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"Come on Richard." I laughed holding his hand as we walked up to my house.

I had to take him home and my house was closest so here we were.

"You were great tonight Jen thank you." Richard said as I found my keys in my bag.

"It was no problem." I smiled.

"I mean it babe. I love you..." Richard said but couldn't finish his sentence because he hurled into a bush and vomited on our front lawn.

I quickly opened the front door and Matt and lily were downstairs watching tv in their pyjamas. Matt had clearly heard Richard throw up and stood up immediately and rushed over to us.

"Jen everything ok?" Lily called from the sofa but when I didn't reply she stood up and came to the front door too.

Richard was laying on the ground laughing and vomiting. "I don't know... I can usually handle sick but I don't feel great."

"That's alright isn't it Matt? Ill help you and Matt will sort out Richard for us. We'll go and get some water yeah?" Lily asked.

"Thanks Matt." I said feeling sick all of a sudden and little dizzy.

"No problem Jen." He bent down next to Richard to check he was ok but he just vomited again.

"Come on Jenna." Lily said leading us away.

"Thanks." I said as lily passed me some water.

"Was everything ok tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah great. I just don't understand why Richard being sick is making me feel so sick. I can usually handle my alcohol and seeing Richard throw up." I explained.

"It's alright Matt doesn't mind. If you don't feel good maybe we should go to bed." Lily smiled.

"What about Richard?" I asked.

"Matt will sort it I promise." Lily said.

I think was just slightly drunk myself and confused with what was going on because the next thing I remember is laying in my own bed and lily bringing me some water.

- - - - -

"Why did I agree to have a fancy dinner with the paper the day after we planned drinks for Richard?" I moaned as Lily came into my room late the next day after I'd slept it off.

"You probably didn't think you'd be hungover. You said you weren't going to drink." Lily raised her eyebrows at me.

"I didn't. Well I had a few more after you left but..."

"You were dazed jen, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were high." Lily hummed.

"No, no I was not." I frowned at her.

"I smelt the weed Jen, don't try and hide it. Plus Richard went on and on about it." Lily laughed. "It's cool, remember I've been smoking weed since we were 16 and you gave me lectures about it. I admit I had the sense to stop but not everyone does."

"Hey this was a one time thing. Alright? And what happened to Richard anyway?" I asked.

"He slept on the couch and took off early this morning." Lily shrugged.

"He has to meet his parents to discuss his graduation in a couple of weeks." I nodded remembering now.

"Well there's a few hours before we have to have this dinner with everyone from the newspaper so I think we should get something to eat and start to get ready?" Lily smiled.

"Yes. Of course yeah." I agreed.

"We don't want to be those people who are part of the paper and don't show up." Lily hummed.

"Alright I'll get out of bed." I moaned tiredly.

"See downstairs in 10 minutes?" She asked.


- - - - -

"We are too fancy." I moaned as we approached this restaurant that evening.

"We are not Jenna. This place is like exclusive I don't know how the editor managed to get us booked here," Lily gawked.

"I am wearing the tightest fitting ballroom gown I look like I'm about to go dancing..." I complained.

"So do I, let go in." She laughed as we walked through the front door of this really fancy restaurant. Immediately the room was filled with chatter and laughter, one section with a bar and another all seating with silver cutlery and napkins in shapes of swans.

"Wow." I mumbled.

"I know... oh look there they are." Lily said as she noticed our group from the paper all lined up along one long table. I think there were about 30 of us at his place and that's not the whole paper. Hardly any first years were here.

"Hi, hey guys." I smiled joining the end of the table with Lily.

"No you guys come sit up here," the editor smiled down at me and made space in the middle of the table for us both. He was kind and really sweet but he never got much chat in other than him proofing my work and when I took some time off the paper.

"Ah Cool." Lily smirked at me as we sat with the third year students and ordered our fancy meal.

- - - - -

The meal was going great I was getting on Great with Kyle, the editor and everyone else that sat around us.

"Hey guys before we go it's kinda tradition that we announce who's going to take over the paper next term after the editors leaves and uh so I just want everyone attention for a second?" Kyle announced standing up in front of everyone.

People cheered for him and he started a speech. "I cannot thank you guys enough for this year at the paper it's been fantastic and I've loved being editor. But I'm on to bigger and better things so I leave you guys in the capable hands of.... Miss Jenna Coleman."

At that moment I actually spat my wine back out into my glass as I was so shocked about what had just come out of his mouth. "Me?" I said gently wiping my face to make sure I didn't dribble any of the wine.

"Yes Of course!" I could hardly hear Kyle over the noise of the restaurant and then the whole table screaming their celebrations. They were whooping and yelling.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" A chant began and I made eyes at lily before standing up slowly.

"Uh Thanks Kyle. This is such an honour, I don't personally think I'm the man for the job but I'm so flattered. This is amazing everyone thanks." I stood there awkwardly before lifting my glass and everyone cheered and began clinking glasses.

"Lily did you know about this?" I said as I pulled her aside during the celebration.

"Maybe." Lily smirked.

"I don't even know if I can do it..." I stressed.

"Of course you can. If anyone can it's you... you love writing I know you do and your dream was to be editor at university but you believed everyone was better than you. You get paid, you get an office... everything Jenna." Lily smiled at me.

"I guess I'll give it a shot. Everyone seems to be a bit excited..." I hummed.

"They love you and they're just so happy it's not going to Kate because she's bossy and strict and rude." Lily laughed.

"I guess we celebrate then? To next semester!" I raised my glass and laughed.

"Indeed, to next semester." She giggled and we rejoined the group.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now