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"You need to take a test Jen, you're going to stress yourself out too much otherwise. You've clearly got too much on you're mind and you need to calm down." Lily told me as she came into my room later that night. 

"I know." I sighed. 

"I've got one here if you want it." She explained. "I don't need it, I bought it for you because you're stubborn."

"Sure, I guess theres no time like the present. Except has Richard gone home?" I asked. 

"No he's downstairs with matt." Lily said. 

"Ok i'll get rid of him first then we can take it." I sighed getting up to go and apologise to Richard for being in a foul mood. 

Tomorrow we had planned to do something together so I thought I would take the opportunity to ask for help from him and tell him all about Tom and his daughter. 

"It's alright Jen we all have busy days. I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" He smiled and then kissed me as I agreed and then he left quickly as it was late and he looked exhausted and tired. 

- - - - -

"So..." I said walking back into my room. 

"So?" Lily asked. 

"I'll take it I promise. Just give me a few days please." I smiled.

"Fine!" Lily stormed off to get matt and go to bed. 

When she had left I took my chance, I went to the bathroom took the test and then ran off to my room with it locking my door behind me. 

I knew the answer already and I wasn't telling anyone but the test confirmed it for me. I was pregnant. 

I knew this was true. And i knew it wasn't Richards which is what made me upset. If it was with Richard I would feel safer as he has money and is about to graduate and get job so we could support a kid now, better than when we were 16 and 17 and clueless when we had maisie.

This was real though. I was pregnant. 

God what did I do now. I don't want to tell anyone even Lily. I guess I had a few days to tell Lily after I got my head straight I would tell her and only her. But I was worried about Richard and how he might leave me. 

I don't know what I'd do without him. 

- - - - - 

"I got you some more supplies." I laughed as  I handed the shopping bag for that week over to Tom and hugged him. He looked better, in new clothes I had bought him and he had showered in the toiletries I had got them too. 

"You really don't have to do this. What you did last week was enough." Tom said nicely. 

"I wish I could do more, but I'm seeing my boyfriend today and he should be in a good mood. His dad owns loads of business, mainly papers but he could help get you a job." I said excitedly. 

"What?" He said stunned. 

"Yeah and they're flexible around when you need to take and pick up Lilliana from school." I explained. 

"That sounds incredible." Tom jumped at the opportunity. 

"I thought I could bring him here and show him how you live and who you are and he might be more convinced to try and help." I nodded. 

"That's fine. Its saturday we have nothing to so Lily and I will be around all day." Tom explained. 

- - - - - 

"I'm glad you've perked up." Richard smiled at me as we walked hand in hand down the street. I thought I looked shit, knowing I was pregnant all I could see was my greasy hair and oily skin and it made me feel awful. 

"I have to show you something. And I kind of need your help with it a little.." I smiled happy at him. 

"Another one of your projects eh?" Richard scoffed. 

"Something  like that yeah. Come with me?" I kissed him gently and then pulled him by the hand down the road towards modelling. 

"This is the way to your work. It's not modelling Im not going." He snapped. 

"No its not modelling, it just happens to be down here." I laughed at him holding him close as we approached the house. 

"Ok." He said suspiciously. 

"Right we are here. This house is super important to me because for every time I went to work I watched this man with his daughter walk home from school together and then climb in the window of this house." I explained. 

"What?" Richard said staring at the building in disbelief. 

"Yeah and it turns out their homeless. This young guy and his daughter live in this crap hole and every day they wash her school uniform in public bathrooms with hand soap and a hand dryer. I never knew people lived so bad." I explained. 

"I introduced myself one day and I bought the kid and Tom, that's his name... a load of new clothes and essentials that they needed but they need something more permanent." I nodded. "He needs a job, but no one will hire him after he was made redundant."

"Oh wow so..."

"I want you to ask your dad if he can help us out and get this guy a job?" I smiled at him. 

"That's a lot to ask Jen." Richard said. "I want to help this poor guy but--" 

He seemed negative already so I stopped him. "Just wait. Please meet him and you'll change your mind." 

"Okay, I guess we could see him yeah." He nodded and I hugged Richard quick and then i lead him to the entrance. There was a back door you could go in so we went into this cold, dark abandoned place together and I saw a few people in the first room. 

"Hi, do you know where Tom and Lilliana are?" I asked. 

"They're upstairs. But be careful it can get pretty unstable up there. This place is a wreck." This old man told me as he was drinking and upset sulking in the corner. 

"Okay thank you." I smiled at him as we walked up the stairs. I'd never been up here so I went up with Richard still holding my hand and we both were shocked at the conditions of this place.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now