I dont like your girlfriend; George

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SWEARING? PHYSICAL ALTERCATION? fluff at the end though :)

You were sitting in Georges room with the Dream Team...and Georges girlfriend of seven months. (We're gonna call her Amber since it's the first name that popped into my head. If your name is amber don't take offense, ily). She wasn't particularly a big fan of mine and I definitely wasn't a fan of her. She wasn't good for George and all of us knew it. Plus, all the guys knew I had feelings for George and have for years.

"We should train for MCC, it's a week away and the DTeam is finally on a team together." Sapnap begged us and I was quick to agree. Who knows when we'll be on the same team again.

"I agree, I need to practice Ace Race and Hole in the wall, and we should get a plan together for build mart." I added on, I wanted us to come out on top this month.

"We definitely should-" George began but was shut down when Amber interrupted him.

"Is that all you guys do?" She asked as she sat on Georges lap, he was sitting in his gaming chair while Dream and I sat on the bed, Sapnap sat on the floor leaned up against the wall. George had a defeated look in his eyes and looked down at his phone.

"It's kind of our job." Dream defended the four of us. Amber rolled her eyes and looked down at George, giving him a dirty look for not being on her side.

"Plus we enjoy it. It makes all of us happy." I purposely strained the word 'all' so she got the hint that George enjoyed it just as much as the rest of us.

"Whatever." Amber rolled her eyes and I groaned, not wanting to be in the same room as her anymore.

"I'm going to practice, if you guys are up for it we can stream, or just play it doesn't matter to me." I told them before exiting the room and going to my own. I sat in my gaming chair and put my headphones on, tuning out the world around me. I loaded up minecraft and quickly joined the server we practiced on.

After about twenty minutes my phone buzzed, telling me I received a text message.

I'm sorry you have to deal with her. I know you don't particularly like her. Love you<3

It's whatever. You're happy, all that matters<3

I left my message short. I hated watching George go through this. Ever since they started dating George hasn't been as consistent with his content or really anything for that matter. He ditches us because all she does is bitch when he spends time with us. Im never allowed in the same room alone with him because she bitches. She bitches when he streams, bitches when he's trying to film a video. All she does is bitch.

Moments later I heard yelling. I slipped my headset off and exited the server before getting out of my chair and walking back to Georges room.

"I don't care! I want her to move out. It makes me uncomfortable that she sleeps under the same roof as you!" Amber screamed at him. Dream and Sapnap were silent, not knowing what to do in this situation. She then looked at me, throwing her hands in the air and then letting them come back down, hitting both her legs, "Great, here she is! Like always, she is always here!" She kept on complaining.

"Any good reason my name is in your mouth?" I asked calmly, leaning against the door frame, crossing my arms. I stared right into her eyes as I spoke, showing her I wasn't scared of anything she tried.

"You ruin everything, you're completely destroying me and Georges relationship!" She took a step closer to me and Sapnap was quick to stand up, making sure he got in between the two of us in case she tried anything.

"Only thing ruining your relationship is your horrible personality and jealousy." I told her. My voice was cold.

"Oooooh shit." Dream said, trying not to let a laugh escape his mouth. His hand covered his lips and he stood up off the bed, walking towards me. He stood in front of me trying to use his chest as a divider between the two of us, probably nervous that Sapnap wouldn't be able to stop a cat fight if one were to break out.

"What the fuck would I be jealous of?" She scoffed, using her hand to gesture up and down, showcasing my body.

"Y/n." George said softly, "You're jealous of Y/n because you think I have feelings for her. And as long as we're being honest here, I do. I always have." He admitted and my jaw dropped. Amber turned towards George who was still sitting in the same spot but she was now standing. She landed a clear smack across his face and I absolutely lost it.

"Oh this bitch is fucking asking for it!" I yelled as adrenaline coursed through my body. I tried going around Dream to lunge at her but he wrapped his arms around my waist. Amber lunged for me and Sapnap did the same to her, not letting us at each other. George sat quiet, he looked like he was in shock at what had just happened.

"Touch him again stupid bitch, I will end you!" I threatened, still trying to get out of Dreams grasp but he was much stronger than me. Amber somehow managed to wiggle her way out of Sapnaps grip and she lunged at me, grabbing my hair and pulling me down. Dream had no choice but to let go of me so I could defend myself. The second he let go we fell to the floor and I twisted so I was on top of her. I landed a clear punch to her jaw and she began screaming.

"Get off of me!" She yelled as I restrained her so she couldn't flip us around again, "George! Get her off me!" She continued to scream. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head on the floor beneath us.

"Look at me." I said sternly at her. Our eyes locking on each others. She went quiet. "I'm gonna get off you. You're going to stand up and walk your dumb ass down those stairs and out of this house." I instructed. She rapidly began shaking her head yes in agreement and I slowly began releasing my grip on her wrists. My body sat up so I was still straddling her, testing to see if she would try anything. After she didn't I began to stand, making sure I stood right in front of George, who was now standing out of his chair. Sapnap and Dream quickly stood by Georges sides.

Amber stood up, never breaking eye contact with me. We both looked a mess, our hair was everywhere and she had a red mark on her jaw from me. My body froze when I felt George put a protective hand on my waist, pulling my body into his. She looked us up and down before grabbing her purse off the night stand.

"She's just using you, George. She's using all three of you." Her jealously was absolutely raging at this point but none of us cared. She showed us her true colors and has been for months now.

"Y/n has never and would never." Dream snapped back.

"You need to go and don't come back, ever." Sapnap added.

"Oh, and Amber?" George asked.

"What?" She asked, slight hope still in her eyes.

"We're over, don't ever contact me again." And with that she turned on her heels and rushed out of the house.

I turned around and pulled George into a hug, not wanting to let go.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned about him.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" He asked, swiping a finger under my nose to reveal blood. My eyes widened, I hadn't even felt that happen.

"Yeah, I'm fine, she must've got me when she grabbed my hair." I told them all and quickly wiped my sweatshirt sleeve under my nose to get rid of the blood.

"We're gonna give you guys a minute and go make sure she actually left." Dream said before both him and Sapnap exited the room, closing the door behind him. The door wasn't even all the way closed before George pulled me into another hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I never told you sooner. I thought by dating Amber I could just ignore my feelings for you so that way I didn't ruin our friendship." He began stuttering his words and without thinking I gently grabbed his cheeks and kissed him, breaking apart almost immediately.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I just did that." My cheeks became hot.

"I wouldn't mind if you did it again."
SUPER hesitant on posting this because I do NOT condone fighting at all. I've been wanting to write a drama filled chapter and if you're reading this it means I finally posted it.

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