Mine too; Karl

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so excited to write a Karl chapter <3

I was currently sitting in my boyfriends room while he streamed with Sapnap, it was something he did often so I was used to sitting around by myself for awhile. Curious about when he would be done streaming I lightly walked down the hallway and knocked on the door.

"Yes, love?" He asked sweetly as the door cracked open, I knock so that way he can shut his face cam off, I wasn't ready for the world to see my face just yet. Dating such a well-known person can be stressful and adding my identity would make it more anxiety filled, so he stuck with sweet nicknames instead of my actual name.

"When do you think you'll be done?" I questioned, I didn't mind if he streamed all night, I just liked asking so I knew how much time I had to do things. If he was streaming late I'd just go to sleep, if not, I'd wait for him.

"Maybe another half hour? Is that alright?" His voice was sweet and genuine, like always. I walked to his chair and wrapped my arms around his shoulders from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's fine with me I was just curious." I said to him.

"I love you." Karl said, his stream was about to go crazy listening to us talk but that's okay.

"I love you too, prince. Have fun!" I chirped and left the room, returning to his.

I laid out some nail polish colors in front of me and imagined them all individually on my nails, trying to decide a color.

Purple. A light purple, lavender almost.

I painted my first nail and dried them with a hairdryer to speed up the process, then began on my second hand.

A bit more time passed and I was finishing drying my second hand when the door creaked open.

"Whatcha doooiinnngg?" He dragged out the last word and plopped down on the bed behind me. I shut the dryer off so I could hear him and lightly tapped on my nails, thankfully they were dry.

"Just painted my nails, how was the stream?" I asked.

"It was good, they were asking about you again." He informed me and I hummed as a response. Karl posts pictures of me, just not my face and he's always careful about what he calls me on videos. That way if he wants to post them he can.

"Mine too?" My boyfriend asked as he placed his hand on my leg and wiggles his fingers around, gesturing that he wanted me to paint his nails as well.

"What color? These are the ones we have." I told him and laid out the colors in front of him as I did for myself earlier, "I want to match you." He said and I blushed at his remark and opened the lavender color again.

As I was focused on making sure his polish looked nice he moved a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"You're so beautiful, Y/n." He complimented and I looked at him. He had his hand on my thigh as I painted his nails and his head was resting on the bed next to my leg, his other arm up playing with the same strand of hair.

"And you, my love, are so handsome." I returned the compliment and leaned down to kiss him. His lips were soft and tasted like strawberry.

After finishing his nails and drying them he took a picture of our hands and posted it on Twitter, captioning it 'matching with my princess💜'.

"Mmm, ready for bed?" I asked, I was definitely extremely tired. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.

"Can we fall asleep to a movie?" He asked, he looked like a little kid. Sitting criss-cross on the bed with our collection of stuffed animals and blankets surrounding him. He had the cutest pout formed on his lips that would be impossible to say no to even if I tried.

"Yeah, you pick." I flicked the light off and crawled into bed next to him, resting my head on my chest. The last thing I felt was Karl kiss the top of my head before drifting to sleep.

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