Adventurer; Dream

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Fluff? Not sure what to call it, I guess; no warnings :)

As being leader of the Dreamsmp, Dream knew the key to having power was attachments. Taking peoples attachments away meant having total control over the server again.

Unbeknownst to the entire server, you also lived there, thousands of blocks away. You being completely oblivious to all the blood, war and tears happening, lived completely by yourself. You had a dog, cattle, a farm, and a cozy little cabin that you called home.

The day started like every other, tending to your wheat fields and walking your dog, Clover. That is until you heard rustling in the sweet berries planted behind your house.

"Hello!?" You called out, basket of food in your hands. Your dog began sniffing the ground and led you behind the house, there stood a man in green attire with a smile mask on his face. Startled, you ran, pulling out your iron sword ready to defend your home.

"Woah, woah, calm down! I'm just passing through!" The strange man yelled, you had fallen onto your backside and he offered you a hand up. He had a bow on his back and a strange looking sword on his hip, it was almost black in color. You were hesitant but let the man help you back to your feet, you regathered your basket of food and turned on your heels, to your front door. For some reason after the scare you felt a sense of comfort wash over you. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, the confidence in his stance.

"Passing through to where? You can't just go stumbling through peoples property like that." You pointed out like a mother scolding her child. He looked down at his feet for a moment before looking around at the scenery.

"You live here? By yourself?" He asked and you shook your head in a 'no-duh' type of way.

"Do you see anyone else here?" You joked with him while opening your front door, inviting him in. He happily accepted and followed close behind you.

"I guess not..." He trailed off, awkwardly standing on the red carpet you had laid out to wipe your muddy feet before entering the kitchen. "I'm an adventurer, I don't really have anywhere to call home." He admitted, you gave him a strange look. There was no way this man was homeless, you thought to yourself.

"Well, strange green man, you look like death. Here, wash yourself up." You said to him and placed a water bucket on the counter along with things he could use to tidy up a bit. "Dinner is almost ready, chicken." You gave him a sweet smile and turned. In all honesty, you were excited to have a visitor.

"And since you're in my home, I'm y/n and this is Clover." You gestured to your dog who almost barked as if he was introducing himself.

"I'm...I'm Dream.." He seemed hesitant to tell you his name, as if he would be nervous you would recognize it.

"It's nice to meet you, Dream." You said to him and began cooking, you placed your ingredients in the furnace and let it cook. After he washed up he cleaned up after himself and joined you at the kitchen table.

"May I ask what kind of sword that is?" You asked him, he gave you an odd look.

"It's netherite, do you really not know?" Dream seemed genuine with his question. You shook your head.

"No, am I supposed to? All my things are iron-" You twisted in your chair to show him the armor stand full of enchanted iron gear and also iron sword at your side. "I don't really get out much..I don't adventure much, too dangerous for me.." You broke eye contact with him and look at the furnace, seeing that the food was done. Quickly standing up, you made your way to the counter to prepare two plates for both you and your guest.

Dream team one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang