Mistake after mistake.

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"Are you here to get with my boyfriend?" I asked Molly as it was just us two in the toilets at the club.

"No, Jenna. Don't be stupid." She laughed at me.

"Then why the letters?" I asked.

"That not your business." Molly said guiding me back into the club so I didn't ask her anything else. I probably wouldn't remember it tomorrow but I just wanted to know now.

I was having the best time, I was so drunk I just remember having the best time in the cheesy hits room belting out some classics and dancing with Lily and holly. I had no idea where grace or Molly were but I didn't care.

But it didn't take me long to wonder off on my own because I started to feel a bit sick. But I only ended up doing shots at the bar with this guy, I didn't see how that helped the sickness.

"Sebastian." The guy told me in the poshest English accent I've ever heard.

"Jenna." I smiled at him trying my hardest not to fall over, clutching onto my purse in one hand and the bar in the other.

"I love your outfit." He leant forward and bent down, speaking into my ear. That was only way to hear someone with the loud music in the club.

"Thank you, I love your shirt." I rubbed his arm but regretted it because he was very posh so it was probably very expensive.

"Me and my friends are having afters if you wanted to join us. This club is pretty dead." He spoke in my ear again.

"Sounds great." I smiled, it was only 2am and the club was getting a little boring.

I met his friends and they seemed lovely. This one girl introduced herself as Madeline but I immediately asked if I could call her maddie.

She was a really nice girl, pretty too. We exchanged facebooks, Snapchat's and numbers and promised we'd be friends the next morning. Not realising that these guys were probably half way across the country from me back home. We were in Spain and they were just random English people.

"Where are you from?" Madeline asked.

"Nearby London." I told her too drunk to remember.

"We're a group of friends, a few of us, we live near and in ascot." She told me in her very posh voice.

"Wait... ascot." I laughed very drunk. "You must live in mansions."

"Pretty much." Maddie and I giggled still hooked arms as we walked back to this house party but I soon realised that I was in for a treat because their holiday house here was a mansion too.

- - - - -

The night couldn't have gone worse. At the time I was having a blast. Seb and his rich friends were all smoking weed out side the back of the house and so bored with the girls I joined them, I just stood there, never smoked.

I stood there for ages and then Sebastian finally introduced me to everyone and put his arm around me and kept it there. I laughed and chatted with them as suddenly I was being brought beer after beer and then we were doing shots again.

If I wasn't already drunk I was out of it now.

The doorbell went and it was then I started to get pissed off. "Hey, is there a jenna here?" I heard a voice, it was Molly and Lily.

"Yeah she just through here..." and all of sudden, I'm stood there around a load of guys smoking weed, super drunk and out of it, but Molly and Lily are here to help.

"Jenna we gotta go." Lily said bravely.

"I'm fine here, you guys go home." I smiled at them both. I don't know what I was thinking being alone in a foreign country.

"You stink of weed, have you—"

"No." I demanded. "Now leave me alone." I yelled at Lily.

"Jenna we really need to go." Molly insisted. "When we get home we can watch a film or order pizza. Whatever you like." She tried to bribe me. But I was far too drunk to care.

"I'm staying. So either join us and have fun or fuck off." I said them both.

"I think we have to go and get help. We can't handle her on our own." Molly turned to Lily as Jenna walked off with this insanely rich guy.

"Okay, we'll get Matt and Richard they'll be able to get her." Lily smiled as they left the huge house and went to get the boys.

I was smashed. I had no clue what I was doing. So my next mistake wasn't entirely my fault. But also completely my fault.

After standing there surrounded by all these posh guys I found myself in Sebastian's room upstairs with him. And things only got worse from there.

It started off with just some innocent kissing which apparently I found hilarious at the time because I was so drunk. But then after a while things escalated I was being lowered to the bed and before we knew it... things had gone to far.

It can't have been long that we were up there. 20 minutes? After we both laid in bed naked together kissing after the deed had been done we both got changed back into our regular clothes and headed back downstairs and outside.

This time I stood next to Seb who offered me his weed and I accepted, whilst he had an arm around me.

So there comes my next mistake. I was drunk, had cheated on my boyfriend and done drugs all in the one evening. I felt awful.

But I was rescued. Suddenly the front door opens again and I hear familiar voices. Then Richard and Matt appear outside next to me, and because for some reason I cannot stand without leaning on someone they took me off of Sebastian and I leant against Richard instead.

"Idiots, she's not like you." Richard mumbled.

"She's just like us, love her alcohol and her weed." Seb replied laughing insanely loud.

I was crying when we left. Sobbing actually and saying sorry to everyone. Molly smiled at me nicely and said "it's alright Jen lets just go home." And helped me in the taxi. I sat in the very back between Lily and Molly and continued to cry.

Richard and Matt sat in front of us.

Then I turned to Lily, still crying and whispered "I need you to get me the morning after pill."

"Jenna." Lily said quietly. "Are you serious?"

"I don't know." I started giggling.

Molly asked what was going on and so Lily whispered "She asked for the morning after pill."

"Oh fuck." Molly snapped.

"Everything ok?" Richard asked.

"Great Yeah!" Molly and Lily talked over one another. What had I done?

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin