Self image; Karl

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self-imagine, fluff
(not sure how to word it?)

"Are you ready, Y/n?" My lovely boyfriend, Karl, asked as he came down the hallway. We were going to the beach, which I was absolutely dreading, but I was excited for alone time with him.

"Yeah." I said anxiously and slipped on my flip flops before we got in the car and headed for the beach.

When we arrived Karl came around and opened my door for me, he usually did this.

"Thanks, darling." I kissed him on the cheek and grabbed the beach bag out of the back seat which held everything we would need. Tanning lotion, towels, a sun hat and we also brought an umbrella. We walked down the sand and towards the water until we found an area that wasn't so crowded and I laid the towels out as he set the umbrella up.

"Wanna go in the water?" He asked as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it onto his towel. I nervously looked at the water and tugged at my t shirt, deciding to leave it on I crossed my arms and smiled at him the best I could.

"No, I think I'll stay here and read some." I knew he could see right through my front I was putting up.

"You're going to get an uneven tan if you leave your t shirt on." He commented and I shrugged, not really minding. I wanted my t shirt to stay on anyhow, I wasn't exactly the most confident person.

"It's okay." I replied quietly and laid on my towel, opening my book and burying my nose in it. He laid on his towel and leaned over to me, slowly pulling the book down with his pointer finger and gave me a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" He questioned and I sighed.

"I just.." I sighed and looked around the beach, seeing beautiful girls with perfect body's walking to and from the water, "those girls are so beautiful, their bodies are perfect and well...mine isn't.." I trailed off and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Y/n, you are absolutely gorgeous. I love every inch of your body. What makes you think you're not beautiful?" He used his hand to push some hair behind my ear and kept his hand resting on my cheek. I looked over at him and shrugged again, not sure how to explain my feelings.

"I hate my hip dips and I don't like the way my waist isn't slim, my stomach isn't perfectly flat and those girls are literally an hourglass.." I admitted, I worried about my self imagine a lot and he somewhat knew that.

"Come here." He stood up and gestured for me to copy his actions, which I did. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding me close as we both faced the water.

"Do you think sunsets are beautiful?" Karl asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Yes?" I said confused, I wasn't sure where this was going.

"Do you think the night sky is beautiful?" I shook my head yes again.

"Of course," I spun around to look at him and he smiled at me, pulling me back into his chest, "where are you going with this?" I questioned.

"What I'm trying to say is, both of those things are beautiful but they look nothing alike. Same with rainbows and christmas lights. Both are beautiful. You, my love, are absolutely beautiful and you should never compare yourself to anyone else." He kissed the top of my head and I looked at him, begging for a kiss on the lips which was granted. I pulled away from him and slowly lifted my shirt above my head, revealing my bikini I decided to wear today.

"There she is, my beautiful girlfriend. Beautiful with and without clothes." He winked at me and I let out a laugh.

"Race you to the water!" I yelled before turning and sprinting towards the water, he soon caught up to me, grabbing me around the waist and spinning me around. My confidence went up with every compliment he gave me throughout the day, which was millions.

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