Fifteen; Dream (pt. 2)

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i was debating on naming this chapter "eighteen" and going by their age? but i didn't want it to be confusing to readers.


Here we were again, Tyler got caught talking to some random chick and somehow I was the bad guy. And you'd never guess why.

"So, let me get this straight, you're allowed to talk to any and every girl you want but god forbid I be friends with Clay!? I've been friends with him since I was fifteen!" I argued with my boyfriend, who was pretty heated at this point. He slammed his fists on the kitchen counter of his apartment and I jumped a little, the sudden noise scaring me.

"Yes, Y/n, I forget! You're some perfect little princess who never does wrong! Go be besties with the fucking freak, fuck him for all I care!" He shouted at me, inching closer with every word he said.

Tyler and I had been together for almost three years, I'm honestly not sure how we even lasted this long. After that night at the movies when I was fifteen, Clay and I had gotten really close. Tyler didn't like it much, claiming Clay had feelings for me and degraded him every chance he got. But Clay was my best friend, always there for me when I needed him and he always supported me. Especially when I told him I wanted to stream and game with him and his friends.

"You are so jealous of him it's pathetic! You're mad because we all graduated high school and he actually became someone! You're mad because you fucking peaked in high school and will always only be known as the damn quarterback!" I felt my face get hot as I screamed at him, now I was the one getting closer and closer to him. He ran a hand through his black hair before stepping away from me.

"I would never be jealous of that guy! He's nothing Y/n, he sits in his house day in and day out playing fucking games!" Tyler argued, that was always his only defense when it came to Clay. That he's a gamer, a nerd, stays inside a lot. He was desperately trying to get me to side with him, to not be friends with Clay anymore but I wouldn't budge. We've had this argument so many times and it always went the same, but this time was different.

"I'm done." I said in an oddly calm way before trudging to his bedroom and grabbing my duffle back. I began walking around the room and grabbing anything that I've left here over the years and shoving it in the bag.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked as he raced into the room behind me. He began trying to take the items out that I had just placed in the bag but I ripped it away from him, hair falling into my face as I let the tears fall.

"I'm done, Tyler, this is over. Us, the arguing, I can't do it anymore." Although he was still upset I could tell he was trying to calm down but I wouldn't fall for it. In two weeks we'd be arguing over the same thing all over again and that's how it always would be. He was never going to change.

He sat on his bed while I quickly packed my things, zipping the bag shut and throwing it over my shoulder. I walked to the front door and opened it only for it to be slammed shut in front of me.

"Y/n, you can't leave. Please!" Tyler begged as he grabbed my arm and tried pulling me towards him.

"Tyler, stop." I sternly told him and pulled myself away, only for him to grab me again. I grabbed my phone and quickly called Clay, knowing that if he was on the phone Tyler wouldn't touch me. He's never even physical with me before but he was desperate to get me to stay, so who knows how far this could go.

"Hello? Y/n, you there?" I could faintly hear Clays voice as I held my phone.

"Of course! Of course you call your little fuck buddy Clay!" And there it was, Tyler officially snapped. The niceness was all just an act to get me to stay with him.

"Fuck you!" I screamed in his face as I reached for the door again, swinging it open and rushing out the door. Hot tears fell down my face as I lifted the phone to my ear.

"I broke up with Tyler." I said into the phone. I was a mess, three years absolutely wasted on an asshole.

"I'll meet you at your apartment." Clay said and the line went dead. I got in my car and wiped the tears off my face only for them to be replaced with new fresh ones. The ride home was filled with the sound of my own sobs as I let it out. I know Tyler wasn't exactly the best guy, most girls would've left six months into the relationship but I tried making it work. Maybe that's why it hurts so much.

I parked my car and made my way up the stairs and to my apartment, I saw Clays car outside so he must've let himself in with a key he had made when I first moved in. I pushed the door open, still crying, and threw my duffel bag on the couch.

"Y/n." Clays voice sighed in relief as I walked through the door. He pulled me into his arms and pushed some hair out of my face which was sticking to my cheeks because of the dried up tears. I lightly pushed away from him and walked to my room. My walls were filled with pictures of me and Tyler, memories I didn't want to remember ever again.

Anger coursed through my body once again as I began grabbing all the framed pictures and throwing them at the ground, the glass shattering everywhere. I let out screams in frustration as the glass flew.

"Y/n.." Clay said calmly, worried that if he touched me I'd break. I didn't respond. "Y/n!" He repeated. This time a bit louder. He disappeared from my room only to reappear but this time with his shoes on. Only thing separating us was the shattered glass on my bedroom floor.

"What!? What, Clay?! I'm mad, I'm pissed off!" I shouted at him, not even realizing I was now projecting my anger onto him.

"I'm mad because I tried to make a shitty relationship work for three years, three years! Years I could've spent with you! Because I'm in love with you!" My arms fell to my sides, my body was completely drained of all energy. I stood in the center of my room, glass surrounding me, tears streaming down my face and desperately waiting for my best friend to tell me he loved me too.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that, I've been in love with you ever since I held the door open for you at the movie theater." He smiled and took a step towards me.

"Come here, I don't want you to step on any glass." He said to me as he walked over and picked me up, walking me out of the room and only setting me down when he saw no glass on the floor. "Go get cleaned up, I'll clean this." Clay said to me and ushered me into the bathroom before I could fight against him. Seconds later the door cracked open and a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt came flying onto the floor.

I let Clay clean while I showered. I washed all the makeup off my face that stained my cheeks during my breakdown. My body slipped into the outfit Clay had thrown in the room and I examined myself in the mirror. I was a mess, eyes tinted pink and swollen, my lips desperately needed chapstick. I must've been in here longer than I thought because when I exited the bathroom there was no glass in sight.

"Food is on the coffee table, your favorite movie is up and all you have to do is press play, there's blankets and pillows waiting for you on the couch." He said to me. I thanked him and made my way to the couch, taking a seat. "Do you want me to stay or go? I know you might need some alone time." His voice was soft, he knew I had just went through a lot and didn't want me to stress out anymore.

"I'd like it if you stayed please." I needed him here. He nodded his head and took a seat next to me as I wrapped the blankets around us both, getting comfortable. I grabbed the food off the table and began eating as Clay pressed play. After I ate I laid my head in his chest.

"It's always been you." I said to him as I drowned out the movie to talk to him. "I think in my mind I always knew it was you."

"I know it's always been you and it will always be you." He said to me and kissed the top of my head, pulling me closer to him. "I'll never let anything bad happen to you."

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