When you beat the speedrun record

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Random idea, enjoy
Only doing the dream team for now

-SO happy for you, cried happy tears for you
-Stayed up for hours on end with you while you tried to beat it
-Brags to everyone that his girlfriend holds the record
-"Well my girlfriend is the speedrun record holder so.."
-A bit jealous but would never show it
-Always puts your happiness before his

-Obviously was in the vc with you
-Picks on Dream because you stole the record from him
-"My girlfriend beat you, Dream, you got beat by a girl!"
-Whenever a new version comes out he begs for you to try and beat it again

-Cheered so loud he burst your headset
-Like George, he picks on Dream about it
-"That's my girl!! The record holder!"
-When someone steals the record from you he practices to help you get it back
-Always makes little songs about it "my girlfriend the minecraft speedrun record holder"
-Makes little comments like, "come here speedrun queen"

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