Being sick isn't fun.

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I woke up the next day with a nose bleed and then my nose running like crazy. A bit of an ear ache and the feeling of needing to vomit everywhere.

It was horrible. Luckily the film we looked up last night wasn't until after midday and when I woke up at 9 and had to change the sheets because of the nose bleed Richard and I weren't very happy.

I felt awful, Richard already had a bit of a cough but I had suddenly caught some sort of flu because I was coughing and blowing my nose all morning. Then suddenly the coughing turned to gagging and I ended up being sick into the toilet bowl for like an hour.

"I'll go out and get some cold and flu tablets and you should feel better." Richard explained scared also he was going to catch this.

"Ok, cool." I smiled sitting on the floor in my bathroom, luckily in the new house Dad and Rachel bought, I had an ensuite.

When he came back he had a glass of water and the tablets and it made me feel a lot better, I threw up once or twice more before I took the pills and then I didn't again after I took them.

In fact I kept dosed on them all day and felt not too bad. Richard was on the paracetamol too unfortunately as his cough seemed worse.

Technically we shouldn't take violet out with us because she has a lower immune system and we could give her something but she already had a cough and runny nose so we were sure we got it from her and couldn't give it back to her.

And we were only going to watch a film.

- - - - -

"Was that good?" Richard said holding violets hand as we walked out of the cinema.

"So good, it was so funny." She giggled to herself. "But we left our popcorn in there." She whined.

"We ate loads already. And mummy's making dinner so we can't be full when we get home." I laughed to her.

We changed plan about the shopping and we were just going to go home until we walked past a few shops and violet and I couldn't resist. We went in and got lost in the clothes.

I was holding violet on my hip and showing her all the kids clothes at the back of the shop and she was telling me what ones she wants Santa to bring. I mean it was September nearly October and this kid was planning Christmas.

"How about we don't wait all the way until Christmas and we get a few bits now?" I asked.

"What?" She gasped excitedly. "I can have some now?"

"Yeah it's your day v all about you." I kissed the side of her head and smiled, Go on pick your favourites.

I switched What hip she was sat on and then she looked at all the clothes on the shelves and racks and pointed at few she liked.

"What are you doing carrying v? You're unwell, let me." Richard lectured me after he came back from the toilet.

"I'm fine." I laughed switching hips again.

"No come on, you don't look great." He laughed being nice again and picking up violet under her arms and putting her on his shoulders. Now she could reach the very top shelf.

Anyway she picked up a few bits and I bought them for her as a treat and then we took her home and I ended up going to bed at the same time as a 7 year old because I felt so sick and Richard did too really but not as bad.

- - - - -

"This is ridiculous." I basically sobbed into the toilet bowl as I was sick again. I had a temperature and earache this morning which was so much worse than yesterday. I'm glad we spent Saturday with Violet because I just needed to lie I'm Bed today.

Richard was actually looking better, still a bit of a cough but his had healed with a good nights sleep.

My ear was full of wax and really hurt. I went and got a prescription for it and ear drops which is great, not.

And I was told I had flu.

"I know babe." He sent a sympathetic smile at me.

I looked up and him and smiled sadly only to heave again into the toilet and throw up everything I had eaten yesterday.

"We have to get a train home with me throwing up like this?" I sighed.

"We can leave it until later after you've slept some more and hopefully when you feel better." Richard explained nicely.

"Alright—" I started but I only was sick another time whilst trying to talk to him. I was now just crying because it hurt a lot.

- - - - -

"Poor thing." Rachel said at breakfast.

"She'll be fine but just annoying." Richard explained. "And best to keep her away from these two eh?" He smiled at grace and violet.

Violet was sulking because she thought she wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Jenna but she could, just not at the moment.

She was sleeping at the moment whilst the rest of them had a late breakfast/basically lunch.

"The doctor said she had the flu Yeah?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I had a minor version of it during the week and looks like violet might have too so she's just got it worse that's all." Richard shrugged.

"Ah ok, with a bit of sleep, a lot of fluids and pills she'll be fine on the train and then she'll be at school and can sleep at her house tonight." Dave agreed.

"Yeah she's all good." Richard nodded. "And violet we will come back another weekend soon and make sure we aren't unwell and we'll have the best time but you enjoyed yesterday yeah?"

"Yes!" Violet piped up happy.

"Of course she enjoyed it. She got a lovely day out and some new clothes. You said thank you didn't you?" Rachel asked.

"Yes mummy!" Violet moaned.

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