Switched; George

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Everyone boarded off the plane and exited in a single file line. Thankfully my flight was short, only a few hours. After following the crowd of people I ended up at baggage claim next to a very attractive guy, he was probably around my age.

I stood there awkwardly stealing glances and quickly looking away when I thought he saw me. I scanned each bag that came through and sighed when mine hadn't made an appearance yet. Checking the time I huffed again and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Somewhere to be?" The attractive man joked, he definitely wasn't from around here, he had a British accent which only added to his good looks.

"Uh, yeah, my sister is waiting for me." I explained to him, "You're definitely not from around here." He chuckled and returned his phone to his sweatpants pocket.

"I'm from the UK, just visiting some friends for awhile." He told me and I nodded my head. After sitting in a somewhat awkward silence I saw my bag fall into the conveyor belt and walked to grab it.

"It was nice meeting you..." I trailed off, asking for his name.


"George." I finished and walked in the opposite direction to the parking garage. The wheels of my suitcase followed me through the garage as I aimlessly looked around, my sister stopped responding so now I'm left to find her on my own. I groaned and stopped, this Florida heat was killing me. I decided to stop and dig through my suitcase to change into a t shirt quick. Upon opening my bag I saw everything except for my things, mens clothing filled the suitcase and I gasped.

"You're kidding." I said to myself and swore as I shut the suitcase. After scanning the bag I saw a small piece of paper attached with information on it.


There's no way this was the same George, right? I shrugged and typed the number in, hitting the call button.

"Hello?" The same British accent rang through my ears and I caught myself smiling.

"Hey, George? We talked earlier while waiting for our luggage, it seems like we accidentally switched bags." I explained, a laugh following behind my words.

"What? Really? No way!" He laughed and I heard some shuffling before he picked the phone up again. "Have you left the airport yet? We can meet up quick and switch back."

"I'm in parking garage C." I told him as I looked around to give him more information but found none. Just a bunch of numbers that made no sense to me plastered on the concrete walls.

"I'll try to find you." And with that we hung up. I began walking again.

"Marco!" I heard echo through the parking garage and laughed to myself. Was this man really playing Marco Polo to find me?

"Polo!" I yelled, my voice getting thrown in every direction.

"Marco!" I heard again, this time to the left. I sighed and turned around, going back in the opposite direction.

"Polo!" I returned. I stopped and threw my hand to my side, feeling defeated.

"Marco." I heard from behind me, his voice was normal talking volume now. I spun around and was greeted with the sweet face of the foreigner. This time he was accompanied by two other men, both just as attractive.

"George!" I exclaimed, happy I finally found him.

"I think the right answer is polo." The taller blonde joked and I snickered while offering Georges luggage back to him. He took it and I grabbed mine from him.

"Sorry about that, our luggage is identical." I apologized.

"It's fine. Will you be in Florida long?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Really however long, I live in two places, Missuori and Florida so I go back and forth quite a bit," I told him, the three men stared at me.

"I'll be here for three weeks, you have my number." George told me and I felt my cheeks get hot, this was so embarrassing.

I smiled at him and turned on my heels before hearing a shout from behind me.

"Wait! I didn't get your name!" I turned but continued walking backwards as I saw George standing in the same spot.

"Y/n! Text me sometime!" He gave me a thumbs up as I turned back around and continued my adventure of finding my sister.

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