7 minites in..what?; George

603 12 4

Drinking, swearing, nothing too bad
Long chapter

My hands wrapped around a beer bottle as my friend babbled in my ear about the guy she hooked up with last night.

"And I swear he told me he loved me when I was fake sleeping." She laughed as I tuned back into the conversation we were having. But I couldn't help myself, my eyes were fixated on my ex, who had been sending my glared all night. My friend groaned as she looked over her shoulder.

"Give it a rest, you and Tyler have been trying to make tonight a living hell for each other, get your mind off of it." I rolled my eyes at her words and took another swig of my drink. "Clay and George are here!" She yelled as our best friends walked through the front door. We ran up to them and in my drunken haze I squeezed George in the biggest hug I possibly could.

"Miss me?" He asked with a smug smirk on his lips, his british accent sending chills down my spine.

"Only always." I joked with him and pulled him away from Clay and into the kitchen, grabbing him a drink and offering it to him.

"You know I don't drink a lot." He said and I shrugged.

"If I'm being forced to let loose, so are you. You don't have to but I'm offering. Plus, Clay doesn't drink so you'll have a safe ride home." I said to him and he took the drink from my hand, twisting off the top and taking a drink.

"Spin the bottle time!!" My best friend, Gabby yelled from the living room. I grabbed Georges wrist again and we walked to where the group of people was gathering. George wandered to the other side of the circle, sitting next to Clay while Gabby made her way back to me, taking a seat on the floor next to me.

"Whoever it lands on has to go in the spare bedroom for seven minutes in heaven." Gabby chirped as she grabbed an empty bottle and sat it in the middle of the circle. I saw Tyler staring at me and sent him a cold glare.

"Seven minutes in..what?" George asked as we burst into laughter.

"It's seven minutes in heaven, also known as every guy in this circle trying to get laid." Tyler told him and I ignored him, taking another drink.

"Try this!" My friend Amelia reached over the circle and handed me a glass of a clear substance, I smelled it and scrunched my nose.

"It smells like straight rubbing alcohol." I almost gagged but took a swig anyway, the liquid burning as it went down. I handed it back to her and felt my body warm up a bit.

"Ever clear mixed with Bacardi." She giggled as she leaned back into her spot to the left of me a bit.

"That's actually disgusting." I coughed, trying to get the taste out of my mouth.

"You never could handle your alcohol." Tyler said under his breath and I sat my drink down, waiting for him to say something again.

"And you never could handle not cheating on me." I blurted out and everyone erupted in various things, 'burnnn' and 'oooo's flooded my ears as I saw the tip of his ears get red, I definitely struck a cord but didn't care.

"Spin." Gabby said and the person to her right spun the bottle, it went around and around until it slowed, landing on Tyler and Brittany.

"Ooo, have fun love birds!" Tyler's friend cheered and I rolled my eyes. Brittany is the bimbo he couldn't keep his hand off of while dating me.

After the pair disappeared I felt my eyes stuck on George, studying his facial features in the dimly lit room. Throughout the years of being one of his best friends I've never realized how attractive he really is, pair that with his shy personality and you have the perfect guy.

"Shots while we wait!" Gabby yelled, pulling me out of my trance as I stood up and followed her. I gestured for George and Clay to follow and they did, hot on my tail.

"Make me a green tea shot please Mrs. Bartender!" I giggled as Gabby grabbed the ingredients and poured me the shot, she knew how to make almost everything from her actual job as a bartender.

"Make me two." George said and I widened my eyes are him, surprised he was actually letting loose.

"Clay?" Gabby offered as she tilted the bottle in his direction, using it to point at him.

"No thanks, I'm good." She shrugged and poured George his two shots and he took them both back to back. We stayed and chatted in the kitchen for a bit when we heard shouts erupt from the circle.

"Looks like something steamy went down!" A voice yelled and we ran back into the living room. Tyler and Brittany exited from the room, her hair was a mess, lipstick smeared off her lips. Tyler looked at me and shot me a wink, I stuck my middle finger up at him as we all returned to our places.

"I'll spin." I stated as I took the beer bottle in my hands and gave it a spin. As it slowed I stared in horror as it looked like it was going to point to Tyler.

"Oh god no.." I whispered to myself.

"What the hell is that?" I heard Clay ask, everyone looked to where he was pointing and George moved the bottle just enough so it was pointing at him instead.

"Never mind, I thought I saw something." Clay shrugged it off and everyone's attention fell back to the bottle, which was now pointing at me and George.

"George and Y/n! I've been waiting for this one!" Gabby cheered as George stood up, grabbing my hand and lifting me to my feet.

"It was pointing at me!" Tyler yelled and everyone gave him a strange look. "I swear, it was pointing at me!"

"Go get 'em tiger!" Clay yelled to George as he chuckled. The voices soon drowned out at the guest bedroom door closed behind us.

"We don't have to...ya know.." George said quietly and I nodded my head, I knew he wasn't the best with his words.

"I know." I responded. We both took a seat on the edge of the bed and sat there for a second.

"You're really beautiful, Y/n. You deserved better than Tyler." I guess George mixed with alcohol makes him a bit better with opening up. I smiled at him, placing my beer bottle down on the night stand and returning to my spot.

"Thank you." I said to him. I laid back on the bed and put my hands over my head, completely relaxing my body. The alcohol was making me feel warm and giddy. George laid down next to me, both of us staring up at the ceiling. I turned so I was looking at him and he copied my actions.

"I would've never treated you like that." His voice was low. I noticed he was slowly inching closer so I did the same, his hand slowly finding my thigh and tracing up to my waist.

"I know." I whispered, close enough now that I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I felt his hand tighten on my waist as he closed the gap between us, connecting our lips. The kiss deepened as he pulled me onto his lap. I tugged a bit at his hair, earning a low groan from him.

Our actions came to a halt as someone banged on the bedroom door.

"Times up!" Of course the voice belonged to my ex.

"This isn't over." He said to me as I climbed off him, fixing my hair. His hand was tightly wrapped around my waist as we opened the bedroom door.

"The heaven I'm thinking of will last much longer than seven minutes." George whispered to me before we both returned to our spots, stealing glances at each other for the rest of the night.

Dream team one shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon