hoping he'd choose the first.

"Then I guess it doesn't exist." He sighed sitting next to me. Are you kidding me? He is seriously not acknowledging this.

- - - - -

"Richard stop this." I laughed at him as he walked into our house in front of me and walked into the kitchen with some of my shopping.

"No." He shrugged starting to put my stuff in the fridge.

"Stop what?" Lily asked as she was on the sofa with Matt that afternoon.

"Being an idiot about what we were talking about earlier." I sighed.

"I thought you weren't going to say anything about the test." She laughed and I looked over at her and shot her the eyes. I meant the modelling not the pregnancy test.

"Test?" Richard jumped up.

"I had to take a test to get this new position at work. It was just health and safety stuff. I passed." I covered her tracks.

"Health and safety?" Matt frowned. "Easy I've done that loads."

"I know aha." I smiled just trying to change the subject. "Anyway he's been making stupid jokes and being mean all day about this job and I thought we were pretending it didn't exist..."

"It doesn't exist. What job? Shall we start a new conversation?" Richard spat.

"Whatever. I know it's a sore subject but I have work so I actually have to go." I said after we'd put my stuff away.

"Need a lift?" He asked.

"Now you acknowledge it?" I asked.

"Sure it not far." Richard nodded and he actually drove me there and not ridiculously taken me somewhere else or seven stupid and dropped me miles away.

I did have to walk a bit though as your car had to be registered to go into the car park of the modelling building and Richards was not so he dropped at the end of the road and I walked.

"See you later on yeah?" I asked.

"I can pick you up I guess." He said all sulky.

"I finish at 11, I'll get a taxi." I smiled.

"You come to mine though?" He asked.

"No I'll go home it's a Wednesday." I laughed as it was mid week and we avoided staying at each other's on a night we had uni the next day.

"Ok fine." Richard nodded.

"I love you, I'll see you tomorrow. Please don't be grumpy with me." I smiled.

"Never." He smiled leaning out the window and kissing me gently. "Love you." He called as I walked off down the road.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now