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Many hours later, Richard finally got fitted for a boot and he was discharged with some meds. "Hey everyone." He appeared in front of Jenna's entire house mates.

"Hey Richard," Everyone said including Lily.

"Lil, can I speak to you a second?" He smiled still stood with his crutches in his hands.

"Sure," She nodded.

"Sorry, I'll be two seconds then I'll explain everything." He laughed to them and then left the room with Lily.

"Everything okay?" Lily asked crossing her arms and looking around them.

"Yeah, fine. They wouldn't tell me where Jenna is at the desk. Do you know where she is? Or where Victoria is? She was treating her." Richard asked.

"No, we were just told she was being moved upstairs to a ward. So we thought we'd grab some food and a coffee then go up and see her once shes settled. I was assuming you were going to see her already but you can join us..." Lily smiled.

"I can't drink coffee right now, when I know something isn't being told to me. Jenna was acting weird at the scene and now she's totally fine and just being let out tomorrow? Somethings up. Why won't they tell me where she is?" He got all stressed out and weird.

"Look, maybe she's not at the ward yet so they can't tell you where she is. And I've seen her Richard she is fine. Her memory isn't the best but she's ok you know?" Lily confirmed.

"You've seen her?" Richard smiled.

"Uh huh." Lily turned back to glance at Matt for a moment who was watching them intently.

"She's ok?"

"Yep, so come with us. We can get coffee you can explain what happened today, calmly and then we will find her. Together. You got to remember you were in this accident too and you need to look after yourself." Lily smiled up at him placing a hand on his arm.

"Alright. Let's go eat I guess." He nodded and then they went to go and tell the others what the plan was.

- - - - -

"You don't need to come up Dad." I smiled down the phone as I sat in this new room where phones were allowed.

"Victoria said--"

"Victoria is not me. I say I am completely fine. I've broken my arm and had a small knock to my head. I don't see that as a reason to come up. I'm completely fine." I convinced him.

In that moment I heard Violet on the other end of the phone. "Can I talk to Jenna?" That little girls voice...

"Is mum there?" I asked suddenly.

"Jenna..." Dad sighed.

"I want to talk to my mum, where is she? Shall I call her mobile?" I demanded.

"She...." Dads voice cracked. What was going on?

"Dad, please just pass it over to mum." I snapped. "She's probably sat right next you reading that same stupid book and--"

The phone call ended. Was it something I said?

- - - - -

"You want to tell us what happened?" Grace asked as she was sat opposite Richard at Lunch and so afterwards in the awkward silence she asked what everyone was thinking even Lily.

They didn't get anything from Jenna as she can't remember but Richard knows the whole thing.

"Is that what everyone wants?" He snapped as all eyes were on him.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now