I'm not; Sapnap

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I've been super busy with work, getting over time, but I wanted to write something before I go to sleep


"Y/n do you wanna watch movies downstairs?" Dream asked me, we just got done recording a video. We tried beating the game in absolute, complete darkness.

"Yeah, let me grab my blankets and I'll be down there, Sapnap are you gonna come cuddle with us?" I asked him, we always had movies nights. The three of us would snuggle up on the couch, me always getting sandwiched between the two men, but lately Sapnap has been a little off.

"No, you guys have fun cuddling or whatever." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Sounds like someone is jealous." Dream said into his mic and I tried hiding my chuckle.

"I'm not. Just cause I wanna go to sleep and not watch stupid movies with you guys does not mean I'm jealous." Sapnap snapped, I'll admit, that stung a little. We didn't watch stupid movies, Disney movies aren't stupid.

Before either of us could respond he disconnected and I sighed.

"When are you gonna tell the poor guy you have a crush on him, Y/n?" Dream asked and I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me.

"Shut up." And with that I disconnected, getting out of my chair and grabbing blankets and two pillows. I traveled down the stairs and into the living room, where Dream had already pulled out the couch so it was now a bed. All the lights were off as the TV illuminated the room.

"Monsters inc?" He suggested and I nodded my head yes while I got my side of the bed set up, putting a pillow where Sapnap usually would lay so I had something to cuddle with. We laid down and started the movie, I had my head leaned against the back of the couch and my legs over Dreams. Usually my head would be on Sapnaps chest but if he wants to have an attitude then so be it. My phone buzzed on my chest and I flipped it over, reading a text from the one and only.

Are you cuddling with Dream?

I smirked and showed Dream the text and he snatched my phone out of my hands, earning a giggle from me as I scooted closer so I could see what he was typing. As he typed Dream put an arm around me and snuggled me into his chest.

Yes I am.

"Dream you're making him jealous." I playfully smacked his chest but stayed cuddled up into his side. My phone instantly went off.

Well if I come down there will you cuddle with me instead?

Dream handed me the phone back and was now watching what I typed.

I'll consider it.

A few minutes went by with no response. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

"Watch this." Dream whispered as I still laid in the same position. He began rubbing my back and I cuddled even closer, I knew what Dream was trying to do. We've had a hunch that Sapnap liked me back for awhile now but won't admit it. He just gets extremely jealous of Dream and I whenever we spend time together.

Sapnap appeared in the living room, wearing a black hoodie and some grey sweatpants, he was holding a blanket and an extra pillow. He threw the pillow onto the pull out bed and laid down next to me as far into the other side as he could.

"He's totally jealous." Dream quietly said in my ear and I laughed, my hand flew to my mouth as I attempted to hold it in. Dream just squeezed me tighter and suppressed his laughs.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sapnap asked sharply, he was trying his best not to look at us as he stared at the screen.

"Oh nothing~" I replied in a sing song type voice and I saw him roll his eyes. Dream brought his arm out from around me and sat up.

"Well guys I'm gonna head to bed." He fake yawned and shot me a wink before gathering his pillow and leaving the room.

"I don't get why you do that." Sapnap said to me once we were alone and my head snapped in his direction, my brows furrowed at his comment.

"Do what?" I snapped back and he took a deep breath and sighed before looking at me.

"You know what, you act like I'm not even here, all your attention goes to Dream. If you like him just date him already." I couldn't help but laugh at his words, he was ridiculous.

"Oh my gosh, you are so oblivious I almost feel bad." I responded and scooted over to him. I picked up his arm and ducked my head under, laying my head on his chest. I felt him tense up at first but then relax once I settled against him.

"What? How am I oblivious?" He asked. Almost out of instinct he moved closer to me, gently playing with my hair behind my head. We were so comfortable with each other that these things just came naturally.

"Sapnap, I like you, you just make it so easy to pick on you with your obvious jealous so of course we take advantage of it." I joked with him and he looked down at me. The TV light highlighted every beautiful feature he had. His jaw, his lips, his cheek bones, I caught myself staring.

"Wait, you like me back?" His lips formed into a smile and I nodded my head.

"Yes, dummy." I said to him and our eyes locked. He inched closer to me and I could feel his breath against my own. Less than a second later my eyes fluttered closed and I felt his lips press onto mine. Sapnap slowly pulled away, trying to hide his blushing cheeks from me as he looked back at the movie.

"So, since that's the case, maybe you could be my girlfriend?" His voice was shy, it was always the cutest thing when he got flustered, he's a big teddy bear at heart.

"I'd like that"


Goodnight <3

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