Ferris wheel; Dream

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FLUFF of course

Longer one before I go to sleep:)

I groaned as my best friend dragged me by the wrist towards the Ferris wheel.

"I hate these things!" I pouted and crossed my arms in my chest. My gaze climbed the Ferris wheel and I shuttered. I was absolutely terrified of heights, this thing was a spinning death trap and nothing she could say or do would get me on this device.

"Come on, Y/n, quit being such a baby." My friends boyfriend, Carter, joked with me and I mocked him, shoving him away and rolling my eyes.

"You'll be right behind us, no one else on the bench so you don't have to worry about it rocking. You can sit completely still and zone out, count some stars." Emma begged. I, unfortunately, was third wheeling. Not like it was out of the ordinary, I always tagged along with them on some of their dates, Emma refused to leave me behind.

"Ugh, fine, you owe me!" I gave in and she cheered, clapping her hands and dragging me into line with them. I stared in silence as people got off and another pair was let on.

"I told you, I hate these things! Look, Sapnap, look how high it goes! No! Absolutely not!" I heard arguing behind me and turned to see a group of guys in line behind us. The one begging not to go on was tall, very tall, he had dirty blonde hair.

"Bro you're a literal baby, it's not that bad, swear!" I'm going to take a guess and say that one is Sapnap. He was shorter than the blonde, darker hair.

"Just shut up and get in line, idiot." The dark haired man said, his voice was laced with a british accent. I'll admit, they were all extremely attractive.

"Join the club." I joked as I looked at the blonde and pointed at my friends in front of me. "Third wheeling and getting dragged on this death trap as well."

"Perfect. Dream, ride with her, you're both scared shitless and I want to rock the cart." He said and shoved this so called Dream in my direction.

"Don't mind him, I can ride alone." Dream said, is this fate or did a very tall, very attractive man named Dream of all things just get shoved towards me?

"It's not a problem. If we ride together at least we'll be in pairs. I'd rather be scared with someone than scared alone." I stated and he nodded, signaling I had a good point.

"I'm Dream." He said as the line moved up a bit. He then spun to introduce me to his friends. "This is Sapnap and the British fuck is George." We all began laughing and his friend, George acted offended but soon joined in with the laughs.

"This is Emma and Carter, the happy couple that I follow around." They turned and gave the guys a quick greeting then went back to the conversation they were previously having.

After standing in line and feeling like I was going to throw up, Dream and I stood at the front of the line. The man was holding the bench seat bar open as we slowly made our way up the metal stairs and climbed in. After the bench was locked I white knuckled the bar. Dream began laughing at me but was cut short when the ride moved, making him copy my actions and grab hold of the bar as well.

"That's what I thought, tough guy." I joked and tried to stay focused. We're not even that far from the ground yet, I told myself to try and calm down.

"How are these things even safe!? There's no seatbelt!" Dream yelled and moved a bit to look under him, revealing no seat belt. The cart shook and I grabbed his shoulder.

"Stop it, stop it, don't rock the cart!" I begged and he slowly moved back to how he was sitting before. Emma turned around in her cart and laughed as she watched us both freak out. I held up a finger at her, you can guess which one. She had a heart and spun back around. The ride moved again, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as I heard the familiar yells of Dreams friends.

"Pissbaby!" Sapnap yelled and Dream refused to move, knowing that if he did the cart would rock and neither of us wanted that.

The ride moved again until we reached the top, my eyes remained closed. I kept my eyes closed as we went around once, then twice. When we reached the top the second time it came to a sudden stop and we heard a shout from the bottom.

"I hope ya'll are comfy! Ride is stuck for a bit, it shouldn't be long!" My eyes shot open at the workers words.

"Yes!! Sapnap, look! Look at their faces!" George yelled, I very slowly turned my head just enough to see them laughing at Dream and I for being so scared. Emma and Carter then spun and looked at me.

"I'm gonna kill you for dragging me on this thing!" I shouted.

"I love you!" She sweetly said. My eyes wandered until I was about to look down.

"Don't! Don't look down..it will make it worse." Dream told me and I gently rested my back against the bench seat and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My white knuckle grip still held onto the bar as I looked straight ahead.

"Do you know the constellations?" He asked as I looked over and saw him scanning the sky. I shrugged and joined him, looking at all the stars shinning through the dark sky.

"Some of them." We stayed silent for a moment. When I found the Little Dipper I pointed to the sky. "The Little Dipper is there, meaning..." I trailed off and scanned a bit more. "The Big Dipper is..there." Before I had even realized both my hands were off the bar, I was beginning to relax.

"Did you know the Polaris is the last star on the handle of the Little Dipper?" Dream asked and I looked over at him, he was still looking at the sky. I found myself struck by his looks once again, I hadn't noticed his freckles before, they peppered his nose and cheeks.

"No, I didn't know that." I told him. He must have been able to tell I was staring because he looked down at me. His face inched closer to mine and I found myself leaning in towards this man I had just met. Our lips were so close I could feel his breath, as my eyes fluttered closed the ride began moving again, making us break apart.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered and I felt myself becoming flustered. The ride back to the bottom was silent, I stole a glance and saw his cheeks we're probably as red as mine.

"You didn't see me leaning away, did you?" I pointed out the obvious and he had a look of shock on his face.

"No..I didn't." When our cart reached the bottom I got out first and met Emma and Conner at the bottom of the exit stairs. Without saying goodbye to Dream and his friends we began walking away.

"Dream, just do it! I saw sparks bro, literal sparks." I heard Sapnap say in the distance as I found myself flustered yet again.

"Y/n, he was cute! Please tell me you at least got his number!" Emma grabbed me by the shoulders and I nodded my head.

"No, it's not a big-" I was cut off by the sound of my voice being yelled through the air.

"Y/n! Wait!" Dream jogged over to us. Once he reached me I faced him, his hands instantly cupping my face and he leaned in. I stood on my tip toes and closed my eyes, feeling his lips press against mine. When he pulled away I kept my eyes closed, soaking in what had just happened. "I-um-I forgot to do that." I opened my eyes to see him walking backwards towards George and Sapnap, who were high fiving in the distance.

"You're not even going to give me your number!?" I questioned, holding a hand over my heart.

"Check your hood!" I gave him a confused look and I pulled my hood up. When I did a folded piece of paper fell out, landing in the grass. I picked it up and unfolded it, revealing a name and number written horribly on a piece of paper.

Call me
-Clay <3

I swear I better have this exact dream tonight about him, goodnight <3

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