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It was party day. My birthday. I had managed to find a dress that I stole from work that was cute and had long sleeves. It looked normal cause it was cold in November.

I felt weird putting make up on that day I hadn't bothered in so long. Lily slept in my room every night since I came home so when we woke up that day she gave me a card from her and Matt and a small present.

It was a bracelet and I put it on straight away. "You're not a teen anymore." Lily smiled as we sat crossed legged on my bed together and I was putting my new bracelet on.

"Crazy." I scoffed.

"Are you sure about this party?" Lily panicked.

"I'm perfectly fine with it." I smiled as I got another birthday text this one from Richard expressing how much he loves me and he'll see me in a few hours.


"I have to see Richard..." I mumbled.

"And you need to tell him what's going on." Lily hummed.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Maybe not tonight though?"

"Soon." She nodded.

- - - - -

The party was in full swing by the time Richard got here. The bottom floor of our house was full of people. Lily had told people they could bring friends and if got crazy. There were crowds and crowds of people to where it got so hot they opened the back doors and people even stood outside on the patio.

I got a pile of card and gifts some from people I didn't even know.

So this place was full, I was in a cute dress and everything seemed normal. I stood with Lily and Matt and some of Lily's dance friend which she was talking to.

Until I spotted Richard walk through the door.

"Hey." He smiled at me as I walked away from the group and to him. I missed him so much I hadn't seen him in almost two weeks and he is usually what keeps me sane... which I hadn't been recently.

"Hey." I breathed looking up at him smiling for the first time in so long. I didn't say anything else I just leapt forward and went on my toes wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much jen." He said as we embraced.

"You have no idea Richard." I couldn't let go of him.

"Lily said you had something to show me?" Richard suddenly said as we were breaking our hug now.

"Later." I hummed

"Alright, well happy birthday." He said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I have a gift but you'll have to wait for that one." Richard smirked. "Uh there is way more people at this party than I thought there would be."

"I know... it's gotten out of hand a little." I said shrugging.

"Is Everything ok? It's your birthday and you don't seem overly happy?" He asked.

"Yeah... fine. I'm great... excellent actually." I scoffed.

"I was with you until great... what's up?" Richard frowned.

"Nothing. Please let's just enjoy tonight." I breathed.

"Alright." He said taking my hand and we went back to Lily and Matt.

"Hey guys." Richard smiled.

"Hey Richard, long time no see." Lily smiled at him and then glanced at me to see if I was ok.

"Yes, been busy." He nodded as he had an arm around me.

"Do you want a drink?" Lily asked him. "It's bring your own but we have some hidden away upstairs if you want a beer or something?"

"Sure." Richard smiled. "How about you?" He nudged my side.

"I'm fine." I smiled gently. "Not drinking..."

"Jen can we speak for a second?' He asked me as he pulled me away from Matt and the rest of the flat as Lily went upstairs to get the beer.


"What's the matter? Why aren't you drinking... why are you being so cold towards me?" He frowned.

"I— just... uh—" I looked around the room I really wanted Lily right now.

"Look... I'm sorry I didn't come running at your beckon call before I was busy. My sister was sick and Mum did really need my help. So can we give up this act, I can't stand it when you're annoyed at me.' He breathed.


"It's fine just can we put it in the past now?" Richard asked.

"Richard, there's nothing wrong. I wasn't annoyed at you." I scoffed. "I— oh forget it." I breathed turning away from him.

"Hey..." he pulled my arm and turned around to face him again. "I love you." He mumbled inches away from my lips. I didn't say anything so he just kissed me and I showed my love through that kiss for a moment.

"I've got your beer..." Lily appeared next to me.

"Thanks lil." Richard smiled taking the bottle and sipping it.

- - - - -

The thing I was afraid of most was being left alone with no ice breaker. Especially being left alone with our house mates. They must know something was up and my worst fear was them getting me alone and asking questions without Lily changing the subject.

But it happened. Lily and Matt got whisked away to go and talk to someone who was leaving and Richard went to the toilet but disappeared for a little while.

"Good Birthday so far?" Alex asked me as we were stood alone together in the middle of this party.

"Not the worst thanks." I nodded.

"Good, I just wondered jen Uh Lily wouldn't tell us but a few days ago there were paramedics in the house..." he started and I just freaked out inside because I had no idea what to say. I didn't want to lie nor was going to tell him what happened before Richard.

"Jenna!" Molly suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry Alex, I'll explain later." I mumbled quickly before turning to Molly, my absolute life saver at this moment.

"How is everything?" Molly asked.

"Not bad." I lied smiling at her. "You look different... last time I saw you, you looked down what's happened?"

"I've had a drink." She scoffed holding up the cup in her hand which I can only assume was strong by the smell that was coming out of her mouth. "I brought wine, vodka, everything you can think of. I set up a little camp over there... if you want some?"

"I can't." I shrugged. "But thanks."

"Are you pregnant?" She snapped.

"God no!" I almost choked.

"Thanks for coming molly." I smiled.

"I left your present on the present table. Maybe we should meet up some time soon again it's been ages." Molly smirked.

"Yeah we should. I'm busy for a few weeks but after..." I nodded.

"Cool. I missed having brunch with you. You had all the gossip." Molly smiled.

She didn't know what she was saying. We didn't gossip... well we did but we didn't meet up for that. I saw that she needed friends and though it's weird that she's my ex's ex... I like Molly.

"Oh are you still with Richard?" She asked.

"Molly." Richard appeared by my side and almost made me jump.

"Richard hey. Oh I guess that answers my question." She smiled at me and then pointed at his hand on my waist.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now