Mothers Day; Dream (pt. 2)

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Part 2 as requested! :)
You and Dream have been trying for baby number two for about three months now. The frustration is starting to settle in but you were trying not to let it get to your head. You let out a groan before throwing the negative test in the trash can and walking out of the bathroom.

"So?" Dream asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. Y/d/n was currently at preschool.

"No baby." You said and walked over to him, he was leaning against the wall. You put your head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on top of yours.

"It was so easy with Y/d/n, she just happened and now that we're trying we're getting nowhere." You complained and he sighed, he began softly playing with your hair to comfort you.

"We can keep trying, three months isn't that long, some couples try for years and years." He tried making the situation better but you couldn't stop feeling sad about it.

You stood up and traveled to the kitchen where Sapnap was finishing making some lunch, he was on a FaceTime call with George.

"Should we start preparing for another one?" He asked and you sat down at the table, ignoring him and resting your head in your hands, elbows on the table for support. You saw Dream shake his head 'no' at him and sat down next to you.

"Are you hungry? I made food." Sapnap pressed on, trying to do anything to make you feel better. You shook your head no in response and Dream rubbed your arm.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, are you picking Y/d/n up from school?" You asked your boyfriend and he smiled at you as you stood up, admiring your beautiful features.

"Yeah, get some rest baby." He said to you and you went straight to your bed, falling asleep immediately.

~three weeks later~

You sat on the couch with your daughter as she colored on the coffee table.

"Look!" She exclaimed and showed you her drawing.

"That's beautiful! Let's hang it on the fridge." You said to her and led her to the kitchen. While you were hanging up her drawing you spotted the picture of your first ultrasound with Y/d/n. You caught yourself staring at it, admiring it.

"Maybe you should take another test?" Dream suggested and you shrugged.

"It's just going to be negative and make me even more sad." You said to him and looked away from the picture, returning back to the couch to watch your daughter draw more pictures. This time she was attempting to draw Patches the best she could.

"I have a good feeling about this one, I think you took the other test too early. Please, just one more? And if it's negative I won't ask you again until you're ready." He pleaded and you rolled your eyes at him.

"Fine." You reluctantly gave in, going to the upstairs bathroom where the box of tests were and grabbed one. After doing your business you sat on the counter with the test face down and waited. You peaked out into the hallway and saw your daughter, Dream, and Sapnap sitting on the floor and you laughed.

"Weirdos." You joked with them and joined them on the floor.

A few minutes had gone by and you checked the test, seeing only one line you felt another wave of sadness rush through your body.

"I told you I didn't want to take another one." You huffed and went into yours and Dreams shared room, shutting the door behind you.

"Wait, babe! Babe look!" Dream shouted and you opened the door in annoyance, your daughter quickly clinging to your leg for attention which you happily granted to her. Sapnap peaked over Dreams shoulder and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Y/n, look!" Sapnap yelled and Dream flipped the test around. There it was.

A second line developing on the test you hadn't seen at first glance. You were at a loss of words, it felt like you forgot how to breath and tears threatened to fall. You latched onto Dream and wrapped your legs around him.

"I'm pregnant!" After letting go of your boyfriend, Sapnap engulfed you in a hug and squeezed you tight. You then grabbed your daughter and spun her around and she began giggling. She didn't know what was going on but everyone else being in a good mood make her excitement levels sky rocket.

"Oh my gosh, I need to call my OB, we need to schedule appointments and figure out how far along I am and-" You began rattling your words and Dream cupped your face in his hands.

"Calm down, breath. We can figure all that out tomorrow while she's at school. Let's just enjoy today, day by day, baby girl, day by day." Dream brought you back down to earth and you took a deep breath.

"I want ice cream!" Your daughter shouted and everyone laughed.

"You can have ice cream, let's go get ice cream!" You told her, your mood doing a complete 180 as you walked down the stairs.

As the four of your put on your shoes you couldn't help but smile. Dream grabbed your hand as you walked down the sidewalk to the ice cream place a few blocks away.

"I hope it's a boy." He smiled. Sapnap and your daughter were walking ahead of you two.

"Me too."

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