Sticky notes; Karl

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I sat up in bed, my alarm ruining my beauty sleep and looked around.

"Karl?" My voice was low and raspy, per every morning. I reached over and grabbed my water bottle and took a sip of water, coating my throat so it wasn't as dry. Lately everything has been difficult, my mental health was at an all time low and Karl knew that. A groan escaped my lips as I saw he was nowhere in sight. My legs slipped over the edge of the bed and I forced myself to stand.

For some reason Karl thought a sleep schedule would help me feel better, so I woke up every day at 7:30 am. I flicked on my small lamp so there was some light in the room and looked around, still waking up. On the door I saw a pink sticky note and scrunched my eyes, trying to reach it. I stepped closer to see the messy handwriting that belonged to none other than my fluffy haired boyfriend.

Good morning honey, I'm proud of you for getting out of bed <3

I smiled and collected it in my hand as I swung open the door and made my way across the hall to the bathroom. The door creaked open as I did my business and then checked myself in the mirror. Another note.

You look so beautiful!

I collected that one as well, smiling at it as I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall where another note was stuck on the wall atop the staircase.

Make sure you eat breakfast my love!

I added it to the pile of sticky notes in my hand and ventured down the stairs. In the living room sat a plate with various breakfast foods. It was still warm, must not have been made that long ago. I went to the fridge and grabbed the syrup, adding it to the top of my pancakes and went to the living room where Karl sat on the couch. He had blankets and pillows ready for me as his eyes looked up to meet mine.

"Well good morning, sunshine, I have your favorite show on." He said to me and I smiled, cozying in on the couch I began eating my food.

"I'm really proud of you." Karl stated, I had sat the sticky notes in the coffee table before I ate.

"For what?" I asked with a mouth full of pancakes, a small giggled escaped his lips and he kissed my forehead.

"You get up every morning, despite the mental battle you're going through and you don't let anything stop you. So I just wanted to tell you I love you, I appreciate you and I'm thankful for everything you do for me." His words made my heart melt and I sat my plate down so I could hug him. I squeezed him tight and let go, I placed a small kiss in his lips.

"I love you too and thank you for the little notes, I'm keeping them all. They help me a lot." I thanked him before cuddling into his side.

"I'll write them every morning if I have to." And with that he unpaused my favorite show and we sat in peaceful, comfortable silence while I finished my food. This man was the love of my life.


Just got home from work and had this cute little idea! Sorry it's so short!

I can absolutely see Karl doing this for someone he loves🥺

Goodnight <3

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