Cherry chapstick; Quackity

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SAD, ya'll I apologize in advance
in a sad mood so ill probably write some sad ones

For some reason Alex thought it would be a good idea to bring me to a party and since I was getting dragged into it, I forced my best friend Amber to tag along.

"Ugh! My lips are so chapped." I complained as I did one last glance at myself in the mirror of Alex's car.

"I have chapstick, here." Amber said as she handed me a stick of chapstick, I glance at it, immediately handing it back to her.

"Who the hell uses cherry chapstick? That's gross." I joked with her and handed it back without using it, I hated cherry. She laughed as she applied some and threw it back in it's place in her purse.

"And ladies, we have arrived." Alex said as we pulled into the driveway of a huge house. I could see the lights from the windows changing all sorts of colors and I swear I could feel the bass in my chest from here.

"Thank you for driving." I said to my boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss.

"Of course, tonight is about you guys, have fun." He replied before we all got out of the car and made our way inside. I was instantly greeted by Sapnap, he must have been waiting for us. 

"Hey, Y/n!" He cheered and pulled me into a hug, "I haven't seen you guys in awhile, how have things been?!" He asked, almost shouting because of the music. Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder and answering for me.

"Today is our six month anniversary so I forced her out of the house!" Again yelling...right in my ear. I playfully shoved his head off my shoulder and he laughed. Amber came back with drinks for me and her and I took a sip, it was fruity.

"This is so good!" I yelled as Alex dragged me to the dance floor, practically begging me to dance with him.

"One song!" I gave in and began swaying my hips to the beat of the music.

~time skippppp~

I looked around for my boyfriend and best friend, I couldn't find them so I went to talk to Sapnap.

"Hey, sippycup, have you seen Alex or Amber?!" I was feeling a decent buzz so I switched to water, not wanting to get too intoxicated. He shrugged and pointed to the kitchen.

"Getting drinks maybe?" He suggested, he was probably right so I stayed near him and his friends to wait. I didn't know a lot of people here and socializing wasn't exactly my favorite thing in the world. A few minutes went by and they were no where to be found, until I scanned the crowd and saw Alex walking towards me. I held my hands out at him excitedly and pulled him into my arms, suddenly wanting to dance again.

"I see someone is being having a good time." He commented and I shrugged, I wanted to dance. My hands pulled him with me to the dance floor and I leaned up to give him a kiss. Instantly tasting a familiar flavor I didn't like.

"What is that? On your lips?" I asked him, my voice slowly getting more and more concerned.

My stomach dropped.

"Is that cherry chapstick?" I pushed his hands off my waist, "you hate cherry flavor just as much as me, who's fucking cherry chapstick is that?" As attitude filled my voice Amber poked her head out behind Alex.

"I-uh-it's, I borrowed it from Amber, my lips were dry." His voice was stuttering.

"Yeah he "borrowed" it from me." Amber playfully said in a drunken haze and started giving me kissy faces.

"Screw you!" I shouted at them both and pushed my body away from him. Tears filled my eyes as I walked up to Sapnap, tapping him on the back. He turned around and his smile dropped.

"Y/n, are you okay? What happened!?" I was seconds from a breakdown and didn't want to be here anymore, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the cool night air.

"Alex kissed Amber and I want to go home." Tears began to fall, it's like I could feel my heart shattering into a thousand pieces.

"I'll kill him." Sapnap said, I could hear how serious he was. He went to turn around and I grabbed his shoulder. The front door of the house opened, revealing my now ex-boyfriend.

"Y/n, please, just let me explain." I ignored him, not wanting to deal with this right now, not ever if I'm being honest.

"You cheated on Y/n?! Bro, are you being serious right now? Are you stupid!?" Sapnap yelled and I pulled his shoulder, begging him to leave.

"No, just please-" Alex pleaded with me. I began crying even harder, my vision being blurred from the tears and I was starting to find it hard to breath. Alex is sober, he knew what he was doing.

"No, just stop-Nick, take me home p-please." My voice hiccuped and I turned away from them both to go find Sapnaps car. I heard footsteps running to catch up to me, relieved to see it was just Sapnap.

"Let's go." He said, his voice was cold. I could tell all he wanted to do was turn around and tell Alex off but I wouldn't let him and he was respecting that.

"Y/n, please! I love you!" Alex yelled from behind us but I ignored him. I spun around for a second, wanting to get the last word as Nick opened the car door for me. Mascara ran down my face and there was no stopping it.

"I hate you!"

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