That appointment.

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Lily was civil towards me because of what I'd told her that day but you could tell she angry at me. First I didn't tell her I was pregnant straightaway and now I was keeping this huge secret from her and going to her boyfriend instead.

I hadn't seen Richard since he walked out of the house but I was hoping he'd answer one of my calls sometime soon.

The worse thing was, I didn't even feel bad about what had happened. In my mind, it's my body so I can tell who I want but in reality you can't keep life changing secrets from people you love and who love you.

I had woken up this morning and found I had bled again so I was pretty sure about what was going on. I was surprised in myself that I even got out of bed.

"Everything ok?" Lily smiled at me for probably the first time in a while, and we were alone which hadn't happened since.

I was eating breakfast, watching tv with everyone else but they had things to do and lectures to go to so they all disappeared and it was just Lily and I.

"Fine yeah." I nodded looking away from the television for a second, while I sat back on my sofa with my feet up on the coffee table in front of me while I leant forward eating my cereal.

"My dance class actually got moved back today so I can come with you... if you want." Lily mumbled, she was moving about and then settled on the other sofa.


"Your appointment." Lily spoke clearly. I forgotten I told everyone that I'd find out for sure on Friday, today.

"Oh Don't worry about that." I laughed staring straight at tv.

"As long as you're sure." She smiled.

"Yeah of course. I'm fine, make sure you get to that class." I smiled back at her glancing in her direction to only look out the window and see Richard walking towards the house.

Before I got the chance to open my mouth again the doorbell went. Lily shot up and got it and I just went into the kitchen and washed up my bowl.

"It's for you." Lily laughed as Richard walked in after her to the lounge which linked in to the kitchen at the end.

Lily slipped out the room and I heard her leave the house a few minutes later.

"Hey." I smiled drying my bowl with a tea towel as I looked across the lounge at him.

"I was scared I was going to miss you." He breathed. "Thought you might have already left."

"You remembered too." I sighed rubbing my forehead. "Look it's not until 2pm so if you wanna leave, I get it."

"Right, I should have checked." Richard sighed.

"Well you didn't phone ahead, pop a text, email..." I suddenly just got frustrated with everything. How can someone turn up here, expecting to join me at my appointment where I'm probably going to be told I'm miscarrying my kid but not answer any calls or texts.

"Didn't feel like a chat." He gritted.

"Well why are you here then?" I lashed out suddenly.

We both went silent.  "I didn't mean to— lash out—" I whispered.

"No well you don't mean to do anything." He snapped.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised my voice.

"It's just that you didn't mean to get pregnant or you didn't mean to cheat on me..." Richard blurted.

"Woah, look I'm not going to stand here and be attacked, especially not today. Don't you think I'm feeling it enough already? I'm going to shower, I assume you can see yourself out?" I said storming out of the room.

The one thing that did comfort me the most was that, yes we were fighting but he hadn't mentioned breaking up. I really didn't want to break up, again.

- - - - -

Then he came back in time for 2pm. Richard appeared at the house and rung the bell again, Lily answered with a smile.

"Jen here?" He asked still quite aggressively.

"Oh honey she left here a good 45 minutes ago," Lily sighed.

"Its not even 1:30... The appointment wasn't at 2pm was it?" Richard suddenly snapped.

"Try 1pm..." Lily smirked. "She lied to me too if that's any consolation. Told me it was when I had dance class."

"I swear to god one day that girl better start trusting the people around her." Richard snapped before he turned around and got back in his car.

- - - - -

"Yes Jenna Coleman her appointment was at 1pm, do you know if she's still here?" Richard begged this woman.

"I can't really tell you that but I can tell you there was roughly a half an hour delay today." She informed him.

"1:30..." he smiled. Then looking up at the clock it was 1:40. "Right, I need to know who her Doctor is, I'll do anything to find out. She can't be in there alone, she might find out she's lost her baby."

"I can't give out that information." She insisted.

"You must be able to do something..." he begged.

"How about you accidentally overheard a nurse talking about where she was?"  She smiled.

"Yes perfect."

"Room 304, her doctor is... Oh Victoria— that can't be right." She frowned.

"No that sounds right. Thank you so much. I won't say a word." He smiled.

Richard quickly walked down the corridor trying to find 304 until he got to it and it was empty. All of this effort and she wasn't even there, he must of just missed her. "1:45." He breathed.

- - - - -

I'd been sat on this annoying bench in the EPU for almost an hour and as if things couldn't get worse, I see Richard looking sorry for himself walking towards the waiting area.

He managed to walk straight past me though and head for the exit.

I could make him come all the way here and not see him so I stood up quickly chasing after him. "Hey stranger."

"Jenna." He suddenly embraced which was a big change of attitude considering.

"Hey." I smiled.

"I thought I had missed you." He sighed.

"Nope, Victoria is running behind so I just grabbed lunch and still waiting." I shrugged.

"Oh good." He held my hand, "lets go." We walked back into the hospital holding hands and I smiled, no matter the outcome of today... this moment was great.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now