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When the guys can't be with you on Valentine's Day....

You had gotten called into work since you were General Manager of your company, Dream made you breakfast before you got up along with flowers to your office with a cute note saying: I'm sorry we can't be together today but I hope you have an amazing day at work, love. You're so beautiful!

Sapnap may have forgotten it was Valentine's Day and scheduled a manhunt...which took five hours. So you decided to spend the day with your family. After getting thousands of twitter notifications you went on to see Sapnap had gotten all his fans and friends to tweet: Happy Valentine's Day Y/n! Sapnap loves you!

Since he's quite literally in a different time zone you two spend the whole day on FaceTime, he did everything to make sure you felt loved. From playing your favorite games to watching movies together, even popping in on other streams. When you fell asleep he sent you a video montage of all the cute moments he had saved of you, sending it to you the next morning.

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