Bad day; Quackity

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Midnight; tired & sad

You walked into your shared home with tears streaming down your cheeks, you had a rough day. A small argument with your dad (or mom or guardian, I don't know your situation :)<3) had turned into a huge heated argument which lead to you storming out of the house.

"Let's go! Let's go!" You heard Quackity yelling in his goofy voice from his streaming room, a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips but it soon fell when you remembered todays events. All you wanted right now was all your boyfriends attention.

With a swift motion you slipped your jacket off and shuffled to his streaming room.

"You're home early-" Quackity began to say but was cut off when he turned around and saw your tear stained face. "What happened?" He asked, quickly muting his stream and rushing to stand in front of you, engulfing you in a hug.

"I h-had a fight today with m-my dad." You tried explaining through your tears and hiccups. Quackity gently rubbed your back and swayed you both side to side as you stood.

"I'm so sorry, amor. What would help?" He looked down at you, both of his hands cupping your face as you wiped your nose with your sleeve.

"Attention." You pouted and he let out a low chuckle, almost as if he expected you to say that.

"Come here." He pulled you softly behind him and let you to his chair, where he sat down and ushered you into his lap. When you sat you rested your head on his chest, under his chin. Quackity leaned over grabbing your blanket from his bed, snuggling it around you like a burrito. He then unmuted his stream, you knew he had a face cam on but didn't mind. His fans knew you two we're together and loved you both.

"We have a special guest, Y/n had a rough day so she's probably going to fall asleep." Quackity explained. You found the way his voice vibrated his chest almost comforting. His hands played with your hair as you laid on his lap.

He continued his stream, talking and laughing with friends as they tried their best to cheer you up. An hour had passed and you finally managed to smile.

"There's that beautiful smile we've been searching for." Quackity smiled at you as he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek.

"Mom and dad are being gross." Karl joked and you giggled a bit.

"You're just jealous I'm cuddling with Quackity." You shot back and he scoffed in a playful way.

Another half an hour had passed when he decided to end his stream and go to sleep. As you still say on his lap you looked up at him, gazing as his cute features.

"What?" He asked as his cheeks flushed red, a shy smile forming on his lips.

"You're perfect, thank you for cheering me up."

"Anything for you."

Quackity stood up, taking your hand in his as he crawled into bed, opening the blanket for you to join. After you were covered he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Y/n."

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