Christmas announcements; Sapnap (pt 2)

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I just really wanted to make a part two to this so enjoy :) this chapter is HEAVILY focused on Y/n and her pregnancy so if that's not something you'd enjoy I'm sorry, I was excited to write it.

July came quickly, my pregnancy flew by. Instead of flying to Michigan to be with my family, Sapnap and I decided to stay in Florida and have some friends come here. Worst decision ever, the Florida heat was absolutely killing me.

"Babe, can you help me upppp?" I whined as I sat on the couch with a fan pointed directly at me. I was keeping the house cold, during my pregnancy I've kept the air conditioner at a cool 57 degrees. The guys hated it but I loved it.
(This is how my sister was during her pregnancy, she kept her house like the Antarctic so I'm going based off that :))

"Babe??" I groaned again, unable to get up because of my bump. Dream came around the corner and saw me struggling and laughed.

"He's in the shower, here." He said and offered me some help up. Dream grabbed one hand and helped support my back until I was standing on my two feet.

"Thank you, I just want this girl born already." I complained again. I honestly loved being pregnant, seeing my bump every day made me extremely happy. Sapnap and I got maternity pictures taken two weeks ago and Dream insisted we frame them and hang them up on the wall in the living room.

"How many days until your due date?" He asked as I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I placed my hands on the kitchen counter and leaned forward a little bit, trying to relieve some pressure off my back.

"Twelve, and I can tell." I told him. Sapnap rushed to my side and began rubbing my back.

"Baby, we can cancel the party if you're not feeling up to it. Or we can just hang out in my room?" My fiancé asked and I shook my head no. I wasn't missing out on party food.

"No way in hell, I'm craving a burger. I just need to shower, I'm sweating in places no one wants to sweat." My comment made the guys laugh and Sapnap helped me up the stairs and down the hall towards the bathroom.

George came out of the gaming room and gently fist bumped my belly.

"What's up princess." He greeted to the unborn child. I was surprised at Georges reaction, he's been extremely supportive. Always bringing me snacks, asking if the temperature is okay. He's already calling himself 'Uncle Gogy', it was the sweetest thing. Just then I felt her kick, I stopped George before he could walk away, knowing he would be excited.

"I think she's saying hello back." I joked and took Georges hand, placing it on the upper left of my belly and his eyes widened.

"Oh my god, Dream!! Dream come here!" His voice echoed through the house and Sapnaps hand joined Georges so he could feel as well. Dream came bolting up the stairs with a worried expression on his face.

"What?! What's wrong?" He asked quickly.

"Nothing, dude, she's saying hi to George. Feel it." Sapnap said excitedly and now all three of their hands were trying to feel her kick. A few seconds passed and I felt her kick again and the guys erupted with happiness.

"I think that's her foot." I said, I can tell how she's positioned, where her head and feet are. I can even feel when she's shifting around, which can be very uncomfortable at times especially if I'm trying to sleep.

"Alright, I need to shower, you guys need to make sure we have everything. Everyone is going to be here soon." I instructed them and we all went our separate ways. Sapnap went to his room to finish getting ready, George went downstairs to start cooking and Dream helped. I hopped in the shower and scrubbed my entire body so I wouldn't feel gross anymore. After my shower I went into Sapnap and I's shared room and began picking out an outfit. I decided on sport shorts and and a shirt that read 'Red, White and Due' that Sapnap had bought me.

Dream team one shots On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara