Christmas announcements; Sapnap

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FLUFF; no warnings :)
I was woken up by the sunlight hitting my face through the curtains of the bedroom Sapnap and I were sharing. We were currently visiting my family in Michigan for the holidays, we were sad to leave Dream behind but he insisted we both go. He was spending Christmas on stream with George, who he usually gives all his attention to anyway.

"Merry Christmas, baby." I said to my boyfriend as he stirred awake, his hair was pointing every which way which made me giggle. He looked at me and pulled me back into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around my body.

"Hmm, Merry Christmas." He groaned in his morning voice, I loved his morning voice, it was deep and raspy for about the first hour of every day and I couldn't get enough of it. A soft knock could be heard at the door and I turned my head as my mother entered, a smile on her face. It was 8 in the morning and she was already wearing her ugly Christmas sweater. She pulled two more from behind her back with a huge smile on her face.

"I got you guys matching ones! Hurry downstairs, the whole family is waiting to open presents!" She cheered and tossed the sweaters onto the bed. She then closed the door, I heard her footsteps travel further away and Sapnap sat straight up, grabbing one of the sweatshirts.

"Oh hell no, I'm not wearing this." He said as he held it up, I examined it and decided it wasn't something I'd usually wear, even as an ugly Christmas sweater. But, my entire family was matching and I didn't want to ruin their fun.

"But you will for me, my mom is so happy about it." I cheered and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up and entering the bathroom to get ready, he followed quickly behind.

After both of us got ready for the day we made our way downstairs, when we entered the living room everyone looked at us with smiles, a flash of a camera could be seen and I groaned. Sapnap put his hand on my back as he gently led me into the living room and to the couch, where I sat next to my little sister. Since the room was full and the seats were all taken, Sapnap sat on the floor in front of me, between my legs. To say my family was big was an understatement, both couches were taken up which resorted to a few others finding comfort on the floor.

"Present time!" My little cousin yelled at everyone as she ran to the tree and started handing out everyone's assigned presents. I placed my arms around Sapnaps shoulders and rested my head on top of his, closing my eyes for a moment. He grabbed one of my hands and gave it a squeeze, he knew social gatherings weren't really my thing so he did it for a reassurance that everything would be okay and he was right here.

The time had come for me to open my presents, I had more than I would've thought. The first was a cute jogger set from my aunt, the second was various phone cases from my sister and I thanked her. Most of them were clothes or things me and Sapnap would need when we moved into our new house together. I sat down my presents and looked at everyone, I had something to tell them all. My mother interrupted me just as I was going to speak.

"Oh wait! Honey, wait, I need your help with something!" My mother yelled at me, cutting me off from what I was about to say.

"Can it wait, mom? I was just about to tell you guys something." I pleaded with her, I don't understand what could be so important.

"Oh hush, come here, now." She said as she stood up, waving her hand behind her gesturing me to follow. I rolled my eyes and stood up, reluctantly following her into the kitchen. The second I rounded the corner I heard everyone shift in the living room and whispers could be heard.

She guided me to the living room table, where an envelope could be seen. I sat down and saw it had my name on it, I excitedly opened it and my eyes scanned the page.

Dear Y/n, being your mother has taught me so many things. Love, honesty, patience, and most of all, sharing. Your personality shines light on the entire world. I'm so happy you have found such a wonderful man to spend your life with. As first I was hesitant, but seeing how patient and caring he is towards you makes me feel confident you've found your forever. As a mother, I will never forget the moment I saw that man fall completely in love with you. We had invited him over for a family game night where we played just dance with your sisters, you were dancing like crazy and he stared at you in awe. Today I will learn the final lesson in sharing.
Love, mom.

As sweet as the letter was, I was confused why it was so important she gave it to me now. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"I'm so confused but I love you." I told her and she rubbed my back.

"I love you too." She squeezed me tight. I turned around and began walking back to the living room, as I rounded the corner Sapnap was on one knee with a small box in his hand, in the box was a beautiful ring.

"Oh my gosh.." I said, my hands flew to my mouth as my eyes got wide.

"Y/n, I will never forget the first time I met you. You were working at my favorite store at the mall me and Clay always went to. You stuttered almost every single word you said to me and your cheeks got all red. I'll never forget taking you out on our first date, or asking you to live with us. You fit in with our little family so well and your family has already accepted me as their own. So..with that being said..will you marry me?" Tears pricked my eyes as I began wiping them away, I nodded my head yes and choked out a quick "yes!" before he stood up and pulled me into a hug. My entire family began clapping behind us, they stood up and ran to us, waiting for their turn to hug the newly engaged couple.

After everyone had calmed down, Sapnap placed the ring on my finger, it fit like a glove.

"It's beautiful.." I told Sapnap, holding it up to the light so I could see it shine in all its beauty.

"Your sisters helped me pick it out when we came to visit for Thanksgiving." He admitted and my jaw flew open, I pointed at all of them.

"I knew you guys were up to something!" I yelled and they began laughing. I then ushered for everyone to go back to where they were sitting and then stood up so all the attention was on me.

"I also have an announcement for..well..quite literally everyone." Since no one was ready for what I was about to say they all had worried expressions on their face. Sapnap looked the most nervous, I was going to tell him before but decided to do it now, and since he had an announcement I figured this is a good a time as any.

"Spit it out!" My uncle yelled and everyone agreed with him and I had a nervous smile on my face.

"This newly engaged couple is expecting!" I yelled and everyone erupted in joy once again, Sapnap sat in confusion still, he didn't understand why everyone was so excited.

"Expecting what!?" He yelled. This man is too precious for this world.

"Expecting a baby! Nick, I'm pregnant!" You yelled to him and he jumped to his feet once again and hugged you, picking you up off your feet. He pulled away and placed a sweet kiss on your lips, short and sweet since you were in front of your family.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He cheered excitedly and spun me around.

"You're going to be the best dad ever, I love you." I said, my family's happy voices drowned out from behind us, in this moment it was just me and him.

"I love you too, y/n."

This Christmas was by far the best I have ever had.
This was so fun to write 🥺

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