Dating Commander William T Riker

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~~ the first time you ever spoke with Will Riker, you were sitting by yourself in 10 forward, appreciating some alone time.

~~for the first few moments you sat in silence, not really sure if speaking was appropriate, since he also seemed to want to be left alone, he turned towards you, speaking gentler than you thought he might.

~~after a little bit of talking, some flirting, he invited you back to his quarters, hoping to get to know you better (get your mind out of the gutter)

~~he was called back to the bridge, but you both agreed to talk more often.

~~after a while small conversations whenever possible became rather normal, Will seeking someone to talk to who wasn't always talking about the ship, realised quickly how hard he was falling for you.

~~ 2 nights later, Will and you both finally had enough time to hang out in his quarters, after a tension filled night, with plenty of moments of wondering what would happen, Wills eyes would dart between your lips and your eyes as you shared a meal, soon you found your heart beating faster as you caught on to the small things he did.

~~laying down on his couch, watching a movie, after thinking for a little bit Will panicked and decided to tone it down a little bit, he couldn't get the thought of him asking you and you turning around, slapping him and leaving.

~~both of you working on the ship however presented more issues, time being the biggest, with most quiet moments of hanging out together being interrupted with him having to go to the bridge or you having to fill in or report for duty.

~~once shoreleave arrived, Will finally worked up the courage to ask you out, under any other circumstances it wouldn't have been an issue for him, but he didn't want anything to go wrong, if you didn't return his feelings he didn't want to lose one of his best friends.

~~ taking you out to one of the balconies in a palace that the people had graciously allowed for everyone to stay in, After trying to start a normal conversation to quell his nerves, he finally confessed, all of his stress melted away as you quickly placed a kiss on his lips, echoing his sentiments.

~~working a relationship into 2 chaotic schedules was surprisingly easy, but after an incident on an away mission, when you were kidnapped by one of the warring groups on a large planet, he realised how scared he was to lose you, he asked you to move in with him, which did allow for more time together.

~~for a long time, things stayed the same, romantic dates whenever possible but for the most part things were always interrupted by work, until 1 shore-leave after talking about starting a family when Will revealed he bought up the cabin you always stayed at together and he really wanted that family.

~~ all of this happened after 3 years together, and after a few different promotions, going back and forth over when to do it, the final decision came at the discovery of a pregnancy.

~~leaving the ship was hard, but every time you remembered why it became easier.

~~Will at first was always plagued with nightmares, that he was going to wake up and hear that red alert siren and he couldn't save you or the baby.

~~once the baby arrived all was peaceful for a long time, you were married, settling down, and even had another child on the way, but the pregnancy was complicated and despite both making it, depression hung like an immovable mountain.

~~as time went on, things began to improve, Will was your number 1 constant, as your kids grew up and moved on, Will always there, and still always delighted in small conversations that turned out to be more meaningful than he first thought.

~~time had always been an enemy, and it had been even more ruthless than before.

~~the mission wasn't intended to be anything so intense, but you were there to act as an instructor for the engineering department, when you went out things were quickly starting to go wrong- your suit was malfunctioning but it was urgent these panels be repaired. A hard jolt of electricity went through you, and the life support gave out.

~~Will was wrecked at first, hiding himself away from the world until his grieving slowly transformed into him taking care of the cabin almost obsessively, it did give him a sense of peace knowing that he still had your safe place,  even if he was staring at the stars alone.

A/n: I really hate this, can you guys tell me what to change? Because honestly my brain feels fried and I can't figure out what to change.

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