Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Three - A Familiar Face

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Sam and Eden were sat at the table in the kitchen a week later. Sam was on his laptop looking for cases and Eden was lounging sideways in her chair, back against the wall with her feet up in Sam's lap, her eyes scanning the articles he was looking at as her right hand stroked circles on her bump.
Sam frowned, turning to look around the room.
"What's up?" Eden asked.
"Just... Nothing."
"Hey." Dean uttered, walking into the room in his pyjamas and robe with a box of cereal in hand.
"Hey." The other two replied.
"You know they still put jokes on the backs of these things?" Dean smiled, wandering over. "Here, listen to this; what's round and bad tempered? A vicious circle. You know, 'cause it's..." He made claws with his fingers, baring his teeth.
"Hilarious." Eden mumbled, her face deadpan.
"Yeah, we... Wait a sec, did you have the whole box?" Sam protested.
"Yeah. Yeah." Dean placed the box down on the island counter before heading for the shelves on the far side of the room. "Because I'm a champion."
"So, wait a second. We've been looking for signs of God or Lilith and you've been in your room eating cereal?" The younger brother clarified.
"And marathoning Scooby-Doo with Willow." Dean added, picking up another box of cereal. "Did you find anything?"
He came and stood by the table after grabbing a couple of blood bags from the fridge.
"Nothing. Not yet." Sam replied.
"Shocker." The older brother commented, shoving a handful of cereal into his mouth, only to decide it tasted disgusting, make a face and shove the box back on the shelf.
"Hey, did you notice anything weird just now when you came in?" Sam wondered.
"No. Why, you have another one of your visions?" Dean frowned.
"No. I haven't had a vision since Colorado." The younger brother replied, shrugging with just his hands. "I think they stopped."
"Well, don't go jinxing it." Eden gave a small smirk.
"I doubt it." Dean muttered, inhaling deeply as he put one foot on the chair opposite Sam to lean on his knee. "Not until Chuck gets his endgame... You know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Abel two point oh. This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. I wouldn't be too worried about finding him. He'll find us."
"Wouldn't you rather find him on your terms rather than his?" Eden cocked a brow.
"I mean, sure." Dean shrugged. "But what are the chances that he's just going to slip up? No, if we hear anything, it's going to be because he wanted us to."

Sam had come back from a jog later that day, summoning the remaining three to the library.
Eden entered first, gasping and stopped dead in her tracks at what she saw. Or rather, who.
"Eileen?" She spoke as Dean and Willow joined behind her.
"Hi, guys." The brunette smiled.
"But... How? You were dead." The older brother exclaimed.
"Uh, she is." Sam replied. "She was one of the ghosts released from Hell."
"So, you were in Hell? You didn't make a deal. You were innocent." Dean frowned, standing next to his brother. "You been down there this whole time?"
"The Hellhound that killed me kinda dragged me there." Eileen explained.
Dean's brows raised and his mouth shut closed.
"Yeah, she escaped when Chuck blew all the doors open and then..."
"I hauled ass. As far as I could." The woman nodded, finishing for Sam.
"So by the time we got the barrier up, you were already gone." Dean concluded.
"Wait... Eileen? As in Eileen Leahy?" Willow clarified.
"Yeah." Eden turned to the newcomer. "Eileen, this is our adopted daughter, Willow." She signed as she spoke.
"It's really nice to meet you." Eileen gave the young Vampire a warm smile.
"You too. I've heard so much about you from these guys." Willow grinned, throwing a pointed thumb towards the three next to her.
"So... How come you've only made an appearance now?" Eden pressed.
"Been trying to get you guys to see me for a while now." The Huntress replied. "This whole ghost thing doesn't really come with a handbook... Look, I know how all this works and I know how it ends. We go crazy. We hurt people. I can't stay here and I won't go back down... There. So, I thought... You guys know Angels. Maybe you could put in a good word, you know? Up there?" She nodded towards the ceiling.
"Eileen, even if we did, it wouldn't matter." Dean sighed. "Souls from Hell can't go to Heaven. A friend of ours just found that out. I'm sorry."
"Yeah... Me too." The woman's voice broke as tears welled at her waterline.
"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" Sam asked, ushering his brother out of the room.
"Is there maybe something you could do?" Eileen looked to Eden. "You know, as an Angel of Darkness?"
Eden gave a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry, my love. I have no power over Heaven or Hell. There's nothing I wish more right now than to give you what you want, but..." She stopped mid-sentence, staring off into the distance just passed Eileen's right arm. "Hold on a second."
She rushed out of the room, headed for the armoury.

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