Mothers Day; Dream

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You laid back on the couch and got comfortable, kicking your feet up onto the coffee table and burying your nose even further into the book. Clay was currently out at the park with Sapnap and your daughter, he claimed he wanted to give you some alone time and you happily accepted. Even though you felt bad, you knew quality time with the three was important.

The chiming of your phone distracted you and you groaned, not wanting to return to reality quite yet as the book was just getting interesting.

"Hey, love." You said into the phone, on the other line you heard some whispers before a sweet little voice spoke up.

"Hi mommy, daddy said to tell you open the door." A smile appeared on your face and you sat your book down, the line disconnected short after. Your daughter has no idea how to work a phone, she was almost three and the only technology she had was when Clay or Sapnap would try to teach her how to speed run, which never ended well.

Your feet carried you through the kitchen and to the front door, where the three of them stood with flowers in their hands. All different kinds, roses, sunflowers, daisys and some you didn't even know the name of. You gasped and your hand flew to your mouth, which was now open in surprise.

"Oh my guys are too sweet!" You exclaimed and collected all the beautiful flowers from them and kneeled down to grant your daughter a hug, she had the biggest smile on her face. She resembled Clay a lot, green eyes, freckles, dirty blonde hair with light waves. The only thing she collected from you was your distinct button nose shape, which suited her features in the most adorable way.

"Happy Mothers Day, beautiful." Clay said and kneeled down with you, pulling you both into a hug. Tears formed in your eyes from happiness as you stood up, your daughter clung to your side and giggled.

"Happy Mothers Day, mamas." Nick said in a joking way and you playfully smacked him in the chest, gesturing for them all to come inside your shared home.

"Let's get these in some water." You said to your daughter and carried her on your hip to find a vase. Once you did you filled it with water and added the flowers, they complimented your kitchen nicely.

"Y/d/n, has something else for you too." Clay said and handed your daughter an envelope which she handed to you. The four of you sat at the table as you opened your other gift.

"This is the cutest thing ever." You said as you opened the envelope to reveal a drawing she drew of the four of you. You decided to point at the people and let her read who they were.

"Daddy!" She yelled and giggled. You pointed to the next one, who was obviously you. "Mama!" You guys all clapped which made her even more excited.

"And who's this?" You asked her and pointed to the stick figure that was next to her, holding her little hand.

"Sappy!!" You all cheered 'yays' because she got them all right and you let her down so you could thank Clay. She quickly ran over to Sapnap and began bugging him until he lifted her up.

"Thank you." You said to your loving boyfriend and he smiled and rested a hand on your knee.

"You deserve it, one more thing. We're all going out for a family dinner tonight, y/d/n got the cutest new outfit and she's excited to wear it." He explained to you and showed you a picture he had taken of her trying it on at the store. You gushed at how cute she was, it was a pair of overalls with an undershirt that was white with flowers all over.

"Stop it, that's so cute!" You yelled and stared at the photo of your little girl modeling her new outfit. You kissed Clay on the cheek which made his face turn red.

"Ew! Point at them and say ewww!" Sapnap yelled and was getting your daughter to point at you guys.

"No! It's not ew!" You exclaimed back and walked over to them and began ticking your daughters belly sending her into a fit of giggles.

"I'll help you escape the mommy monster!" Clay yelled and began tickling your sides in an attempt for Sapnap and the little one to escape. Once you were on the ground laughing, Nick grabbed your daughters hand and ran into the living room at her pace. Which was very slow because of her little legs but he let her stay in front so she felt like she was running fast.

"Hurry, hide!" You heard him yell and Clay stopped tickling you for a second so you escaped, running into the other room as well. You looked around the room and saw little toes peaking out from behind the rocking chair.

"Sapnap, do you see y/d/n anywhere?" You asked, acting completely oblivious to her where abouts.

"Hmm, nope, I don't see her." He said to you, little giggles could be heard, another moment went by before her head peaked out.

"I'm right here!" She yelled and ran from you, trying to escape your hands. Clay popped out from behind you and swooped her up, throwing her up just to return back into his hands. You sat back and smiled, watching your little family laugh to themselves.

Years ago you never thought you would be here. You never thought you would have such a perfect little family to call yours. Then you began thinking.

Maybe it's time for baby number two.

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